Democratic Voters Are Done with Party Centrists—and the Progressives Are a Majority

I had 9 Obama signs in my yard going down an 1/8th mile hill along the road in '08 and '12.

3 of them provided by the USWA where I was a member.

I was never unhappy with Obama. If it wasn't for the 22nd amendment, he'd still be president and we'd still have respect in the world.
I was one of the biggest memers in '12 against Rmoney.
every group does have a IQ range. Jewish men are outrageously smart..but so are Asians and Indians..they write code in their sleep.


You have issues. So many issues.
This is where you'd say Strawman


This is where I say naive.

2009-2010 were watershed years when in the 4 months and 1 week that Democrats had veto proof control of congress and the white house, the progressive congress passed 34 pieces of legislation that are still benefiting Americans to this day.

Since then, Republicans have either been entirely in control of congress or in control of the house with veto power in the senate.

The Dodd-Frank bill that you so vociferously complain about is also hated by the financial industry because it prevents them from the rapacious acts they committed leading up to the great recession. You will soon get your wish that the Dodd-Frank bill be eliminated.
My comment had exactly nothing whatsoever to do with Dodd-Frank.
@ttystikk doesn't have a relationship. Were do I say he has one. Your reading comprehension somewhat lacking in the AM ?
You sound bitter that @UncleBuck is in a relationship with a wife he respects. Why did you and your PO PO husband divorce ? Are you a "saggy naggy" that just bitches all day ? Bipolar with so many personalities that he was scared in his own home. Why is it so difficult for you to maintain a relationship beyond "one night stand " ? Change your ways Sky or you will grow older alone and bitter.
Right. He respects her so much he spends hours a day here.
Let us not forget the back room maneuver attempted by the Sanders faction to defeat the majority vote for Clinton prior to the convention. The fucking traitors literally attempted to do what shitonastikk falsely accuses others of doing.

And of course the Clinton campaign bought the whole fucking DNC in 2015 but somehow that doesn't count? Why doesn't that upset you?
You spend approximately 5-8 HOURS here per day, Buck drops in, lays out some shit posts and leaves again.

Stop projecting your lonely single life on other people.
If this is your idea of math, they shouldn't let you anywhere near a computer. I've been gone for a couple days, yet you seem to think I'm omnipresent.

You literally never discuss the thread topic, you just fling poo. The only bars that stink are the ones on your own cage.
If this is your idea of math, they shouldn't let you anywhere near a computer. I've been gone for a couple days, yet you seem to think I'm omnipresent.

You literally never discuss the thread topic, you just fling poo. The only bars that stink are the ones on your own cage.
You were offline for a day, congratulations, you did it, big hitter!

What does that have to do with what I said ya dumb cuck?
You were offline for a day, congratulations, you did it, big hitter!

What does that have to do with what I said ya dumb cuck?
What does anything you say have anything to do with anything?

That's right. You just fling poo. Fling enough and it cakes up on the bars and becomes solid.

Sure it did. Whatsoever.
No it didn't. Dodd-Frank is completely unrelated to homeowners being thrown out of their homes by predatory banks.

And here you are, effectively sticking up for the criminals.

Please educate yourself on the subject; you're embarrassing yourself.
No it didn't. Dodd-Frank is completely unrelated to homeowners being thrown out of their homes by predatory banks.

And here you are, effectively sticking up for the criminals.

Please educate yourself on the subject; you're embarrassing yourself.

Sure it did. Whatsoever. Maybe you can get your woman to read it to you and explain.
No it didn't. Dodd-Frank is completely unrelated to homeowners being thrown out of their homes by predatory banks.

And here you are, effectively sticking up for the criminals.

Please educate yourself on the subject; you're embarrassing yourself.


Very first link.

Why repealing Dodd-Frank is unappealing if you own a home

One of the key components of the Dodd-Frank regulatory regime was the newly-created Consummer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
.The bureau is responsible for administering a range of consumer protection regulations, some of which predate Dodd-Frank and some of which were mandated by it.

Many of these regulations protect homeowners as they obtain mortgages for their homes. Others protect homeowners over the life of the mortgages, particularly when they are having trouble keeping up with their mortgage payments because of those common life events that still knock us for a loop when they happen to us: job loss, divorce, medical bills, a death in the family.

