tweed main street barrie helped me and my doctor with the process for FREE

There's the rub....there is no affordable model for LP's with the current over regulations by HC. LP's prolly need a min of $5/gram just to break even on Reg's & Security costs....never mind the costs of actual production.
Once rec is all funnelled through the LP shit factories and sitting on some shelf for some poor fool to buy, some of that could be sucked up via taxes and redirect ( less justins cut) to offset the high cost of tweeds BROWN so people dying can die faster - I mean get "medicine".
I read some where that;
"Dried marijuana is not an approved drug or medicine in Canada. The Government of Canada does not endorse the use of marijuana, but the courts have required reasonable access to a legal source of marijuana when authorized by a healthcare practitioner" - H.C.

So quality does not bare any place here - $5 a gram for floor sweepings - irradiated and waiting on a shelf is called ACCESS !!! Home growing is called "leakage to the black market". Leakage does not invoke "control" another corner stone of our new freedom.



Some things never change.....

Im new to this site and wanted to share my experiances/opinions with regards to L.P vs Dispensaries debate. I have been a patient of 5 dispensaries to date and habe been using cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes for 15 yrs daily. First off the dispensary owners within my city are purchasing theyre cannabis from illicit sources, profucing extracts from bags that have been left under a couch for 2+ yrs and repackaging as a medicinal product. Where are the discounts for patients on disability at dispensaries? Most L.P.s offer 15-20%. I have found budtenders hair in my dispensary herb but never from an L.P. I trust Canada's scientists over the dude harvesting on his basement floor anyday.... However my main philosophy is if you want something done right, find the strains you like order the seeds, grow your own meds, and enjoy life to the fullest... peace
Im new to this site and wanted to share my experiances/opinions with regards to L.P vs Dispensaries debate. I have been a patient of 5 dispensaries to date and habe been using cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes for 15 yrs daily. First off the dispensary owners within my city are purchasing theyre cannabis from illicit sources, profucing extracts from bags that have been left under a couch for 2+ yrs and repackaging as a medicinal product. Where are the discounts for patients on disability at dispensaries? Most L.P.s offer 15-20%. I have found budtenders hair in my dispensary herb but never from an L.P. I trust Canada's scientists over the dude harvesting on his basement floor anyday.... However my main philosophy is if you want something done right, find the strains you like order the seeds, grow your own meds, and enjoy life to the fullest... peace
And I've never gotten moldy or irradiated meds at a amount of discount is worth resorting to warehouse weed.
And I've never gotten moldy or irradiated meds at a amount of discount is worth resorting to warehouse weed.
I tried to press a free gram of kief into rosin that i got at a dispensary for signing up and i swear nothing came out ; i could not believe it , so im assuming thc level was 2 percent , i imagine it was sprayed and pressed and smelt like amonia which is def mold but dont they have to tell you when its been irradiated ? Seems simple to judt not order ,that not really sticking up for them either but iv never had an experience like the kief one even on the street
Im new to this site and wanted to share my experiances/opinions with regards to L.P vs Dispensaries debate. I have been a patient of 5 dispensaries to date and habe been using cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes for 15 yrs daily. First off the dispensary owners within my city are purchasing theyre cannabis from illicit sources, profucing extracts from bags that have been left under a couch for 2+ yrs and repackaging as a medicinal product. Where are the discounts for patients on disability at dispensaries? Most L.P.s offer 15-20%. I have found budtenders hair in my dispensary herb but never from an L.P. I trust Canada's scientists over the dude harvesting on his basement floor anyday.... However my main philosophy is if you want something done right, find the strains you like order the seeds, grow your own meds, and enjoy life to the fullest... peace
So you want to be the dude harvesting off the floor - try use a table, just a thought because in the FREE MARKET we care what is available. HC allows a certain number of rat and / or mouse hairs per 100gramsof FOOD - you might want to not eat and grow your own food too.
Do you trust Canada's "war profiteers" cause that is who is running the Lousy Producer schwag factories....
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You also wont find weed that has THC percentage claims that are ACTUALLY only half of whats advertised, unlike LPs. Yeah, some dispensaries are shady, but being a member to only 5 out of literaply hundreds does not equate to ALL dispensaries acting in this manner. Whereas a majority of all LPs are guilty of far worse considering money invested and rousources available
I tried to press a free gram of kief into rosin that i got at a dispensary for signing up and i swear nothing came out ; i could not believe it , so im assuming thc level was 2 percent , i imagine it was sprayed and pressed and smelt like amonia which is def mold but dont they have to tell you when its been irradiated ? Seems simple to judt not order ,that not really sticking up for them either but iv never had an experience like the kief one even on the street
Huh? Your initial post complains about a lack of discounts at dispensaries, and then you complain about FREE samples? So how much are LP's paying to schill for them these days?
just another wanna be LP shill is all
Enjoy your poison grown by big LP's... it's not MMJ by the way. Its been set up for REC ONLY!

