What did you accomplish today?

Had to leo. They been flying hot and heavy this year. I've watched them lower guys into several patches.

They would have left sign if they went in by foot.

Crazy. I guess I'm glad about not being there.

I had law enforcement come in on a patch one year as I was chopping plants.

I grabbed a arm full of bud and took off. I barley made it to the edge of the patch as guys in military gear came over the hill and repelled from the chopper.

I'm looking left and right almost in a panic. I laid down a slide underneath a big log that was half rotted.

I raked leaves over me and the big bundle of pot I got with me. As the chopper is hovering its blowing leaves off me.

I start breaking limbs and bark off and covering myself up and wedging myself deeper under this log.

Couple guys walked up and were within 20 foot of me.

I laid there about an hour as they finish up. They hooked a big bundle of plants to a rope and head out. The guys on foot head out. I laid there another hour before I decided to move.
I smell patches all over the place, on almost every back road , down in the valleys . Early morning before sunrise smell is strong, and you can even tell different strains are being grown, I'm thinking the online seed sells have brought new variety to the area.
Once that happens, the people start complaining. Laws get changed. Can't fucking blow it up anymore!
It's the way it happened all over here in california.
We had our fun. Still happening don't get me wrong, but the laws have gotten really strict here where my outdoor grows were, that I just don't do it anymore. Even more time is spent on indoor now.

You couldn't go anywhere without smelling and seeing a crop leaving my house up to around 3 yrs ago.
Those are just sitting behind a house I rent to my brother...just a few extras I didn't wana kill so I gave them to him.......my hands are full with my G houses and work .....He recently ate a live Blue Belly lizard for 100$ ....pretty sure he's not guna rinse anything LOL.
Rinsing definitely isn't required, but I find it makes my herb a little smoother.
"Foreign matter" is never helpful. Bugs, bug shit, pet hair, dust, pollen, etc...
I don't go to a lot of trouble. Just fill a couple of big rubbermaid totes with water the day before I chop, then add a cup of peroxide to one of them (first rinse). The second tub is plain water for the final rinse.
It's not a hassle, and you'd be surprised how much crap ends up in the water... :shock:
Once that happens, the people start complaining. Laws get changed. Can't fucking blow it up anymore!
It's the way it happened all over here in california.
We had our fun. Still happening don't get me wrong, but the laws have gotten really strict here where my outdoor grows were, that I just don't do it anymore. Even more time is spent on indoor now.

You couldn't go anywhere without smelling and seeing a crop leaving my house up to around 3 yrs ago.

It's illegal AF here, but it's really popular lol. Actually it's kinda cool seeing a generation of out door growers . When I was 9 I started growing with my brother and later I fell in with some local growers . And I felt like it was a dieing skill here , because of population growth and law enforcement tech getting more intense. It makes me smile and take a deep breath ever time I pass a patch , it's like visiting with old friends .
It's illegal AF here, but it's really popular lol. Actually it's kinda cool seeing a generation of out door growers . When I was 9 I started growing with my brother and later I fell in with some local growers . And I felt like it was a dieing skill here , because of population growth and law enforcement tech getting more intense. It makes me smile and take a deep breath ever time I pass a patch , it's like visiting with old friends .
It stopped needing big balls to grow outdoor around 15yrs ago here. Since then, everyone now does it. Takes zero balls now.