Hensarling’s memo makes clear the extent to which he wants to weaken the CFPB. Among many other things, he wants to eliminate the bureau’s consumer education functions, bar it from commencing actions involving unfair, deceptive or abusive acts and practices, end its practice of tracking consumer complaints, and stop if from monitoring and conducting research on the consumer credit market.

Before the financial crisis, homeowners suffered from a range of abusive and predatory behaviors that were prevalent in the mortgage industry for years and years. Lenders would lend without regard to a borrower’s ability to repay a loan, so long as there was sufficient equity in the home to make the lender whole after a foreclosure. Dodd-Frank’s ability-to-repay rule keeps lenders from doing that now. Lenders would make loans that had large balloon payments at the end of the term, forcing unsophisticated borrowers to refinance with all of the fees and costs that that entails. The lenders would look at those refinancing costs as another profit center. Dodd-Frank’s qualified mortgage rule banned those abusive balloon payments for the most part.[/QUOTE]

Very first link.

Why repealing Dodd-Frank is unappealing if you own a home

One of the key components of the Dodd-Frank regulatory regime was the newly-created Consummer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
.The bureau is responsible for administering a range of consumer protection regulations, some of which predate Dodd-Frank and some of which were mandated by it.

Many of these regulations protect homeowners as they obtain mortgages for their homes. Others protect homeowners over the life of the mortgages, particularly when they are having trouble keeping up with their mortgage payments because of those common life events that still knock us for a loop when they happen to us: job loss, divorce, medical bills, a death in the family.

Hensarling’s memo makes clear the extent to which he wants to weaken the CFPB. Among many other things, he wants to eliminate the bureau’s consumer education functions, bar it from commencing actions involving unfair, deceptive or abusive acts and practices, end its practice of tracking consumer complaints, and stop if from monitoring and conducting research on the consumer credit market.

Before the financial crisis, homeowners suffered from a range of abusive and predatory behaviors that were prevalent in the mortgage industry for years and years. Lenders would lend without regard to a borrower’s ability to repay a loan, so long as there was sufficient equity in the home to make the lender whole after a foreclosure. Dodd-Frank’s ability-to-repay rule keeps lenders from doing that now. Lenders would make loans that had large balloon payments at the end of the term, forcing unsophisticated borrowers to refinance with all of the fees and costs that that entails. The lenders would look at those refinancing costs as another profit center. Dodd-Frank’s qualified mortgage rule banned those abusive balloon payments for the most part.
The reason I say the two are unrelated is due to the fact that we can have all the rules in the world; if they aren't enforced the abuses don't stop.

This is exactly what happened after the Crash of 2008.
Connect the dots for us benighted souls then you financial whiz, you.
I don't think I need to tty. I'll repost my original and the post of your that it pertained to and let others tell me if I need to clarify why. You can't read, so I'm not going to waste time trying to point out the obvious.

The thread:

Ah, so record profits for the banks and record bonuses for the banksters are fine, and all those homeowners got robosigned out of their homes because it was their own fault.

And I'm the idiot?

And pay no attention to who underwrote the multiple speaking engagements for $400k apiece.

Gosh, no obvious connection there...
its a conspiracy. Your go to when you have nothing to say.
Ah, so it's okay with you that our country rewards the thieves and throws hardworking citizens of of their own homes?

Your morality is highly questionable.
This is where you'd say Strawman


This is where I say naive. (because you infer that Republicans are same as Democrats)

2009-2010 were watershed years when in the 4 months and 1 week that Democrats had veto proof control of congress and the white house, the progressive congress passed 34 pieces of legislation that are still benefiting Americans to this day.

Since then, Republicans have either been entirely in control of congress or in control of the house with veto power in the senate.

The Dodd-Frank bill that you so vociferously complain about is also hated by the financial industry because it prevents them from the rapacious acts they committed leading up to the great recession. You will soon get your wish that the Dodd-Frank bill be eliminated.
My comment had exactly nothing whatsoever to do with Dodd-Frank.

Sure it did. Whatsoever.
Last edited:
I don't think I need to tty. I'll repost my original and the post of your that it pertained to and let others tell me if I need to clarify why. You can't read, so I'm not going to waste time trying to point out the obvious.

The thread:
The behavior of the banks was illegal before Dodd-Frank.

But, 'squirrel!'

Do you even realize what you're defending?