Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity

1. It was poorly organized.
2. Total debt is bigger than it's ever been, by nearly any measure. Government, corporate, private debt.
3. The dates in the article were accurate; Including but not limited to 1929, 2000 and 2008.
4. Derp.
1. Agree
2. Disagree
4. Your pipe's name is "Derp"? Odd name.

Both income and wealth inequality are higher than at any point in American history. When things are unsustainable, they crash. We're overdue. The current administration is either unaware or just doesn't care; the Chump himself has praised recessions because it gives him a chance to go bargain hunting- clearly, the situation of the average American citizen does not concern him.

Agreed, income inequality is completely out of hand. I'm totally down for repairing the worst problem that persists this nation. Citizens United and gerrymandering. Are you prepared to attack that problem?

Housing is unaffordable for vast deaths of Americans and it's getting worse.

Are you saying you are concerned about our nations cemeteries? I'm not sure what to do about the housing of dead people. I'm for cremation.

Incomes are shrinking.

Inflation is accelerating.

The government is doing all it can to hide these trends.

Simply not true.
Born in 1969, have a '69 Datsun that'll likely never be completed and I'm more into fart jokes.

Were you that kid yelling "Penis" in the back of the bus when no one was looking? ;)

No. I yelled "penis" while everyone was looking. The word "penis" has a catching sound to it. Like "bulbous erection".

Do you like my "bulbous erection"?
No. I yelled "penis" while everyone was looking. The word "penis" has a catching sound to it. Like "bulbous erection".

Do you like my "bulbous erection"?

I don't have enough details to answer your inquiry. Based in the information at hand, so to speak, I can't say that I dislike it.
"Some in Washington continue to argue that “benevolent global hegemony” should be the goal of our foreign policy, that the US, by virtue of its extraordinary military power, should stand astride the world and reshape it to its liking. I would argue that the events of the past two decades — particularly the disastrous Iraq war and the instability and destruction it has brought to the region — have utterly discredited that vision.

The goal is not for the United States to dominate the world. Nor, on the other hand, is our goal to withdraw from the international community and shirk our responsibilities under the banner of “America First.” Our goal should be global engagement based on partnership, rather than dominance. This is better for our security, better for global stability, and better for facilitating the international cooperation necessary to meet shared challenges.

Here’s a truth that you don’t often hear about too often in the newspapers, on the television, or in the halls of Congress. But it’s a truth we must face. Far too often, American intervention and the use of American military power has produced unintended consequences which have caused incalculable harm. Yes, it is reasonably easy to engineer the overthrow of a government. It is far harder, however, to know the long term impact that that action will have." -Bernie Sanders, excerpt from his speech on foreign policy at Westminster College last week
Not going to overlook the fact that none or our leaders have good policies in all areas. Here's what Sanders soft whites are supporting. My choice is a pragmatic one and I'm not going to lie about it.

The Yemen Tragedy and the Ongoing Crisis of the Left in the United States
Do Non-European Lives really Matter to White Leftists?

The political reaction to the killing spree in Yemen that now eclipses the murderous assault on Gaza by Israel, has not only been met with indifference but many leftists and radicals in the U.S. have given their support to Bernie Sanders who said very clearly that under his administration the Saudi’s would be given even more latitude to carry out military operations in the Middle-East. The Sanders’ position is that the Saudi’s needed to get their “hands a little dirty.” For Bernie and his supporters, the mischief that the Saudi government and private individuals have been engaged in across the region financing groups like ISIS wasn’t dirty enough.

Clinton, Obama, Trump, Sanders; they are all about the same in this policy. Exactly what good choice for a US leader is there regarding policies in this region?

Here is a link to the full transcript where Sanders says this:

Yeah, I'm not going to pretend to know what the correct answer is for the shit show in the Middle East, but our policy of dropping bombs everywhere, killing 100's of thousands of innocent people, and overthrowing govt's doesn't appear to be I wouldn't mind tapping the brakes on that a bit and supporting more of a peace keeping role along side the UN. Maybe that's not the answer either, but I'd like to see how that shakes out.

On an unrelated note, I've noticed your new dig-du-jour is calling Sanders supporters "soft". Were you soft during the primaries, and have since become a hardened bad ass after throwing your support behind Hillary? Is that how you fancy yourself? The more I see from Hillary supporters/the establishment, the more I'm convinced that this party is going to be shaken up. I'm looking for an alternative to the juvenile, stubborn, stuck-in-the-mud politics of the right wing, and I can't seem to see much daylight between the establishment right and the establishment left. Different sides of the same dirty coin. The Republican Party is going through a civil war of their own right now, and I think the Dems are heading down the same path. People are fed up with the status quo, and they are demanding change. Party politics be damned.
Yeah, I'm not going to pretend to know what the correct answer is for the shit show in the Middle East, but our policy of dropping bombs everywhere, killing 100's of thousands of innocent people, and overthrowing govt's doesn't appear to be I wouldn't mind tapping the brakes on that a bit and supporting more of a peace keeping role along side the UN. Maybe that's not the answer either, but I'd like to see how that shakes out.

