What did you accomplish today?

Thank you. I'll use lemon zest instead of the grass. Actually blade chops are tastier than than the standard loin chops; yeah loins are solid meat, but the blade is moister/richer and I ain't afraid of fat and connective tissue :)
Shit I fully agree about them being tastier with all the fat. I wasnt even going to go Vietnamese today. I was just going to make those pork steaks with broccoli and rice, but I thought that was too boring. I got on the interwebz and was like ok, I got that, that, that ,AND that! Boom, im making Vietnamese food today.

Did a little chucking this morning. Used the last of the Strawberry Silver Haze (pic above) pollen collected last season to hit a few branches of the Sour Bubble, Skunk1 and GSC with. Pruned and cleaned the tents - weeded and fed the GH and raised beds. Time for a shower and some grub..
On the way to work, was faced with the decision to cuss this jackass off that cut me off but when we pulled in the store I decided to give him my one and only free pass for the day!!!

But I couldn't just leave it at that.. Oh no.
I waited till we were on the 4 Lane and I pull up beside him and motioned towards his tire and mouthed "your tire is going flat!"

No big deal but he did have to pull over. He got off easy in my book!
Dormer sided, lighter brown contrasts well with the darker brown shingles, I think. Beats the old dirty white siding and roof...notice we used the brown side for soffit and fascia and extended overhang from 9 to 12" with a pair of 2x4's. New windows coming, will also trim with the brown side. New windows white cause brown is twice as expensive which makes little sense to me. Might look cool though, white trimmed in brown. Have to paint stink tube brown later after awning is up and we can stand on something. Entering month 4 soon...everything takes time, so it does.0504161104b-1.jpg
continued with my facebook shaming of a guy who owes me quite a bit of money, he has 3000 friends and I've so far sent friend request to 1200 or so, hope to finish tomorrow.

so far 300 people accepted my friend request!
Is that cool? Is that what people do these days?

@CrocodileStunter what do you think about this bullshit?

its not cool, but its not cool that he owes me a huge amount of money- basically renting my house and refusing to leave and not paying rent, is that cool?

people need to know what this guy did to me, and then they can reassess if they still want to be friends with him

and everything I post is true, I've posted the emails exchanged and court judgement against him, this man truly is corrupt, no doubt about it in my mind and he needs to be exposed for who he is

its not cool, but its not cool that he owes me a huge amount of money- basically renting my house and refusing to leave and not paying rent, is that cool?

people need to know what this guy did to me, and then they can reassess if they still want to be friends with him

and everything I post is true, I've posted the emails exchanged and court judgement against him, this man truly is corrupt, no doubt about it in my mind and he needs to be exposed for who he is
kick him out? if its not a real lease. go there and start tossing his shit out
kick him out? if its not a real lease. go there and start tossing his shit out

I evicted him last year and successfully sued for damages. However he now no longer has assets to attach so I have this judgement against him which stands for 30 years, basically I must wait until I can attach something to recover my debt, the interest on the debt is 9% p.a so its a good "investment"

So he is effectively just continuing his life as if absolutely nothing happened so my only recourse for my own sanity is to simply shame him and let people know what he did to me. Its ugly I agree, but he was ugly to me, so its only fair I be ugly to him.
I evicted him last year and successfully sued for damages. However he now no longer has assets to attach so I have this judgement against him which stands for 30 years, basically I must wait until I can attach something to recover my debt, the interest on the debt is 9% p.a so its a good "investment"

So he is effectively just continuing his life as if absolutely nothing happened so my only recourse for my own sanity is to simply shame him and let people know what he did to me. Its ugly I agree, but he was ugly to me, so its only fair I be ugly to him.
how much does he owe you
he owes me the equivalent of around $12 000

I live in South Africa so that is a huge amount of money, to put that in perspective someone earning $10 000 a year is considered "rich" here. So basically its the equivalent of a year's worth of middle class income elsewhere.

also this is my only source of income, I had to pay the municipality for the water and services consumed and I had to pay for lawyers out of my pocket, it was a huge blow and he showed absolutely no consideration for my situation at the time.

I gave him notice in January 2015, willing to write off all debt had he left the end of February 2015, I had to get a court order to evict him and he finally left the 22 June 2015, I had to collect the keys from the house at midnight that night because he was being such a fuckhead.

and then I had to do repairs for the new tenant etc, it was a nightmare I will learn from, but thats not to say I cannot shame this man as well.