they;re just using the sick to get what they want by LYING through their teeth about it.
Its simple shit really but SHIT non e the less.
L.P vs Dispensaries debate.
there is no debate........
Campbell soup make soup better than your granny did ???
Fresh baked apple pie better than a previously frozen one from god knows what factory ???
Is the Hippy pulling his hair out right now ???????

Get with the program !!!!
They both have issues , i barky order from lp becsuse it is still expensive even eith the discou t and i ususlly only have enough to buy little amounts and these are the dispensaries in my town that are shit i never said all dispensaries , i grow for summer so i dont have to depend on any of those blood suckers , dispensaries are just as bad as lps and they dont give shit except for a gram of moldy post blasted garb to try and make them selves look good , bc has legit ones but if your from a small town i would double check
They both have issues , i barky order from lp becsuse it is still expensive even eith the discou t and i ususlly only have enough to buy little amounts and these are the dispensaries in my town that are shit i never said all dispensaries , i grow for summer so i dont have to depend on any of those blood suckers , dispensaries are just as bad as lps and they dont give shit except for a gram of moldy post blasted garb to try and make them selves look good , bc has legit ones but if your from a small town i would double check
Don't be duped into the hands of the greedy LP's with promises of fairness. We warned ya. We are waiting to see these greed bags fail.
NO LP lover to be found here I can tell you.
Here we BOYCOTT these assholes and their plans of domintion.:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
I am personally waiting for the L.P's to determine the essential steps needed to provide medicinal cannabis with an RX or D.I.N. number thus providing millions of chronically ill canadians with fair and equal rights to have theyre meds covered. I Give serious thumbs up to blue cross for providing free (Quality Tested) medicinal cannabis to our veterans... The day those greedy insurance giants decide to list Medicnal Cannabis on theyre schedule of approved substances... Will be a giant step forward for Canadas disabled population... If dispensary testing was trustworthy and accurate id buy everyday, but unfortunately, many strians are misnamed, mouldy, too dry or just uneffective... Just received an order from one of my L.P's this week, (I refuse to name names, because I promote no company) I simpky find comfort in knowing that what im paying for came from a sterile environment. I have personally installed many MMAR grows, then gone back for maintenance, the majority of MMAR growers have no clue what they are doing, regarding electrical, nutrients, curing methodology, ph levels, etc... the most commen of all problems in the majority of grows is sanitation. The mass flux of dispensary cannabis is coming from unsanitary production space... If I ever suspect ive gotten mouldy meds from one of my three L.P's this site will be the first to know, hasnt happened yet... Any order Ive ever received from a B.C. dispensary has been top notch... my hometown jokers, extremely disappointed. Until i move back to B.C. im stuck ordering from my from the L.Ps once ive burnt through my crops
Fixed it for ya
If my hometown dispensaries could tell the difference between sativa and indica strictly from terpenes emitted, or put out the funds to show some sort of documentation supporting the lineage of theyre strains, lets not forget pay taxes like all other small businesses, then id shiw some love... but ive seen enouch china labelled as kush and been given preblown sift as a gift for becoming a member. Found budtenders hair in more than one bag, mouldy meds in others, and know for a fact these places are selling extract made from unsellable expired bud... Any Dispensary owner that considers himself a legit businessman should invest in quality control, and stop pumping out pig shit as medicine... to pediatric, elderly and terminally ill patients looking for relief.... waiting for your response *CalyxCrusher*
If my hometown dispensaries could tell the difference between sativa and indica strictly from terpenes emitted, or put out the funds to show some sort of documentation supporting the lineage of theyre strains, lets not forget pay taxes like all other small businesses, then id shiw some love... but ive seen enouch china labelled as kush and been given preblown sift as a gift for becoming a member. Found budtenders hair in more than one bag, mouldy meds in others, and know for a fact these places are selling extract made from unsellable expired bud... Any Dispensary owner that considers himself a legit businessman should invest in quality control, and stop pumping out pig shit as medicine... to pediatric, elderly and terminally ill patients looking for relief.... waiting for your response *CalyxCrusher*

