What did you accomplish today?

Because you'll be dead in a cardboard box in less than a year and no one will care. Quit feeling sorry for yourself god damn it. You keep looking for some pie in the sky validation. Go to school, learn something, go to a new state and start over, fresh. Make your own life. Quit expecting your family, friends, strangers to make big over you it won't happen.
Death is a mercy. Ive tryed at least a dozen times i obviously didnt try hard enough.
All of them. I got off meth for them. I come back and gues wat? No body gives a flying fuck. Sober, dope fiend doesnt matter nothings changed absolutely nothing. I used drugs so i wouldnt feel i was a zombie i felt nothing.when i got sober i didnt become hapier i became angry. The longer i was sober the more angry i became now im full of fucking hate. I just told my mom i was done with my family that i did it for them and they dont care and what kind of christians they were to b so unforgiving? And she turned around with an angry look on her face saying" you did horrible things to them!" And i yelled But they fucking forgave Nathan!(My brother, a worse dope fiend then me!) And she said hes really trying and working hard" that made me fucking livid im so angry im shaking. Drugs made me a harmless drooling zombie. Probly safer for me and others for me to be doped outa my mind. Fuck it . Ill talk to yall later ima go score some medicine
Your whole family are drug addicted welfare sponges?
