2 dead in school shooting in KY

Funny how your day ended the minute the question was asked, but you were still online?
You should go back and read stuff again dumb ass. You clearly don't know what's going on. Here I was thinking you had more than four brain cells. That's the second time you demonstrated that you don't even know what you read.

Also, you didn't respond to the comment I directed your way about two and a half hours ago. You should quit tweeking. It's past 2:20 am in your timezone.
You deserve an award
yeah, them moose are some dangerous creatures.

The worst they'll do is act up during rutting season. Any other time they'll head off in the opposite direction of people.

But, my brother shared a beer with young bull once on our camp road. He just kept following us along the road and finally my brother offered it to him and he slurped it down. I took cover because I knew an attack was imminent. But I had my slingshot ready to go in case the stomping commenced. It was touch and go....especially when the beer ran out.

LOL @ moose stomping ya
Honest to fuck...the shit I read on here.
He literally has no idea what you're talking about. He searched on the internet and repeated something he just read to make himself look like he has knowledge about something that he doesn't, and it took him a whole day.
a little autobiographical isnt it?
No one else here is hobbled with your catastrophic shortcomings, idiot.
I was talking about your family. Surely you have a white sheep in your family? I married into my meth snorting, heroine overdosing, mother robbing, tractor pawning white family. Funny thing is they have no male heirs and I don't want shit to do with their money. Die slow Bye Felicia. HA!

lol @ tractor pawning
@Cold$moke, Maybe it's just how I was raised, but I don't think leaving loaded guns out around children or using racial slurs in daily conversation(regardless of your race) are examples of quality parenting.

Weekend dad, at best
Lots of people in this thread have said the same thing. Every firearm we have is locked in a safe. Even the 22 and 308 we keep at camp are locked up. Its very basic gun safety. And where I live the weekend safety courses are free and offered often.
There are so many things in this world we have no control over. Fate can sweep in and take our children in a heartbeat. For the life of me, I don't understand why anyone with the brain larger than fruit fly would be so careless and reckless with firearms.
But, I guess that's how I was raised too.
You sound as if you're standing in bad light.

just 30 + pages of bs saying im not safe or otherwise risking anything in my own home

Im just not scared of my kids killing themselves or others with weapons they arent strong enough to manipulate even if they had the inclination to

I know this because ive let them try (safely)

Only my 13 year old is strong enough and he would rather work on his lego robotics

End of story
Ha ha locked at camp!

What fags please lock your guns at camp in
Bear country please

Yes and this weekend dad doesnt have to worry bout his kids being weekday retards
Yeah, LOCKED at camp. We don't live off the grid in Alaska FFS. What in the hell is going to attack me while taking a piss in Northern Maine, lol.
We leave the door open to anyone who may need shelter because our road is an access point for the trails but we don't leave open access to the guns, gen, atvs, etc. Never have, never will. There are kids, people partying, other folks who made need to use it as shelter etc. There's no need to leave them unsecured while we're not there or when we have visitors, which is often.
Sorry but you sound like someone who watches too much TV and not an avid experienced hunter. Just another gun nut that mirrors the same idiots that come here from out of state on their "hunting trips" forcing our guides and game wardens deal with their idiotic nonsense and complete disregard for basic safety.

But hey, you better pack lots a heat and watch out for those moose.
They'll stomp ya, LOL

just 30 + pages of bs saying im not safe or otherwise risking anything in my own home

Im just not scared of my kids killing themselves or others with weapons they arent strong enough to manipulate even if they had the inclination to

I know this because ive let them try (safely)

Only my 13 year old is strong enough and he would rather work on his lego robotics

End of story

You sound like a very caring protective loving father :spew:
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just 30 + pages of bs saying im not safe or otherwise risking anything in my own home

Im just not scared of my kids killing themselves or others with weapons they arent strong enough to manipulate even if they had the inclination to

I know this because ive let them try (safely)

Only my 13 year old is strong enough and he would rather work on his lego robotics

End of story

A Judge would say you were unsafe when you slipped on the floor, and it discharged. Just sayin.

Yeah, LOCKED at camp. We don't live off the grid in Alaska FFS. What in the hell is going to attack me while taking a piss in Northern Maine, lol.
We leave the door open to anyone who may need shelter because our road is an access point for the trails but we don't leave open access to the guns, gen, atvs, etc. Never have, never will. There are kids, people partying, other folks who made need to use it as shelter etc. There's no need to leave them unsecured while we're not there or when we have visitors, which is often.
Sorry but you sound like someone who watches too much TV and not an avid experienced hunter. Just another gun nut that mirrors the same idiots that come here from out of state on their "hunting trips" forcing our guides and game wardens deal with their idiotic nonsense and complete disregard for basic safety.

But hey, you better pack lots a heat and watch out for those moose.
They'll stomp ya, LOL

You sound like a very caring protective loving father :spew:
Yes i am thats whys i make sure they aren't dumb
Lots of people in this thread have said the same thing. Every firearm we have is locked in a safe. Even the 22 and 308 we keep at camp are locked up. Its very basic gun safety. And where I live the weekend safety courses are free and offered often.
There are so many things in this world we have no control over. Fate can sweep in and take our children in a heartbeat. For the life of me, I don't understand why anyone with the brain larger than fruit fly would be so careless and reckless with firearms.
But, I guess that's how I was raised too.
It would be interesting to see what Child Protective Services would think of keeping loaded firearms in easy access of small children.

The stupidity is amazing, simply amazing.

Yes i am thats whys i make sure they aren't dumb
So you're from Alaska? Lol, getting your details is far too easy, didn't even need to phish them.