Chilli world

@ruby fruit, how much cold will your chili's stand? Do you get frosts?
Im getting temps at moment overnight of 4-6c and daytime averages of 9-12c but we will go as low as 2 for a few days in july
They suffer but not all of them this year its the ones in the pots suffering more...i still feel this winter isnt as cold as last yr so far but we have had way way more rain for sure every tank i have on my property is full of water for all my chilli and weed plants this year coming
Im getting temps at moment overnight of 4-6c and daytime averages of 9-12c but we will go as low as 2 for a few days in july
They suffer but not all of them this year its the ones in the pots suffering more...i still feel this winter isnt as cold as last yr so far but we have had way way more rain for sure every tank i have on my property is full of water for all my chilli and weed plants this year coming
Most years we will get a night or two down to 18F {-7.77C}. And since the dew is so heavy, the frosts looks like snow early in the morning. I lost a few young pepper plants this year when a late frost got them. I had got out before daylight and ran the sprinklers, which will save them if it isn't too cold. But the cilantro was so tall, it was blocking the sprinkler and all the peppers didn't get washed off.

Glad you are getting rain. It's raining here today. It's no biggie for my garden as I've got soakers and sprinklers, but out in the brush, my plants were suffering. No way I can keep up without a wet summer.
Most years we will get a night or two down to 18F {-7.77C}. And since the dew is so heavy, the frosts looks like snow early in the morning. I lost a few young pepper plants this year when a late frost got them. I had got out before daylight and ran the sprinklers, which will save them if it isn't too cold. But the cilantro was so tall, it was blocking the sprinkler and all the peppers didn't get washed off.

Glad you are getting rain. It's raining here today. It's no biggie for my garden as I've got soakers and sprinklers, but out in the brush, my plants were suffering. No way I can keep up without a wet summer.
minus 7 yeah we would never see that..i think we have been hit with a minus 2 two or three days over past few years....
minus 7 yeah we would never see that..i think we have been hit with a minus 2 two or three days over past few years....
We are planning on getting a greenhouse put in before frost. I know a contractor who would trade a little green to help keep the bill down. But he is so busy, he just can't find the time for a small job like that. We know a guy who would get right on it, but there would be no trading with him. Straight and narrow.
We are planning on getting a greenhouse put in before frost. I know a contractor who would trade a little green to help keep the bill down. But he is so busy, he just can't find the time for a small job like that. We know a guy who would get right on it, but there would be no trading with him. Straight and narrow.
bide your time larry it will work out for the best when it eventually gets done :)
bide your time larry it will work out for the best when it eventually gets done :)
Yea, I did a half assed plastic one this past winter. I still have the plastic, so I could do that again if I had too. But the wife wants it to look good, so she was the one who wanted it hired done. I have lots of windows and glass to go into it. And my contractor friend said he could get me plenty more if I needed them.
@mushroom head and anyone else interested to try a couple amateur recipes for sauces that work well for me...sorry took so long mushy im lazy when it comes to the keyboard but im not if its gardening in the real world lol

"ghostxscorpion tomato based sauce" ( works well with any red superhots)

15 tomatoes of average baseball size
12-15 ghostxscorpion chillis
2 tablespoons garlic (minced or fresh crushed)
teaspoon of oregano and basil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar(for preservative can use something else if you want but I find apple cider vinegar doesn't ruin taste)
one teaspoon raw sugar

puree tomatoes then place in saucepan on medium heat
run chillis through a blender
after tomatoes in saucepan come to boil slowly add blended chillis
simmer on low for ten minutes
add garlic and sugar stir well simmer for another 2 mins
add oregano and basil stir while pouring in applecider vinegar
simmer for 5 mins then turn of stove and let sit in pan for 20 mins
place into sterilized bottles or jars
let sit overnight with lids on but if able burp the jars/bottles twice a few hours apart overnight or over first 5 hours
sauce is ready to go into fridge next day and I find using apple cider vinegar once in fridge I get an easy 4-6 months use

Hints: if I have bottles of sauce I leave in a cool place and not the fridge straight away ill open once a week later and drain out the water that has risen to the top.
also while making the sauce in the saucepan if you feel it is to runny add a half cup of diced carrots that has been pureed first add to sauce while simmering and will thicken it up more

if the chillis I used or something similar like infinity,ghost or Trinidad scorpions are used I would rate the heat on this recipe at a hot 14/10

Heres my pickled jalepeno recipe....this is so easy to do a blind man could make it and its really nice flavor

"pickled jalepeno rings"
this recipe is for 10-20 large jalepenos but I normally do 40-60 at a time so add more to the pickling mix so I have enough to cover the jalepno rings in jars once done

10-20 jalepenos
3/4 cup of water
3/4 cup of distilled white vinegar
3 tablespoons of white or raw suger
1 tablespoon of kosher salt
1 clove garlic crushed
1/2 teaspoon oregano

mix everything except jalepenos a saucepan over high heat.Bring to boil and then stir in jalepenos while bubbling away for 2 more mins.
remove pan from heat and let cool naturally for 10 mins.
scoop out rings and pack into jar and then pour remainder of micture in saucepan into jar on top of jalepenos.
shake well and place in fridge once jar is no longer warm in your hands

this is a great mix to use jalepenos for rolls blts or salads etc
Whats yor favourite potting mix? i heard musgroom compost is good. Mine have slowed down a lot in winter here and i dont know if it the coco peat mix or colder temps or led, thinking of trying 50/50 mushroom compost and normal potting mix
Whats yor favourite potting mix? i heard musgroom compost is good. Mine have slowed down a lot in winter here and i dont know if it the coco peat mix or colder temps or led, thinking of trying 50/50 mushroom compost and normal potting mix
winter will try and fuk your chillis regardless of soil mix...but your on the righ track mushroom comost worked well for mine this year but prob a more 35/65 mix ..superhots don't like soil to heavy in any ferts