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Mariachi bands don't typically incorporate standup basses
The guitarron, and to a lesser extent bajo sexto are the traditional bass instruments in a mariachi band.
You did not buy just one pair did you AND how does that non stick work?
How "non-stick" are the non-stick? I haven't seen those, I have the regular un-coated blades

It was a two pack for just over 20 bucks at the grow shop....the non stick actually works fucking awesome ....trimming glue for hours now and no sticking ....surprising
Mariachi bands don't typically incorporate standup basses
The guitarron, and to a lesser extent bajo sexto are the traditional bass instruments in a mariachi band.
Thanks Sir Dix a lot, its a good thing no one gives a fuck what you think ;)

where do you live? Because i spent most my life on the penis-thin border between Dixico and cockifornia, and those hombres played hella stand up fretless bass.

not that any of it matters, i've just never really liked you and have always wondered what it is you have to contribute?
