Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity

I'm pretty soft though, just sayin. I have always taken extra care of my skin with lotion and I bathe with moisturizing body wash. I take a neem supplement everyday which does well to keep blemishes away and I'm pretty sure the salt water works wonders. So in all honesty I am probably one of the softest people around even among the women.
Nope, I don't pretend to be the rough tough ex hockey type you are. You are the roughest toughest soft white liberal there is.

Sanders lost. Stop crying already.

I'm not crying. Just pointing out your most recent attempt at a dig, and wondering what you consider yourself being that you were a Sanders supporter and all.

Semi-soft? lol
I'm not crying. Just pointing out your most recent attempt at a dig, and wondering what you consider yourself being that you were a Sanders supporter and all.

Semi-soft? lol
The soft white liberal is in reference to his soft stance on just about everything liberal. You do know that Sanders isn't really very much of a leftist, don't you? He's mostly status quo. Especially on issues of race.

That healthcare bill was a fake. You guys completely fell for that. Yet you still support Sanders. I have no idea why.

That said, I'm willing to wait until 2020 before saying I won't vote for Sanders. I don't know who the opposition is.
The soft white liberal is in reference to his soft stance on just about everything liberal. You do know that Sanders isn't really very much of a leftist, don't you? He's mostly status quo. Especially on issues of race.

That healthcare bill was a fake. You guys completely fell for that. Yet you still support Sanders. I have no idea why.

That said, I'm willing to wait until 2020 before saying I won't vote for Sanders. I don't know who the opposition is.
I'd honestly never vote for him. I'd take an honest pro-wall-street liberal over a fake-socialist imperialist any day.
I'd honestly never vote for him. I'd take an honest pro-wall-street liberal over a fake-socialist imperialist any day.
You'd never vote for Clinton either. While I did. We agree mostly but are different. That's ok.

I understand your position as ones based upon your own thoughts. These Sandernistas are following a make believe saint who openly says he's not what they say he is and they don't hear it.
1. Agree
2. Disagree
4. Your pipe's name is "Derp"? Odd name.

Agreed, income inequality is completely out of hand. I'm totally down for repairing the worst problem that persists this nation. Citizens United and gerrymandering. Are you prepared to attack that problem?

Are you saying you are concerned about our nations cemeteries? I'm not sure what to do about the housing of dead people. I'm for cremation.

Simply not true.
'swaths' lol
You'd never vote for Clinton either. While I did. We agree mostly but are different. That's ok.

I understand your position as ones based upon your own thoughts. These Sandernistas are following a make believe saint who openly says he's not what they say he is and they don't hear it.
To be honest I kind of regret not voting for her. Lesser of two evils sort of thing. I swore I hated it, but now that the fascist carrot is doing all he can to destroy the planet I'm kinda bummed.
The soft white liberal is in reference to his soft stance on just about everything liberal. You do know that Sanders isn't really very much of a leftist, don't you? He's mostly status quo. Especially on issues of race.

That healthcare bill was a fake. You guys completely fell for that. Yet you still support Sanders. I have no idea why.

That said, I'm willing to wait until 2020 before saying I won't vote for Sanders. I don't know who the opposition is.
Your argument is as soft as your epithet.

You voted for Sanders too. Or were you lying about that?

I'm sure there will be another political personality you can fawn over soon enough.

If you were really interested in the issues, you'd work to build consensus.
Your argument is as soft as your epithet.

You voted for Sanders too. Or were you lying about that?

I'm sure there will be another political personality you can fawn over soon enough.

If you were really interested in the issues, you'd work to build consensus.
The only consensus you seem to be interested in is the fantasy that people will unanimously accept Sanders.
Your argument is as soft as your epithet.

You voted for Sanders too. Or were you lying about that?

I'm sure there will be another political personality you can fawn over soon enough.

If you were really interested in the issues, you'd work to build consensus.
Yeah, I voted for Sanders. I never sniveled like you do endlessly about a fake conspiracy theory about rigged elections. Sanders lost and I moved on. You did too only you keep sniveling about corrupt Democrats when the Republicans are pillaging the national treasury.

Your idea of consensus is capitulation to a fake idea of Sanders the left wing savior.

I'm also not into a symbolic half-done lie of a healthcare bill.

Soft white liberal Sanders supporters want to stifle protest from black and brown people who deal with hardship you'd wilt under. You even claim that protesting racism causes it. LOL, that's really, really weak.

I didn't hear a peep from you when Pad was ripping pinny and insulting him for his being gay.

Go start the Downy party already.
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To be honest I kind of regret not voting for her. Lesser of two evils sort of thing. I swore I hated it, but now that the fascist carrot is doing all he can to destroy the planet I'm kinda bummed.
Self interest vs Best interest. Sometimes we don't know what Best interest is until 20:20 hindsight. This is another thing Berners don't and won't ever understand due to their incredible false sense of self confidence.

I still respect the reasons you had at the time. At least you weren't parroting Russo-Right wing propaganda. Your complaints were valid.
He's a gay man. I used the wrong term. I told you I would earlier. I will again, guaranteed.

doesn't pada the progressive have a derogatory term he uses against gay males? a term so nasty that we are not even allowed to remind his fellow progressives of the term by name?

never seen any of the fellow bernie worshipers condemn him even once for using that nasty, derogatory term.
Self interest vs Best interest. Sometimes we don't know what Best interest is until 20:20 hindsight. This is another thing Berners don't and won't ever understand due to their incredible false sense of self confidence.

I still respect the reasons you had at the time. At least you weren't parroting Russo-Right wing propaganda. Your complaints were valid.
Thanks but even there I must admit my criticism kind of assumed she would have been the same as her husband. Many of my criticisms were actually directed at him.