a mediocre shroom garden thread

Hello, noobie here with stupid questions on my first grow. Inoculated (6) 1/2 pint jars 3/31/17 with B+ strain syringe . 5 showed mycelium growth within 3 - 4 days. The 6th jar didn't show anything till 4/14/17 and has reached 50% in a week.1 jar was completely colonized 4/15 and from what I read, needed another week to fully colonize the center. Yesterday I saw pinning in 3 of my other jars that were about 95% colonized. Panic set in ... I birthed 5 of them and will just throw the last one in when done. Did a dunk and roll. Temp is 79 / humidity 99%. Should I have birthed them or waited for 100% colonization? Am I doing this right and can I expect my cakes to continue pinning or did I fuck up?
Hello, noobie here with stupid questions on my first grow. Inoculated (6) 1/2 pint jars 3/31/17 with B+ strain syringe . 5 showed mycelium growth within 3 - 4 days. The 6th jar didn't show anything till 4/14/17 and has reached 50% in a week.1 jar was completely colonized 4/15 and from what I read, needed another week to fully colonize the center. Yesterday I saw pinning in 3 of my other jars that were about 95% colonized. Panic set in ... I birthed 5 of them and will just throw the last one in when done. Did a dunk and roll. Temp is 79 / humidity 99%. Should I have birthed them or waited for 100% colonization? Am I doing this right and can I expect my cakes to continue pinning or did I fuck up?
Most wait for 100% colonization because it is the best defense against contaminations that want the substrate. I suppose you did the right thing but the pins would have developed fine if you gave them a little extra time to colonize the jar completely. The pins would have matured into shroom but would remain sterile. You could then have picked these when birthing. But as long as you remove the uncolonized substrate before placing it in your fruiting chamber you should see growth continue relatively normal. Maybe a delay between flushes but if you don't get a contam in between then keep them going.
so while applying all this bandage tape to try and keep out fungus gnats i must have brought in trich spores that attacked the questionable shiitake cake and because there was a cubensis cake being repeatedly attacked by gnats i removed that one as well. it seemed to have stalled it. there is only one remaining and i will attempt to get one decent flush out of it while i consiladate a few cakes a bit longer. i would like to eradicate the gnat problem before adding more cakes. i did notice a gnat fly out today even after removing the other two cakes. meaning this cake left in here has likely been impregnated with gnat eggs.

i squished the shiitake cake into the broken end of a log. maybe it will grow inside before the wildlife finds it and eats up the mycelium.

the stalled cubensis cake was broken up and mixed into a typically moist and shaded spot outside. i added a bit of straw and compost rich soil.

clearly slowed down on the fruits forming but if the bugs dont cause too much parasitic damage to this one below i may just see another flush before i decide to bury this cake and clean the entire chamber..
the air flow has definitely been restricted by the tape but if i can sound proof a larger but louder air pump i will upgrade it to a 950gph pump to recycle air periodically throughout the day. problem is it is loud as all hell. right now i am only using a dinky fish bowl aquarium pump. CIMG4184.JPG
huatla germ coming alongCIMG4186.JPG
left are treasure coast ready to fruit but i will hold back a few days to see what is going on with the bug and contam situation. back is panaeolus cyanescens (no germ yet), couple of cubensis treasure cost that are a bir slower to colonize have been separated for observation, and the shiitake WBS spawn are almost completely colonized but with some yeast colonies growing by their side. The shiitake spawn will be for plugs and then later for outdoor garden logs, so yeast is welcome.
this guy here (treasure coast G2G spawn) is growing up the sides of the container! mi gusto. I will probably fruit this and one other right in their jarsCIMG4193.JPG
Not to hijack, but how's this for a monotub, @iHearAll? This is not my forte. Thinking about running it upside down. Top of records collection in the back for size reference.

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I think it will work but it looks a tad shallow. Although cubes don't grow that tall. The biggest setback I see would be the polyfill holes would be dang close to the substrate level. So, you plan on break up the spawn bags and placing them in the tub (separetly I imagine) with just a casing layer? Or are you intending to colonize more pasteurized substrate when the bags enter the tub? I think you have room to add substrate so that after the grain spawn is added, you're only two or three inches deep. I wouldnt do it upside down though, it went hold moisture well due to the seal of the lid being below everything. The green color of the lid won't effect the fruiting much negatively but if you have to see it from above I would get a different tub.
I think it will work but it looks a tad shallow. Although cubes don't grow that tall. The biggest setback I see would be the polyfill holes would be dang close to the substrate level. So, you plan on break up the spawn bags and placing them in the tub (separetly I imagine) with just a casing layer? Or are you intending to colonize more pasteurized substrate when the bags enter the tub? I think you have room to add substrate so that after the grain spawn is added, you're only two or three inches deep. I wouldnt do it upside down though, it went hold moisture well due to the seal of the lid being below everything. The green color of the lid won't effect the fruiting much negatively but if you have to see it from above I would get a different tub.
I think this aught to be mentioned, my best tub was a tub of Cambodians, normally not very large fruits. I left town while they colonized. My normal methods are to introduce airflow with the presence of knots showing, well being away i didnt have a chance to so they consolidated and fruited with NO airflow, and better than i could imagine, the fatest cambos Ive seen, and spit out more full flushes then prevous tubs. I will be messing with limitiled airflow in the future, even with none there is still the constant evap/condensation occuring within the tub that permits fruiting
Not to hijack, but how's this for a monotub, @iHearAll? This is not my forte. Thinking about running it upside down. Top of records collection in the back for size reference.

