What else does Donald Trump believe?

Maybe I'm just fishing for something good to hear but what world of trouble over the horizon do you think is coming toward him?

I think his campaign to "investigate voter fraud" will turn out to be an attack of everybody's voting rights. More than just an image campaign.
I think the times are ripe for a major reversal of political fortune.

Either that, or we get what we deserve for allowing people like this to rule our futures.
I think the times are ripe for a major reversal of political fortune.

Either that, or we get what we deserve for allowing people like this to rule our futures.
I have no idea what you are saying will happen. Is it time for war? I don't think so. Protests, organizing, resisting, undermining, and eventually after two years of this wrecking ball of a president we might be able to slow his roll but he's prez for four years barring impeachment. Is there something else? Assassination? I hope not. That would be terrible.

But getting back to the original post's topic:
Trump Administration Absolutely Outraged Someone Would Try To Delegitimize A President

In its short time in office, the new administration has consistently complained that people keep trying to undermine and delegitimize President Donald Trump.

“There is this constant theme to undercut the enormous support that he has. The default narrative is always negative. And it’s demoralizing,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters on Monday, just three days after Trump was inaugurated.

Birther Trump is OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I say! LOL
I have no idea what you are saying will happen. Is it time for war? I don't think so. Protests, organizing, resisting, undermining, and eventually after two years of this wrecking ball of a president we might be able to slow his roll but he's prez for four years barring impeachment. Is there something else? Assassination? I hope not. That would be terrible.

But getting back to the original post's topic:
Trump Administration Absolutely Outraged Someone Would Try To Delegitimize A President

In its short time in office, the new administration has consistently complained that people keep trying to undermine and delegitimize President Donald Trump.

“There is this constant theme to undercut the enormous support that he has. The default narrative is always negative. And it’s demoralizing,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters on Monday, just three days after Trump was inaugurated.

Birther Trump is OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I say! LOL

sounds like complaints from someone born in Kenya. lol. ain't karma a bitch!
Maybe I'm just fishing for something good to hear but what world of trouble over the horizon do you think is coming toward him?

I think his campaign to "investigate voter fraud" will turn out to be an attack of everybody's voting rights. More than just an image campaign.
I think that would be one of the more subtle outcomes. I don't know what this idiot is capable of. I know that the country is about to be more divided than ever. I sense a Constitutional crisis coming.
I have no idea what you are saying will happen. Is it time for war? I don't think so. Protests, organizing, resisting, undermining, and eventually after two years of this wrecking ball of a president we might be able to slow his roll but he's prez for four years barring impeachment. Is there something else? Assassination? I hope not. That would be terrible.

But getting back to the original post's topic:
Trump Administration Absolutely Outraged Someone Would Try To Delegitimize A President

In its short time in office, the new administration has consistently complained that people keep trying to undermine and delegitimize President Donald Trump.

“There is this constant theme to undercut the enormous support that he has. The default narrative is always negative. And it’s demoralizing,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters on Monday, just three days after Trump was inaugurated.

Birther Trump is OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I say! LOL
I'm deliberately not trying to prognosticate any specific timeline of events; I'm calling the current political climate as the extreme right wing end of the historical pendulum swing. It will take time- yes, years, even decades- but the swing has gone as far as it will go and it will head back the other way.

That, or the American people will deserve the aristocracy that's being installed if they don't fight to change it.
Only if he says it..he's saying 'big league'.

Yet "bigly" is clearly established as a Trumpism, and not "big-league". Maybe it's because "bigly" simply sounds like the kind of superlatives Trump uses.

Kind of like GWB and "terrist", of course he was saying (or at least trying to say) "terrorist".
I have no idea what you are saying will happen. Is it time for war? I don't think so. Protests, organizing, resisting, undermining, and eventually after two years of this wrecking ball of a president we might be able to slow his roll but he's prez for four years barring impeachment. Is there something else? Assassination? I hope not. That would be terrible.

But getting back to the original post's topic:
Trump Administration Absolutely Outraged Someone Would Try To Delegitimize A President

In its short time in office, the new administration has consistently complained that people keep trying to undermine and delegitimize President Donald Trump.

“There is this constant theme to undercut the enormous support that he has. The default narrative is always negative. And it’s demoralizing,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters on Monday, just three days after Trump was inaugurated.

Birther Trump is OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I say! LOL

That's just too bad for him.

Media spins everything and asks rhetorically ie 'will he run'.. 'path is too narrow' etc....too bad he doesn't like it; its called news reporting and opinion pieces.

