US abstains in UN vote to end Israeli settlements


Merry Christmas, Israel and Palestine.
Funny as hell, so many pots calling the kettle black. First, it is not the palestinians land. Secondly, as soon as anyone here would like to put their money where their mouths are and lead by example, then please do so.

I'm quite sure there are a great many Iroquois, Seneca, Ojibway, and Sioux families that would love for you to give them your houses which were most certainly built, and you remain on "occupied territories". Therefore you should immediately evacuate "your" land which most certainly is "their territory" taken by force and genocide.

Fuck that though, rather throw stones.
Funny as hell, so many pots calling the kettle black. First, it is not the palestinians land. Secondly, as soon as anyone here would like to put their money where their mouths are and lead by example, then please do so.

I'm quite sure there are a great many Iroquois, Seneca, Ojibway, and Sioux families that would love for you to give them your houses which were most certainly built, and you remain on "occupied territories". Therefore you should immediately evacuate "your" land which most certainly is "their territory" taken by force and genocide.

Fuck that though, rather throw stones.
Can you please explain if Palestine is not the Palestinians land, then who's land is it?
Funny as hell, so many pots calling the kettle black. First, it is not the palestinians land. Secondly, as soon as anyone here would like to put their money where their mouths are and lead by example, then please do so.

I'm quite sure there are a great many Iroquois, Seneca, Ojibway, and Sioux families that would love for you to give them your houses which were most certainly built, and you remain on "occupied territories". Therefore you should immediately evacuate "your" land which most certainly is "their territory" taken by force and genocide.

Fuck that though, rather throw stones.

Agreed. That wasn't right either.

So should we just ignore situations like this then because our great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents did something similar?
On behalf of all of us who aren't Christians, fuck you and your theocentric attitude.

Peace means finding ways to get along with people who are different than you. Maybe you should try a little harder.
I'll get you a book on humor for Festivus. Glad my weed does not make me mean like yours appears to!
22% of all U.N. money comes from the U.S.......guess what, that's about to stop!!!! Screw the U.N., just another liberal method of wealth distribution.
22% of all U.N. money comes from the U.S.......guess what, that's about to stop!!!! Screw the U.N., just another liberal method of wealth distribution.
That's fine then, however it shows it is Israel that controls the US and not the other way round.
The proverbial tail wagging the dog. The UN doesn't exist to support & rubber stamp the actions of Netanyahu and his murderous 'settlers' he has in his cabinet, it was set up for a much higher purpose than shielding criminals.
Agreed. That wasn't right either.

So should we just ignore situations like this then because our great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents did something similar?

Nope, just saying you cant bitch about others when you yourself do the exact same thing. Illumiates ones lack of honesty and abject hypocrisy. The whole "good for thee, but not for me" is a cheap copout to absolve one of engaging in the very acts they condemn.

If the jews shouldn't live on "occupied territories" then get the fuck off yours and lead by example. The muslums love to claim everything in the middle east as their own. They don't even want any jews to pray at the temple mount, as they claim it as their own, of course the fact the jews built it hundreds upon hundreds of years before islam even existed as a "religion" is apparently irrelevant, on a global scale.
They didn't even call themselves 'Jews' at that time, that came about after the return from Babylonian captivity. They were 'Hebrews' then.
I don't actually have anything against Jewish people or their religion btw, Israeli politics and Jewish people are just unfortunately considered mutually inclusive.
Nope, just saying you cant bitch about others when you yourself do the exact same thing. Illumiates ones lack of honesty and abject hypocrisy. The whole "good for thee, but not for me" is a cheap copout to absolve one of engaging in the very acts they condemn.

If the jews shouldn't live on "occupied territories" then get the fuck off yours and lead by example. The muslums love to claim everything in the middle east as their own. They don't even want any jews to pray at the temple mount, as they claim it as their own, of course the fact the jews built it hundreds upon hundreds of years before islam even existed as a "religion" is apparently irrelevant, on a global scale.
not me and I do feel the mutual defense treaty and the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 has led to more problems than not
22% of all U.N. money comes from the U.S.......guess what, that's about to stop!!!! Screw the U.N., just another liberal method of wealth distribution.
But will it?

The US has control of the UN. One of the ways it does this is by financing it. Probably kept Bush from a war crimes tribunal.

I havent heard that Trump is cutting funding but look at all the Trump promises so far.

Drain swamp. Nope

Cut military spending. Nope

More introspective and less war like/ aggressive. Nope

Lock up Hilary. Nope.

Build a wall. Nope (may be a fence ..? ..)

His family wont be employed in Govt. Nope..he is looking at how he can do this.

Children will run the Trump business. Nope.

And he is ALREADY making excuses for what the countries finances will be like under a Trump leadership.