Why do Americans want a WW3?

I'll have to research IWW.

Univ. of Washington library has digitized some ephemera: http://depts.washington.edu/iww/

Two anticommunist organizations were founded to combat the influence of "one big union." The Bureau of Investigation (BoI) or forerunner to the FBI was founded to beat back IWW activists. The American Legion was founded in France at the end of WWI to combat the influence of the IWW (hey, IWW and WWI are backwards). The Legion was notorious out West for busting up meetings in a very violent manner. Then they blamed the violence on the IWW.
Oh. We are going to war.

Saw convoys of military trucks and gear going down the interstate yesterday.

I am ex military and still have buddies in. I also have that feeling of war coming.

Get ready.
Yes, I see this a lot too. There is definitely going to be a war. Unfortunately.
In conservative circles, they are eating this shit up. Believing all the bullshit news both on MSN and alternative. They actually want death and despair. Sorrow and disgust.

I say it here as I did there.

To the war mongers. If you think you'd enjoy war. Enlist and grab a rifle. If you're too old to enlist. Drive your kids to the recruiter and sign them up. Their sacrifice will be commemorated by a yellow sticker on the bumper of a car.

Only fools want war. If you want war. Either sign up yourself or send your children. If your children come back in a box. Covered in a flag. May the flag give you comfort.
good question about war brewing. we will never know until it happens, so we need to cut ourselves slack there. what i do know is, since ive been alive there has been unrest in the middle east.

the threat, i see, is from the middle east and the spread of radical islam. again, conflict in the middle east is nothing new. its been going on for thousands of years and will continue to. we need to accept that, but know its not our war. however, we cant let that mess fall at our feet. and its spreading to places where muslim populations grow, unfortunate as it is. its not racist if its true. a few bad apples are ruining it for them all. there is a shift in europe to the right, politically, already due to the influx of these populations and the effect its having on the countries existing cultures. france is becoming less french, germany is becoming less german. people are rightly afraid of that and the liberal tide is turning over there because the policies lead to such poor results (violence!!)

but no, i dont see a ww3 because radical islam isnt based in one country. it has no home. its a belief that kills apparently. its the modern war

The so called Islamic State is certainly our enemy, they are also the enemy of Muslims everywhere, and they are something we must not ignore. However it is a fight for the hearts of people, something bombs cannot fix. The blood of martyrs is always lifeblood for any cause and strenghthens it instead of weakens it. We do much to make their sales pitch for them, like using the words and sentiments of "Radical Islamic Terrorism". That is a propaganda word; propaganda to work us up into an emotional state where we will gladly hand over our constitutional freedoms and welcoming hearts so the "gov't can keep us safe" and propaganda for them to use a recruitment. It makes it a much easier sale to a moderate Muslim that the west is their enemy when we choose to act like it and treat them in that way. I know many Muslims, and to say that terrorists are Muslim in the same way the guy down my street is who is Muslim, is to say that Timothy McVeigh was a Roman Catholic, therefore Catholics support domestic terrorism. Its simply shitty logic. It is an insult to all good, God fearing, good hearted, hard working, honest, integrity filled people who happen to be Muslim to call these terrorists "Muslim" in anyway. Islam is a cover for being soulless blood thirsty thugs. Thats why I prefer the saying of "The so called Islamic State" as ISIS does not represent Islam, and has killed more Muslims than non-Muslims.

What Im referring to as "winds of war feel like they are blowing" is the rise of nationalism everywhere, peoples all over are accepting that old belief that they are superior to all their neighbors in the world, and all "others" should minimally be suspect. This is the beginning of how relationships between countries and peoples break down. Making it far easer to sell "Those damned xyz people are at fault". And we step one step closer to drawing each others blood over dirt, how we do business, how we worship or don't, etc. My fear of the winds of war are blowing have little to do with the so called Islamic State, but with peoples everywhere filling themselves with the arrogance of superiority of their people over all others.

I truly hope I'm wrong as hell about this feeling, I'd rather be proven wrong by history than right, honest...
I really hate to say it, but WW3 is already here. Its not conventional though, its being played out with the "1" and the "0", under our noses. You cn also look at the middle east as well, there war is between the 12th century and the 21st.....
I really hate to say it, but WW3 is already here. Its not conventional though, its being played out with the "1" and the "0", under our noses. You cn also look at the middle east as well, there war is between the 12th century and the 21st.....
More like the Eleventh Century. That's when the Europeans showed up for the Cruades.

you are so against racism etc and yet you talk disparagingly about gas station workers and people using food stamps.

Discrimination is discrimination

yep, the plight of gas station workers like yourself is kinda like what american black people have gone through.
So in all this discussion, no mention of the Democrats declaration of war on Russia since the election?

"act of war" is all you hear if you watch msnbc.
Zionist Jews look like like WHITE people so they an easily infiltrate your society and pull the rug from right under neath your feet...

Elite Zionist Eastern European JEWS are not real WHITE people... Americans from West Europe are the Founding Fathers of America and Really Pure WHite... Not Fake Hebrew
Zionist Jews look like like WHITE people so they an easily infiltrate your society and pull the rug from right under neath your feet...

Elite Zionist Eastern European JEWS are not real WHITE people... Americans from West Europe are the Founding Fathers of America and Really Pure WHite... Not Fake Hebrew
Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel?
Interesting opinion.

Small point...didn't mathematics and advances in medicine reach 'the west' via Spain, brought from the middle east?

Ahhh....you say "last 500 years"

as you were bongsmiliebongsmilie

Yes, you most certainly have a point.

For a period of few hundred years, while Europe was in its grass eating phase, Islam produced more advanced mathematical theory and medicine than the 'West' possessed. To me it seems that their state religion and culture was working very well for them when their civilisation was in its peak.

However, why the Arab - speaking world didn't stay on par with the West for the last few hundred years is a difficult question to answer, I'm sure that our modern world's dynamics would be quite different if they did.

Im exposed to african culture daily. Most of africas problems today still come from the whites who colonized them. Stole their lands and culture.

Unfortunately, growing up on this continent, traveling through it in a bakkie (pick up truck) with my parents, there are many things I simply cannot unsee, and as a result my beliefs become more fixed and difficult to explain to an outsider.
To a certain extent, I'd have to admit and agree with it: we brought the European System with our culture here, to a people who are not European, but African, and were happily living according to the African system (late stone age, early iron age).

One aspect of reality that I'd like to highlight is the outcome of an inferior culture. What on earth does that mean in 2017? This is what it means in terms of one country in Africa, South Africa, currently.

How does one coexist with a culture if they have not yet integrated the concept of formal education into their own culture? Consider the sociological consequences carefully.
How would you coexist with a culture that still lives according to an eye for an eye or ear for ear - where disputes are still settled physically and death becomes the honour killing.
You wouldn't want to be near a culture that practices burning buildings or institutions (mostly universities) since it was built by whites.
You wouldn't be able to live with a culture you can't visit, go drink a cup of tea with, or simply drive into their neighbourhood because of your personal safety.

In 1994, we officially handed over our state to the local African people and since then millions of us have migrated to Australia, the UK, and New Zealand, for various reasons although they all have to do with a disintegrating country, think crime, hate crime, racism, general chaos, read our news. This should be the first warning flag to you people and the rest of the world. These cultures do not mix, and have never mixed since we got here in the 1500's. Socially, South Africa is currently still either white or not, no grey area has emerged.