What did you accomplish today?

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
note to self, neo likes to get crabs ;)

glad imnot the only one who zooms in and analyzes photos

@Gary Goodson
View attachment 3772358

dry rub, smoke for hrs at 180°=win

got 6 going :hump:
I got a slab of spare ribs. Rubbed it down with some frenchs mustard and then applied a liberal amount of dry rub. I will be smoking at 225 for at least 6 hrs with my new favorite wood, post oak!
Those 2 small peices will be going to the dog
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Well-Known Member
woke up with no hangover surprisingly. went out and got breakfast then decided i wanted a new guitar lol. i controlled myself though and got a cheaper one. only 400 but it plays so well. definitely better than the acoustic ive been using (ovation).. then i went and hung out with a chick for a while. came home to take a shower and im going back out to go hit the brewery here in a bit.
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Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I'm supervising. Between naps.

Still in recovery from over indulging last night, but it's coming along nicely.

There's a fruity sour brew in my near future; maybe peach, maybe raspberry. This town straight rocks for great beer, there's sooooooooo many choices!
were having vodka cocktails after dinner made using this spectacular vodka I just discovered a few months back,its infused with cognac & tastes nothing like vodka or cognac,it starts off with an almond flavor & finishes with some sort of vanilla flavor,no chase or mix needed with this 80 proof beverage its so smooth .

2 parts vodka to 1 part chopped ice,shake for 1 minute & pour into a chilled wine goblet & you've got a drink you only need 1 of to get a nice glow with a taste that's un fukin believably good.IMG_20160903_190948.jpg


Well-Known Member
were having vodka cocktails after dinner made using this spectacular vodka I just discovered a few months back,its infused with cognac & tastes nothing like vodka or cognac,it starts off with an almond flavor & finishes with some sort of vanilla flavor,no chase or mix needed with this 80 proof beverage its so smooth .

2 parts vodka to 1 part chopped ice,shake for 1 minute & pour into a chilled wine goblet & you've got a drink you only need 1 of to get a nice glow with a taste that's un fukin believably good.View attachment 3772420
View attachment 3772424
just because ivr never had vodka worth drinking

i gotta ask, whats your typical drink?
i might just see of i can find a bpttle and try it

but im on mocambo 20yr rum binge rightnow

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
just because ivr never had vodka worth drinking

i gotta ask, whats your typical drink?
i might just see of i can find a bpttle and try it

but im on mocambo 20yr rum binge rightnow
I like quality bourbon,rum,cognac,scotch & drinks of that nature,I normally don't care 4 vodka no matter the cost or brand but this vodka is different,if I was blindfolded & given a drink to taste test I don't think I could guess it a vodka,not by smell or taste.

I just took a shot so I could describe it better,its corked like a fine wine,when i popped the cork i got a very slight vodka smell ,but there's an almost nut bread kind of aroma as well that throws off the vodka smell,when I did the shot I got about 2 seconds of a very weak vodka taste & then the taste starts changing to the almond,after about 30 seconds it finishes & leaves some kind of vanilla bean flavor with no heat or traditional white liquor burn .

the 5th I bought was only $27 so its a relatively inexpensive 80 proof beverage