Except you're now disagreeing with your previous position, which was you don't like threats of offensive force etc.
If you don't pay the forcible taxation and refuse to let them steal your home...won't your life be threatened then? Ultimately, wouldn't you be killed ? Isn't THAT a threat of offensive force foisted on a large part of "society" ?
If you don't agree with how your tax dollars are spent, why do you have "no problem" paying them. Also if you DID agree with how a person who took your money under threats of force spent it, does that justify the taking of it by force from others who don't agree?
What if Dylan Roof was a tax collector enforcer and the people he shot were peaceful people who simply refused to be extorted from and leave their home or church if the church hadn't been "granted" a tax exemption ..what then? Would he be a hero?