How to ACTUALLY make America great again

Sports celebrities and hollywood actors do it all the time. I am not sure why preachers should be banned from having an opinon. We do have a separation of church and state right?
Yeah, because that's the exact same thing.
So you knuckleheads think the separation of church and state means that Pastors have their freedom of speech infringed?

No wonder you have no clue about reality.
So you knuckleheads think the separation of church and state means that Pastors have their freedom of speech infringed?

No wonder you have no clue about reality.

they are free to speak for whatever candidate they want, they just can't do that and enjoy tax free status.

you clearly don't get how any of this works.

if you need a liberal to explain these simple things to you, just let us know.
they are free to speak for whatever candidate they want, they just can't do that and enjoy tax free status.

you clearly don't get how any of this works.

if you need a liberal to explain these simple things to you, just let us know.

I'm right here, ready and able.
Your own words:

The separation of state is a prohibition on GOVERNMENT... Just like the bill of rights is a document of prohibitions and limitations of the GOVERNMENT, not of the people.

It is so sad the level we have let education slip to in this country.
Does more than pay bills and return to the community Vatican City is the richest city on earth. Pastor's have nice houses and cars etc..
I'm mostly talking about protestant churches. The catholic church is greedy and they worship power, control, and wealth. History will prove this. Catholic church has murdered more Christians than all other religions and governments combined.
Shouldn't a pastor be paid for his work? How much they get paid is decided by the churchs population and is decided by the church deacons who vote on it. Pastor Joel Olsteen(the meme) pastors a church of like 3,000. And they give millions to charities. That's oneof the largest churches in America. Some pastors are actually dirt broke. It is true that money corrupts some pastors. They are still human. Jesus said money is the route to all evil.
Pastors are required to pay tithe to. 10%. And taxes or not churchs still have to pay bills. The utility companies will turn they're power off. And pastors still have to pay property taxes on all their personal property. They can get booted on the street like anyone else. I have seen a church close down cuz they didn't make enough tithes.
Shouldn't a pastor be paid for his work? How much they get paid is decided by the churchs population and is decided by the church deacons who vote on it. Pastor Joel Olsteen(the meme) pastors a church of like 3,000. And they give millions to charities. That's oneof the largest churches in America. Some pastors are actually dirt broke. It is true that money corrupts some pastors. They are still human. Jesus said money is the route to all evil.
Sure they should be paid but when you are paid for a service that is taxable income. Not sure what my local church is but they just spent millions on the new church tax free. I also know a few people who go there and the church is very generous but they won't help you unless you are a member of the church.

One thing Jesus said, well someone said Jesus said "to love thy neighbor"

As for money being the root of all evil that was not even biblical. Jesus did say to pay your masters because you don't need that shit in heaven. Not sure the actual verse but basically what is said.

But honestly why did Jesus himself not personally write the Bible??
Its pretty simple , get the president ,VP, speaker of the house,attorney general ,senators & congressmen in one building , then blow the building up .

Problem solved , we can pay the gay Mexican woodsman from the other thread $20 a day to do a better job than the entire lot of them have done the last 16 years .
Work in unisons instead of a state by state law
It makes it really disorganized and fucked up imho

Free health care is a must No more of this insurance shit

Get Tim Hortons yum
And coloured money like Canada so I can make my wallet look nicer

Proper gun laws like regular countries have and have proven it works

Separate your church from your government
:) lol