Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
"Yes nitrogen would be released sumwhere if it was in a enclosed space say good bye to 1/4 of ur place if if ignites from lights heat static ect not a cost effective approach at least not to me anyway.

Tripp’s is really tripping now, totally lost in a purple haze inside the Other World where scary devils and demons live - the spirit world where those unspeakable things are seen and happen.

I can’t stop laughing, so you really are afraid all that nitrogen will ignite or explode? How big of an explosion will there be is a house filled chock full of 80% nitrogen? Will all this nitrogen blow the house off the block maybe like an explosion in a meth lab?

Seriously confused, all smoked up, and starring mindlessly at his keyboard typing mindless stuff. Brain Storm: Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.

I can’t stop laughing, so you really are afraid the nitrogen will explode? How big of an explosion does he believe a room filled chock full of 80% nitrogen would make, blow the house off the block maybe?

Seriously confused, all smoked up staring mindlessly at his keyboard. Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.
Give it a break dip shit, he made a If you think this makes you look smart ... Nope, makes you look like a douche. Every time you post you look like a bigger douche than the post before....just a great big giant douche. And no I don't think your a sales guy, I think your a douche that bought this shit, spent loads of money and now trying to justify it by talking down to everyone that disagrees. And if I'm wrong well good luck, giant douches make for terrible salesman

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
You are a real potty mouth, your mama and bros in the hood have definitely failed to teach you any aceptable social skills.
I know and their awfully disappointed with me. Seems we're all potty mouths here ..... Hmmm perhaps it's the copious amounts of THC over the years.....or perhaps you just bring out the potty mouth in people :).


Well-Known Member
Tbh, I really want to try this thingy out, I haven't called the guy to ask about testing it yet because I'm moving soon and wont be flowering anything for a couple months..

But.. If this thing 100% gets rid of ANY need to add additives to combat pythium, and guaranteed no pythium attacks ever again, this would pay for itself in the first year and save me time.

That is the question, is it 100% guaranteed to stop all root disease issues, if not, I don't see the point I guess.

Ill be calling the sales guy when I'm in my new house, none the less.

OK guys, back to bickering :)

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The concept is interesting re adding O2. But the guy that's trying to tell us about it is an jerk that talks down to people. That alone would stop me from ever running Pentair products but hey maybe he just pushed my buttons. Pentair also sells air pumps and diffusers, not just oxygen generators. Let us know what they have to say please. Not taking what this guy says suriuosly now lol.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Really, I guess I can tear the flammable label off my oxygen tanks then? My gas supplier must not know what they are talking about.
I think your mistaking the flammable label for oxidizer. Oxygen is not flammable by itself.

But say your injecting pure O2 into water and not all of that O2 is being dissolved then the excess must be enriching the atmosphere, correct?

So now lets throw a CO2 burner in the mix, which would provide fuel and an ignition source and you could have a dangerous situation. I doubt an explosion would result but your burner would have a flame like a cutting torch coming out of it...which could be a real problem. Now if you could use DO meter to regulate the oxygen like how we use a CO2 detector it could be done safely. But if you ask @J Henry there is no safety concerns. Besides the safety concerns I question if the expense would even be worth it...

Class B


Class C


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Like I said my beef is not "does it work", I don't know. My beef is with a jerk who talks down to everyone who starts asking valid questions

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
You got me on a typo, good for you. :clap: I'm going to try to saturate my blood with thc. I think I can hit 127% saturation using Henry's Law, and applying fi02 principals.:dunce:
You probably could if you could find a hyperbolic chamber. Yes Henry I to know a bit about the gas laws lol. They kinda like you to know them before you get your C of Q for refrigeration lol.


Well-Known Member
your mama and bros in the hood have definitely failed to teach you any aceptable social skills.
wow. and then you insult his parents?

i don't think you are going to close this sale j henry. better work on your social skills a bit more. or else you'll be out of work up in minnetonka. you never did answer how long a drive it is for you to excelsior and o2grow HQ?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
hey budley,, you must be too high watching that Chinch and Chunk movies. it's hyperbaric chamber. did i tell you how bad the drug laws are in Louisiana yet?? lol.
lol why yes it is and not so much last night but now yes, just picked up a half of grand daddy purp and yup it works lol, and I'm not allowed across the ditch so your laws don't scare me lol.


Well-Known Member
"Yes nitrogen would be released sumwhere if it was in a enclosed space say good bye to 1/4 of ur place if if ignites from lights heat static ect not a cost effective approach at least not to me anyway.

Tripp’s is really tripping now, totally lost in a purple haze inside the Other World where scary devils and demons live - the spirit world where those unspeakable things are seen and happen.

