How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?


As calyx crusher mentioned, you can indeed file to grow as of August 26th.

In order to self produce you will need a new original medical document from your doctor and will have to complete the acmpr forms.

If you wanted to have a dg grow for you will have to also get a criminal background check for them.

The only other wrinkle I've seen is that if you plan to grow in a space you don't own that is not your primary residence you will have to get approval from the owner of said property.

The doctor does not sign off on self production, s/he simply prescribes you cannabis using the health Canada acmpr sample medical document.

And please stick around. While most of us are pretty beaten and vengeful from years stuck with the oligopoly that was the mmpr we will warm up to you.... hippy might not - his goat holds grudges.
I will for sure look into this, sounds like a better route to take. Only issue is I am moving within the next year 100%. I wonder if it is easy to switch the paperwork from residence to residence? My guess would be no, does not sound like the government wants people to grow their own. Even if they cant fully stop it, they can sure delay it.
If you look at the forms there's a box to check for amendments, such as address change. I don't recall off the top of my head if it requires a new original medical document to amend it or not.
I was out of commission in August so I never heard! What good news. Now just to convince my psychiatrist from “the old country” that doesn’t believe in the medical effects of marijuana to sign some paperwork so that I can grow. This should be easy.
You don't have to convince your psychiatrist of shit now that you have a diagnosis from a psychiatrist you can go to a GP and get the GP to fill out the documents
You don't have to convince your psychiatrist of shit now that you have a diagnosis from a psychiatrist you can go to a GP and get the GP to fill out the documents
Doctors are funny. My last family doctor told me that he didn’t have the proper licence to sign for medical marijuana. This was just a renewal because my clinic rules were changed, and he gave me that shit. Not that long ago either, this was April. The ones that have not informed themselves of the rules are painfully uninformed. In all honesty I think Ill have the best luck with my psych doc I see him every week.
I had a similar experience. My doc thought there was a 3g/day limit imposed. I took him to the hc website and showed him all the details on my phone.
I had a similar experience. My doc thought there was a 3g/day limit imposed. I took him to the hc website and showed him all the details on my phone.
It’s a weird feeling when you realize you know more about this than your medical doctor whose care you are in. I didn’t like it at first, but as long as they’re willing to listen it’s all good.
Man, I wonder how pissed these guys will be when I start posting grow pics : /

Be so happy. The Gestapo is growing! Humanity is restored!

So cool how you know all the forms. That's totally normal and stuff. Most people know forms and stuff all day, like the left hand corner of the form and stuff.

Check that box and stuff, dude.
Ahemait best of luck on your future grows. Ignore the critic's and do what is best for you and your family each person has a different situation that they must deal with. I also use lp's but it is because they are the only legal source i have until my grow is up and running than it will be me and me alone that makes the meds that I need. PS. little tip if you are tired of others crapping on your thread do what I did just block them and they can yap all they want and you never have to see their immature comments. Is Hippy still barking at LP's figured he would of given that up after 24 Aug lol (got tired of his spam so I blocked him lol)
Lol you guys win. I'll stop using this site.

Hats off to whoever reported me too! Everyone loves a rat.

Enjoy your little club guys.

What a toxic little community.
Oh hey a sane person! Lol
Yea I wouldn't even entertain replying to these loons except in stuck at work and it's marginally entertaining watching the stroke in progress.
Who are you with for LP'S?
Instead of resorting to name calling and judging perhaps open your mind to the idea that some of the folks on here are fed up with new users joining the site praising the people that would just as soon imprison us after our wallets are empty.
Not everyone is going to agree with what everyone else thinks but it's part of being an adult to consider all perspectives before showing ur bias.
I don't get along with many people here in the Canadian section but I can certainly respect their opinion