On an unrelated note, I've noticed your new dig-du-jour is calling Sanders supporters "soft". Were you soft during the primaries, and have since become a hardened bad ass after throwing your support behind Hillary? Is that how you fancy yourself? The more I see from Hillary supporters/the establishment, the more I'm convinced that this party is going to be shaken up. I'm looking for an alternative to the juvenile, stubborn, stuck-in-the-mud politics of the right wing, and I can't seem to see much daylight between the establishment right and the establishment left. Different sides of the same dirty coin. The Republican Party is going through a civil war of their own right now, and I think the Dems are heading down the same path. People are fed up with the status quo, and they are demanding change. Party politics be damned.
soft whites just want free stuff and whine if the don't get it. Don't confront racism. Ignore the fact that Republicans are the ones preventing progress. Completely weak and useless.

Sanders lost. Get over it.

Republicans are arguing about not being conservative enough. Don't look for hope there.

Naive to say Democrats and Republicans are the same.

edit: I should add, start your own third party already. Sanders can't win the Democratic nomination in 2020. He only appeals to the soft whites of the party.
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Yeah, I'm not going to pretend to know what the correct answer is for the shit show in the Middle East, but our policy of dropping bombs everywhere, killing 100's of thousands of innocent people, and overthrowing govt's doesn't appear to be I wouldn't mind tapping the brakes on that a bit and supporting more of a peace keeping role along side the UN. Maybe that's not the answer either, but I'd like to see how that shakes out.

On an unrelated note, I've noticed your new dig-du-jour is calling Sanders supporters "soft". Were you soft during the primaries, and have since become a hardened bad ass after throwing your support behind Hillary? Is that how you fancy yourself? The more I see from Hillary supporters/the establishment, the more I'm convinced that this party is going to be shaken up. I'm looking for an alternative to the juvenile, stubborn, stuck-in-the-mud politics of the right wing, and I can't seem to see much daylight between the establishment right and the establishment left. Different sides of the same dirty coin. The Republican Party is going through a civil war of their own right now, and I think the Dems are heading down the same path. People are fed up with the status quo, and they are demanding change. Party politics be damned.

Lol, you are status quo, ya dumb jock.
Lol, you are status quo, ya dumb jock.
Did you notice how quickly he went to machismo tough guy too? He's mentally and morally soft. What he did as a young man on the rink isn't important in the adult world. His fist will only land him in jail now. Also cost him a lot of cabbage. LOL What a weenie.
edit: I should add, start your own third party already. Sanders can't win the Democratic nomination in 2020. He only appeals to the soft whites of the party.

Bernie is the most popular person on the planet, in the history of ever. He doesn't need a party affiliation. He will win 2020 by a landslide greater than we've ever seen. Ever.
It's fun to watch democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives, rich, poor, white, black, pink and blue, so on, etc. say "(insert race, group or gender) just wants free stuff".

It's not very good reasoning. Always easily countered , then the usual come back is "yes, but some..."

One could write an entire book on that subject. Wouldn't sell many copies I bet.
It's fun to watch democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives, rich, poor, white, black, pink and blue, so on, etc. say "(insert race, group or gender) just wants free stuff".

It's not very good reasoning. Always easily countered , then the usual come back is "yes, but some..."

One could write an entire book on that subject. Wouldn't sell many copies I bet.
Glaring example of the difference between wanting a rational social system for health care and wanting free health care is perfectly profiled by the most ardent Sanders supporters.

Just a coda on the whole diatribe I just launched. Buck pointed out that voters defeated a universal healthcare bill in Colorado by 80% against. It was an election regarding a policy. No chance of a politician to fuck it up. Not the same as voting for a politician.
They put the entire cost on the employees. Small wonder it didn't work.
And there you have it. Colorado put forth a bill that would have covered every person in the state and pay for it. tty whined that the reason it lost was because there was a bill attached.

Free health care is as popular as Sanders is in an opinion poll. With no payment applied 60% say they want it. When asked if universal healthcare was favored with the proviso that taxes would go up, 60% disapprove.

