It's pretty obvious you're ashamed.
It's pretty obvious your parole officer isn't doing their is it you're here, again?
It's pretty obvious you're ashamed.
It's pretty obvious your parole officer isn't doing their is it you're here, again?
How's none of your fucking business?
You are stupid. What does that have to do with Schuylaar releasing personal details or not?You call me stupid yet fear to disclose your job....
How about shut the fuck up unemployed welfare queen....
You are stupid. What does that have to do with Schuylaar releasing personal details or not?
No, I just know an idiot when I see one. Have fun. You are a triffling thing.Ahhh, another White Knight comes riding in. How cute.
She needs all the help she can get.
No, I just know an idiot when I see one. Have fun. You are a triffling thing.
What is it you are so ashamed of? You're usually more than eager to share what you do. Are you at an all-time low right now. At least I have an excuse. What's yours?
Ahhh, another White Knight comes riding in. How cute.
She needs all the help she can get.
I have heard you are something of a blood-sucker... among other things.I'm stuck on you like a tick.
You are stupid. What does that have to do with Schuylaar releasing personal details or not?
Noooooo, I've got friends, you reject..those are people you have relationship with and don't do conniving shit like offering a pound for half price in order to suck them into your drama.
You're full of shit and you're scared.
They know all about me, prolly have a secret room with my pics hanging and tidbits of info from doxing me.
I was buying pounds not selling. You really need to get it straight. It was " pounds at double the price". At least according to buck. You all should get together and work out the same rumor. It might be more believable.
So do you work? It's a yes or no question.
As you call me "David".
Okay, I'll humor you..Scared of what?
Like I care about your snitch status with the law.
I got that from members posts of you..not too hard to figure, plus I think you told me in a PM at some point when you tried to convince me you were set-up.
Just a hunch, but it probably has a lot to do with the angst and regret that happens when members foolishly disclose info about themselves that is so obviously distorted and pretentious it begs to be challenged and thrown down the RUI gauntlet. But again...that's just a hunchYou are stupid. What does that have to do with Schuylaar releasing personal details or not?