I can’t stop laughing, so you really are afraid all that nitrogen will ignite or explode? How big of an explosion will there be is a house filled chock full of 80% nitrogen? Will all this nitrogen blow the house off the block maybe like an explosion in a meth lab?

Seriously confused, all smoked up, and starring mindlessly at his keyboard typing mindless stuff. Brain Storm: Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.

I can’t stop laughing, so you really are afraid the nitroen will explode? How big of an explosion does he believe a room filled chock full of 80% nitrogen would make, blow the house off the block maybe?

Seriously confused, all smoked up staring mindlessly at his keyboard. Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.
Lol for real tho I ment hydrogen and it is very flammable may have been I was smoked up or my damn auto correct but being a ass about it show how immature u really are prob a 13 year old troll who daddy is a salesmen lol


Well-Known Member
"Yes nitrogen would be released sumwhere if it was in a enclosed space say good bye to 1/4 of ur place if if ignites from lights heat static ect not a cost effective approach at least not to me anyway.

Tripp’s is really tripping now, totally lost in a purple haze inside the Other World where scary devils and demons live - the spirit world where those unspeakable things are seen and happen.

I can’t stop laughing, so you really are afraid all that nitrogen will ignite or explode? How big of an explosion will there be is a house filled chock full of 80% nitrogen? Will all this nitrogen blow the house off the block maybe like an explosion in a meth lab?

Seriously confused, all smoked up, and starring mindlessly at his keyboard typing mindless stuff. Brain Storm: Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.

I can’t stop laughing, so you really are afraid the nitroen will explode? How big of an explosion does he believe a room filled chock full of 80% nitrogen would make, blow the house off the block maybe?

Seriously confused, all smoked up staring mindlessly at his keyboard. Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.
Lol for real tho I ment hydrogen and it is very flammable may have been I was smoked up or my damn auto correct but being a ass about it show how immature u really are prob a 13 year old troll who daddy is a salesmen lol

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
So yes we make the odd stupid mistake when typing shit out......gets worse depending on the quality of the last grow for me lol, I'm pretty much high from the time I get home till bed lol.


Well-Known Member
So yes we make the odd stupid mistake when typing shit out......gets worse depending on the quality of the last grow for me lol, I'm pretty much high from the time I get home till bed lol.
I smoke within an hour of getting up, then just about every hour after that. My mind is pretty sharp until late at night when i start getting tired.

The biggest mistake he could find was me saying h202, rather than h20..sorry my swipe keyboard isn't perfect. ..and I already spend too much time proofreading my posts, so I don't sound like a complete idiot because of typos.

It greatly bothers me when someone expounds on an idea without having the basic knowledge to back up the conversation. :dunce:
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J Henry

Active Member
Lol for real tho I ment hydrogen and it is very flammable may have been I was smoked up or my damn auto correct but being a ass about it show how immature u really are prob a 13 year old troll who daddy is a salesmen lol
Know what you mean, even growers that are not all smoked up get confused often with all these different gases. They think air is oxygen, even call air oxygen, then they think oxygen is air and call air oxygen and then they even believe more air means = more oxygen… don’t feel bad, all these different gases can be very confusing especially when you don’t really know the difference between them. Many people think oxygen will explode like propane acetylene and are very afraid of it. Hope these people never go to a hospital and the doctors’ orders oxygen and an oxygen mask... then the phobic may need IV Thorazine to sooth his oxygen phobia... it's going to be a psychological mess in that room with pure 100% oxygen running to that O2 mask and the door shut (add a little claustrophobia to the mix) . This is going to be far worse than a bad LSD trip, because this will be real. I’m taking the real acid manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals. The same acid the Federal Government put on the streets in Village in New York and San Francisco back in the 60’s… not the homemade “acid” bath tub cooks make these days.


Well-Known Member
Know what you mean, even growers that are not all smoked up get confused often with all these different gases. They think air is oxygen, even call air oxygen, then they think oxygen is air and call air oxygen and then they even believe more air means = more oxygen… don’t feel bad, all these different gases can be very confusing especially when you don’t really know the difference between them. Many people think oxygen will explode like propane acetylene and are very afraid of it. Hope these people never go to a hospital and the doctors’ orders oxygen and an oxygen mask... then the phobic may need IV Thorazine to sooth his oxygen phobia... it's going to be a psychological mess in that room with pure 100% oxygen running to that O2 mask and the door shut (add a little claustrophobia to the mix) . This is going to be far worse than a bad LSD trip, because this will be real. I’m taking the real acid manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals. The same acid the Federal Government put on the streets in Village in New York and San Francisco back in the 60’s… not the homemade “acid” bath tub cooks make these days.
yawn. nobody cares. move along, saleslady.