Trump lives in a freakish, narcissistic, and incestuous fantasy world..
I'm deliberately not trying to prognosticate any specific timeline of events; I'm calling the current political climate as the extreme right wing end of the historical pendulum swing. It will take time- yes, years, even decades- but the swing has gone as far as it will go and it will head back the other way.

That, or the American people will deserve the aristocracy that's being installed if they don't fight to change it.
I'm beginning to think that liberal-minded people are a minority. In the Democratic Party, there is a tendency to vote for conservative candidates. Of course, the Republican Party is not even conservative anymore. Not unless you call cutting taxes, increasing spending and running up the debt conservative. And what's conservative about wrecking the environment?

In a discussion with some distant in-laws that voted for Trump, they said it was because the HARP refinance they received was too constraining to them and they were angry that it wasn't as good a deal for them as they wanted. They had been Obama voters but voted for Trump because of this. I had to bite my tongue to keep peace in the family. They are outwardly nice people and I'm very close to others on that side of the family and so, not going to point out that they received assistance and kept their home. The GOP they voted in would have let them lose tens (if not hundreds) of thousands in foreclosure and bankruptcy.

They are in a bind financially. Given their conservative vote while accepting aid, it's a struggle for me to sound supportive when I hear about their difficulties. Still boggles me that they thought their vote was the best for their family.

I don't deserve this government but they do. Maybe they will learn or maybe their children will.
I'm beginning to think that liberal-minded people are a minority. In the Democratic Party, there is a tendency to vote for conservative candidates. Of course, the Republican Party is not even conservative anymore. Not unless you call cutting taxes, increasing spending and running up the debt conservative. And what's conservative about wrecking the environment?

In a discussion with some distant in-laws that voted for Trump, they said it was because the HARP refinance they received was too constraining to them and they were angry that it wasn't as good a deal for them as they wanted. They had been Obama voters but voted for Trump because of this. I had to bite my tongue to keep peace in the family. They are outwardly nice people and I'm very close to others on that side of the family and so, not going to point out that they received assistance and kept their home. The GOP they voted in would have let them lose tens (if not hundreds) of thousands in foreclosure and bankruptcy.

They are in a bind financially. Given their conservative vote while accepting aid, it's a struggle for me to sound supportive when I hear about their difficulties. Still boggles me that they thought their vote was the best for their family.

I don't deserve this government but they do. Maybe they will learn or maybe their children will.

sounds like neighbors of ours. both are self employed,, complained for days on end on how expensive ACA was for them, but they both smoke a pack a day, drive one leased car, a $60K 3/4 ton diesel truck, have 5 horses, goats, etc.. hmmm.
sounds like neighbors of ours. both are self employed,, complained for days on end on how expensive ACA was for them, but they both smoke a pack a day, drive one leased car, a $60K 3/4 ton diesel truck, have 5 horses, goats, etc.. hmmm.
The ACA was broken by the GOP congress. Prices ran up because Congress did not fund it according to agreements with insurance companies -- who were still obligated to provide the services specified under contracts. Insurance companies either fled the market or raise prices to cover the shortfall. This was either too hard for your neighbors to understand or they avoided learning it by selecting censored news sites like FOX. I've heard the same complaints on this site. Who thought medical care coverage was supposed to be cheap? Affordable, yes, but cheap? Cheap wouldn't be good, just saying.

I wonder what your Trumptard neighbors will say about health care costs under the piecemeal legislation that Ryan's congress is planning. The CBO is projecting 25% increase immediately and 100% increase by 2026.
Well DJT believes if you put a fence up in your yard, you can send the bill to your neighbor, and if they don't pay for it, Cancel you dinner date. lol
This is just way to funny, We build a wall and have Mexico foot the bill.
The Campaign is over let us govern the Nation now. instead of insulting our allies.
DJT get over the fact you lost the popular vote, and won the Presidency. GEEZE Childish B.S.
The CBO is projecting 25% increase immediately and 100% increase by 2020.

It's going to be far worse than that.

People are already seeing 25% increases as insurance companies jump on the bandwagon to get rid of Obamacare. Once it's removed, they will hit us with at least another 50% increase within 6 months.

Then, of course, you'll have literally millions of people dropping coverage because:
  • they can no longer afford it.
  • they can no longer be covered because now everything they have is a pre-existing condition, so it's pointless to have insurance at all.
  • they can no longer cover their children.
That of course is going to have the domino effect of cutting earnings by insurance carriers that can no longer sell their over-inflated, covers nothing policies anymore.

That will of course lead to yet another 100% increase to try to stop the bleeding.

It's not going to be 2020 to see a 100% increase. You're going to see at least a 175% increase in costs by the end of 2018 if they actually go through with it. It will be double that by 2020.
Yet "bigly" is clearly established as a Trumpism, and not "big-league". Maybe it's because "bigly" simply sounds like the kind of superlatives Trump uses.

