Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity

weak little Downy boy has nothing
Fixing wealth concentration in America will help everyone. Even the rich will benefit from better infrastructure and healthier and more educated workforce we would be able to afford.
Fixing wealth concentration in America will help everyone. Even the rich will benefit from better infrastructure and healthier and more educated workforce we would be able to afford.

Funny that you want to use centralized power to decentralize wealth without realizing the obvious.
Curing cancer will help everyone...

See how easy it is to turn an important issue into a talking point without any need for detail?

I think all Democrats should co-sponsor a bill to give everyone a million bucks.

Sure it won't happen but isn't it the feels that matter?
Happy enough to call people "fa**ots" too, seems to be a pattern with these Bernie folk...

Watch out, the admins are deleting anything negative towards the racist one and handing out warnings.

It's a shame this site's admin coddles low IQ racist idiots the way they do, I thought this was a liberal place...
Warning taken. I've zero patience left for the weak white liberal Sanders supporters who defend racist and bigoted speech. I get why they do it. I find Sanders' and his supporters' pandering for votes of racists and bigots vile.