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dont try upside down, youll only be mad at yourself after. Enough light gets in through the sides, the mushies dont need full direct light. The tub could work, although if it were me Id have less holes/tightly packed holes to limit evap in the shallower tub, and a shallower substrate as well
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I think it will work but it looks a tad shallow. Although cubes don't grow that tall. The biggest setback I see would be the polyfill holes would be dang close to the substrate level. So, you plan on break up the spawn bags and placing them in the tub (separetly I imagine) with just a casing layer? Or are you intending to colonize more pasteurized substrate when the bags enter the tub? I think you have room to add substrate so that after the grain spawn is added, you're only two or three inches deep. I wouldnt do it upside down though, it went hold moisture well due to the seal of the lid being below everything. The green color of the lid won't effect the fruiting much negatively but if you have to see it from above I would get a different tub.
I plan on mixing 2lbs of knocked rye berry to 5 lbs of mushroom compost.

And, yeah, you're probably right. Thanks, bro.
I think this aught to be mentioned, my best tub was a tub of Cambodians, normally not very large fruits. I left town while they colonized. My normal methods are to introduce airflow with the presence of knots showing, well being away i didnt have a chance to so they consolidated and fruited with NO airflow, and better than i could imagine, the fatest cambos Ive seen, and spit out more full flushes then prevous tubs. I will be messing with limitiled airflow in the future, even with none there is still the constant evap/condensation occuring within the tub that permits fruiting
I noticed a lot of knots forming when I took a break ffrom air flow as well. But when I resumed air flow they seem to have paused the formation of pins. I think most forums make it sound like the shrooms need a way more attention then we should.
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finally some pinning. i am noticing more pinning closer to the bubbling water and on the bottom where the water collects. It's in an Al dish with a few 1/8" holes in the bottom but the cake is sitting on a layer of damp vermiculite. i cut a slice off that i thought was green. turned out to be blueing and realized it was a bruise from where i held the cake originally. i added three more cakes (not pictured) and theyre sitting on a cotton pad each that grew along with them in their jars. i noticed it was coursing with mycellium when i birthed them and since i would set them on wet verm i figure ill just set them on wet cotton, i still rolled them in vermiculite.
finally some pinning. i am noticing more pinning closer to the bubbling water and on the bottom where the water collects. It's in an Al dish with a few 1/8" holes in the bottom but the cake is sitting on a layer of damp vermiculite. i cut a slice off that i thought was green. turned out to be blueing and realized it was a bruise from where i held the cake originally. i added three more cakes (not pictured) and theyre sitting on a cotton pad each that grew along with them in their jars. i noticed it was coursing with mycellium when i birthed them and since i would set them on wet verm i figure ill just set them on wet cotton, i still rolled them in vermiculite.
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I just got some mycelial growth on the bottom. Mazatapec, I hear, is somewhat of a slower colonizer.
progress on the huatla ps cubensis. (myc porn)CIMG4258.JPG
the only psilocybe cyanescens (right). It was germinated on BRF/oak. notice how the mycelium is only growing on the oak!!! fascinating, proved me wrong.CIMG4255.JPG im preparing a single jar cram packed with bamboo slivers. i would like to transfer myc over to it when this jar is stronger. i also knocked up a few more jars today to keep us perpetuating. I am going to attempt this BRF/oak substrate using huatla ps cubensis, which does not NORMALLY grow on wood indoors but reports, which i can share links if anyone cares, it will grow on fucking anything, including bamboo, so i figure oak is ok.

I just got some mycelial growth on the bottom. Mazatapec, I hear, is somewhat of a slower colonizer.
got any bookmarks on the strain?
progress on the huatla ps cubensis. (myc porn)View attachment 3933489
the only psilocybe cyanescens (right). It was germinated on BRF/oak. notice how the mycelium is only growing on the oak!!! fascinating, proved me wrong.View attachment 3933488 im preparing a single jar cram packed with bamboo slivers. i would like to transfer myc over to it when this jar is stronger. i also knocked up a few more jars today to keep us perpetuating. I am going to attempt this BRF/oak substrate using huatla ps cubensis, which does not NORMALLY grow on wood indoors but reports, which i can share links if anyone cares, it will grow on fucking anything, including bamboo, so i figure oak is ok.

got any bookmarks on the strain?

It's a strain used by the Mazatec Tribe. Mazatapec was an accidental bastardization on the part of the collector that stuck.

It's a strain used by the Mazatec Tribe. Mazatapec was an accidental bastardization on the part of the collector that stuck.
interesting that Wasson was mentioned. There is a Salvia Divinorum named after Wasson and Hoffman. I have no doubt it the same Wasson, as he probably brought back one of the original cuttings from mexico. But could the Hoffman in the name be in reference to Albert Hoffman? Squirrel. sorry. Im going to want a print of that mazatec btw
interesting that Wasson was mentioned. There is a Salvia Divinorum named after Wasson and Hoffman. I have no doubt it the same Wasson, as he probably brought back one of the original cuttings from mexico. But could the Hoffman in the name be in reference to Albert Hoffman? Squirrel. sorry. Im going to want a print of that mazatec btw
Absolutely, I can get you a print when it's done. Wasson, I believe, is the original collector. I believe Maria Sabina might have been the original source.
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