Kind of like GWB and "terrist", of course he was saying (or at least trying to say) "terrorist".
I'm fine with that. Even if he didn't say it, some believe he did, which makes it an alternative fact. If we have to suck up his A-facts, he can suck it when others believe what he said when he didn't factually say it.

This is so complicated. Facts are so much easier to understand.
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It's going to be far worse than that.

People are already seeing 25% increases as insurance companies jump on the bandwagon to get rid of Obamacare. Once it's removed, they will hit us with at least another 50% increase within 6 months.

Then, of course, you'll have literally millions of people dropping coverage because:
  • they can no longer afford it.
  • they can no longer be covered because now everything they have is a pre-existing condition, so it's pointless to have insurance at all.
  • they can no longer cover their children.
That of course is going to have the domino effect of cutting earnings by insurance carriers that can no longer sell their over-inflated, covers nothing policies anymore.

That will of course lead to yet another 100% increase to try to stop the bleeding.

It's not going to be 2020 to see a 100% increase. You're going to see at least a 175% increase in costs by the end of 2018 if they actually go through with it. It will be double that by 2020.
I'm just quoting what the CBO reported and I corrected my earlier post to reflect their projection of double cost by 2026, not 2020. I'd be interested in seeing a link that says it will be more. I don't disbelieve it, I'm just interested in how they arrive at the number.

I've seen projections between 18 M and 21 M losing coverage under Trumpcare. Also, the legislation is wiping out provisions to keep medical costs down. We are going back to the days when insurance companies increase coverage while costs aren't contained. It's a win-win for them. They aren't obligated to anybody without the means to pay and their vig is skimmed off the top. Costs go up, revenue goes up and the CEO get's a big bonus.

I don't understand this line of yours: "That of course is going to have the domino effect of cutting earnings by insurance carriers that can no longer sell their over-inflated, covers nothing policies anymore." The ACA mandated specific coverage requirements for health care coverage policies. It was good coverage.
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I'm beginning to think that liberal-minded people are a minority. In the Democratic Party, there is a tendency to vote for conservative candidates. Of course, the Republican Party is not even conservative anymore. Not unless you call cutting taxes, increasing spending and running up the debt conservative. And what's conservative about wrecking the environment?

In a discussion with some distant in-laws that voted for Trump, they said it was because the HARP refinance they received was too constraining to them and they were angry that it wasn't as good a deal for them as they wanted. They had been Obama voters but voted for Trump because of this. I had to bite my tongue to keep peace in the family. They are outwardly nice people and I'm very close to others on that side of the family and so, not going to point out that they received assistance and kept their home. The GOP they voted in would have let them lose tens (if not hundreds) of thousands in foreclosure and bankruptcy.

They are in a bind financially. Given their conservative vote while accepting aid, it's a struggle for me to sound supportive when I hear about their difficulties. Still boggles me that they thought their vote was the best for their family.

I don't deserve this government but they do. Maybe they will learn or maybe their children will.

I have a theory that Dems have tended to support conservative Dems because they think they'll have a better chance to win in this 30-year-to-the-right cycle of American politics. I've heard people actually say that IRL.

But their core beliefs actually never change.
I don't understand this line of yours: "That of course is going to have the domino effect of cutting earnings by insurance carriers that can no longer sell their over-inflated, covers nothing policies anymore." The ACA mandated specific coverage requirements for health care coverage policies. It was good coverage.

It may be good coverage, but that's not going to matter. It's going to cost so much nobody will be able to afford it. What's more, the VAST majority of people will be excluded from that coverage due to pre-existing conditions which were eliminated under Obamacare.

That is going to lead to around 50 million Americans priced out of it completely and another approximately 30 million eliminated for pre-existing conditions (and I'm one of them).

That of course will cut the profits of the insurance carriers because the literally have nobody to sell their policies to. People are either eliminated outright for previous conditions or can't possibly afford the inflated premiums.

That of course means that the insurance carriers are going to jack the premiums of those left SKY FUCKING HIGH to try to make up the shortfall.

You don't have to be a Nobel Laureate economist to see it coming.
I have a theory that Dems have tended to support conservative Dems because they think they'll have a better chance to win in this 30-year-to-the-right cycle of American politics. I've heard people actually say that IRL.

But their core beliefs actually never change.

I vote for the candidate that supports my positions in the primary and Democratic Party candidate in the general. Trying to second-guess and actually voting for somebody you think is "more winnable" I've heard discussed but never thought that it made a difference in the primary. What you suggest is something like a scene from Princess Bride.