So originally I wasn't sure if Tilray's experiential marketing budget was cut or if you were just trolling, but now I'm leaning towards the latter.

I'm glad you have the inside info on dispensaries, MMAR grows, and just about everything else apparently. Does your dad's friend work at Nintendo too?

I'm really curious as to how you know for a 'fact' that extracts are being sold from 'expired' cannabis, given there's no agreed upon shelf life for cannabis. You realize you can make extracts from anything containing THC, even shake, right?
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So originally I wasn't sure if Tilray's experiential marketing budget was cut or if you were just trolling, but now I'm leaning towards the latter.

I'm glad you have the inside info on dispensaries, MMAR grows, and just about everything else apparently. Does your dad's friend work at Nintendo too?

I'm really curious as to how you know for a 'fact' that extracts are being sold from 'expired' cannabis, given there's no agreed upon shelf life for cannabis. You realize you can make extracts from anything containing THC, even shake, right?
what would you expect from an LP troll ? (:
No need to argue with an idiot CC or JSG ..... you cant argue stupid!
hahaha scientists that work for LP's...they have one "master" gardener and the rest are minimum wage teenagers walking around in lab coats to fool idiots into investing in their stocks and buying their shitty cannabis.

what exactly is china bud labelled as kush? do you mean mass produced low quality cannabis?

I'm sure all the LP cannabis you have purchased has been fresh and currently harvested right? haha not the stock pile of shake they have had sitting in their commercial vaults waiting to see the light of day once someone gullible enough newly signs up for the program and makes the mistake of burning their hard earned money on pure trash.

Your MMAR friends are fucking morons if they don't know how to take care of a grow space and keep it sanitary. Just like you paint all compassion clubs with a negative brush, promote all LP's as reputable and quality and now saying MMAR growers are a joke because of your experience with a few small minded people who couldn't make a garden work for them? Your hyperbole is disgusting

found a few hairs from a budtender in your bag? the world is going to end. every bag of weed i have ever purchased has had dog hair in it because of the close nit relationship of pet owners and cannabis growers, often one in the same. I never let my dog go anywhere near my garden and i have a sealed room and i still see her hair on my buds in the garden. it happens regardless of how much effort is put forth to stop it. If you can't see the hair and pick it out, you must be really hard done by and if your so far gone that a dog hair will kill you, you should be quarantined in a hospice because you are unfortunately on death's doorstep.

compassion clubs have been trying to pay taxes for years, they are not able to under the auspice of legality and having a business license. They are an integral part of the communities they reside in and the fact that a few out of hundreds are poorly managed is not a definitive representation of corruption across the board.

those BC clubs you are talking about will mail order anything you want, quit putting up a strawman fallacy to insulate your argument from criticism
If my hometown dispensaries could tell the difference between sativa and indica strictly from terpenes emitted
This is why no one takes you seriously and wont waste their breath on the clearly uneducated. If you knew anything other than talking out your ass youd know how wrong your statement is

Yep mother nature has made sure that only certain terpenes are for indica and sativa...........................................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

You know those same terpenes are found in everything from fruit to flowers to trees right? So is my lemon a sativa or indica? I mean, it has limonene after all...............

Waiting for your response *uneducated one*
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