For the record, I don't think it matters how we pay for it, I just want to get healthcare out of insurance companies and placed fully into the hands of government where we can work to bring costs down. In the long run, everybody pays for healthcare and I want mine to be as good and low cost as other countries. Maybe we can soak the rich to subsidize it for the poor but I'm under no false impression the people who can afford to pay will pay. Yet I'd approve of government provided universal healthcare coverage if I ended up with a larger tax bill but no health care coverage bill from an insurance company.

LOL, free stuff always makes people happy. Especially soft white liberals.

Nobody hates Santa Claus. Sanders is the most popular politician ever. Same Same.
Glaring example of the difference between wanting a rational social system for health care and wanting free health care is perfectly profiled by the most ardent Sanders supporters.

And there you have it. Colorado put forth a bill that would have covered every person in the state and pay for it. tty whined that the reason it lost was because there was a bill attached.

Free health care is as popular as Sanders is in an opinion poll. With no payment applied 60% say they want it. When asked if universal healthcare was favored with the proviso that taxes would go up, 60% disapprove.

For the record, I don't think it matters how we pay for it, I just want to get healthcare out of insurance companies and placed fully into the hands of government where we can work to bring costs down. In the long run, everybody pays for healthcare and I want mine to be as good and low cost as other countries. Maybe we can soak the rich to subsidize it for the poor but I'm under no false impression the people who can afford to pay will pay. Yet I'd approve of government provided universal healthcare coverage if I ended up with a larger tax bill but no health care coverage bill from an insurance company.

LOL, free stuff always makes people happy. Especially soft white liberals.

Nobody hates Santa Claus. Sanders is the most popular politician ever. Same Same.
Insurance companies and private hospitals are the problem, was trying to explain this to the Bernie Babies recently and they told me I'm a Republican because I oppose single payer (...but want real European style universal instead).
Did you notice how quickly he went to machismo tough guy too? He's mentally and morally soft. What he did as a young man on the rink isn't important in the adult world. His fist will only land him in jail now. Also cost him a lot of cabbage. LOL What a weenie.

I can at least aspire to be a rugged, hard nosed person like you though Foggy. I'll follow your lead of changing the hearts and minds of America from my computer desk (on a weed site). It's inspirational how you went from a soft Sanders supporter, to a hardened Hillary supporter over night!

We do need to come up with a new nick-name for you though. Something that truly reflects your steely determination, and warrior spirit. "Foggy" just doesn't capture that.

Shit Sun Tzu?

I'm open to suggestions. It is your handle, and legacy after all...

I can at least aspire to be a rugged, hard nosed person like you though Foggy. I'll follow your lead of changing the hearts and minds of America from my computer desk (on a weed site). It's inspirational how you went from a soft Sanders supporter, to a hardened Hillary supporter over night!

We do need to come up with a new nick-name for you though. Something that truly reflects your steely determination, and warrior spirit. "Foggy" just doesn't capture that.

Shit Sun Tzu?

I'm open to suggestions. It is your handle, and legacy after all...

If we need to hit a puck or learn to stay standing while fighting on the ice we'll tag you in, but you should probably stay in lane until then, you're embarrassing yourself.
If we need to hit a puck or learn to stay standing while fighting on the ice we'll tag you in, but you should probably stay in lane until then, you're embarrassing yourself.

Another Hillary supporter! I'll be following your lead too Squeaky. Nothing says *man* like following a woman around a website denigrating her 24/7.

It's shoot btw. You don't "hit" a puck, you shoot it.

Another Hillary supporter! I'll be following your lead too Squeaky. Nothing says *man* like following a woman around a website denigrating her 24/7.

It's shoot btw. You don't "hit" a puck, you shoot it.

View attachment 4019432
Apologies, I concentrated on study instead of sport.

I don't denigrate her individually; I didn't force her to call black people "primates" or Jews "sneaky rat bastards"...if anyone on this site says something like that they're universally laughed at and trolled, but if it has a vagina its supposed to get a free pass?

Are the people that "support her" really that sad? It's like when a dude pretends to be a chick on a multiplayer game to get special treatment from all the desperate nerds...

I can at least aspire to be a rugged, hard nosed person like you though Foggy. I'll follow your lead of changing the hearts and minds of America from my computer desk (on a weed site). It's inspirational how you went from a soft Sanders supporter, to a hardened Hillary supporter over night!

We do need to come up with a new nick-name for you though. Something that truly reflects your steely determination, and warrior spirit. "Foggy" just doesn't capture that.

Shit Sun Tzu?

I'm open to suggestions. It is your handle, and legacy after all...

Nope, I don't pretend to be the rough tough ex hockey type you are. You are the roughest toughest soft white liberal there is.

Sanders lost. Stop crying already.
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