Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

like your imagination, your logic is a failure

Would you care to be more specific? Do you have an opinion of your own that you can define, or is it too difficult for you to think of different and more substantial ways to say "Yo momma!"?

Oh...and did you read any of the rest of it and have comment on that? You picked the one (supposed to be) comedic element in the entire post and have issue with that, but nothing else?

You're dismissed.
hey sugar tits, chew on this along with that funnel cake of yours.

american muslims are more tolerant and accepting of gays than christians are.


take your retarded racist tripe and spit it at some moron who will chew it.

the fact is retarded bigots like you are the more intolerant ones.

and the death toll shows it too.
Wasnt talking about american muslims. I was referring to syrian refugees, arab countries and isis earlier.
Wasnt talking about american muslims. I was referring to syrian refugees, arab countries and isis earlier.

you were referring to muslim refugees?

ya mean, the same muslim refugees who have not killed anywhere near as many americans as right wing christian extremists like you have?
maybe they should vet right wing christians like you before they worry about muslim refugees.

after all, right wing christians like you have killed about 80 times more americans.
So that would be a hard no.

Why do you hate christians so much?

They are far milder than practicers of Islam. Muslims believe it is merciful to kill gays.

Why do you defend a religion that espouses mass genocide of gays?
Why do you defend a religion that espouses mass genocide of gays?

i am certainly not defending your sick version of christianity you racist bigot.

do you think it was racist when your buddy and fellow trump supporter told obama to go back to kenya?

these are the types of sick racist fucks you surround yourself with.
i am certainly not defending your sick version of christianity you racist bigot.

do you think it was racist when your buddy and fellow trump supporter told obama to go back to kenya?

these are the types of sick racist fucks you surround yourself with.
Surround myself with?

You are aware this is a forum on the internet.
Btw, very telling that you go on the offensive towards christians yet give a pass for radical islamics.

Did they promise you 52 virgins?

what radical islamic?

this guy was just mentally unstable and hated gays, much like any run of the mill christian.

do you think it was racist when your buddy nitro told obama to go back to kenya?
Arab countries are not muslim refugees.

Isis is not a muslim refugee.

Syrian refugees could not be vetted.

what is your point, you racist bigot?

whatever we are doing to vet the muslim refugees that you are pissing in your size 38 pants about is working.

muslim refugees have caused almost no violence in america ever. it would be 0% except for the boston marathon shitheads.

whereas right wing christians like yourself have caused endless amounts of terrorism in this country.

worry about yourself before you go pointing that fat finger at anyone else.
I dont control what other people think say or do. Nor should I.

but that wasn't the question.

i didn't ask you if you controlled nitro harley, dumb dumb. i asked if you thought it was racist when he told obama to go back to kenya.

pretty simple question that you seem to be too scared to answer, ya racist bigot.
what is your point, you racist bigot?

whatever we are doing to vet the muslim refugees that you are pissing in your size 38 pants about is working.

muslim refugees have caused almost no violence in america ever. it would be 0% except for the boston marathon shitheads.

whereas right wing christians like yourself have caused endless amounts of terrorism in this country.

worry about yourself before you go pointing that fat finger at anyone else.