AR-15 Fake News by Uncle Ted

also this, initially, I don't want to post to this statement just to avoid any argument.

Semi- Auto is not an assault rifle...doesn't matter how fast you can pull the's not an assault rifle simply because it has no "selective fire". That's why its legal to have 3MR trigger which makes semi-auto fire almost as fast as full auto. Only the military version has the selective fire capability.
AR15 stands for assault rifle 15
For cqb they're great, especially for breaching. We had one per squad. I didn't see a single shotgun in Afghanistan though. Hell in A-stan, my company even used an M224 on most of our missions. Different missions call for different tools.
I get that. Just saying world wide the shotgun is still used a lot. They are also lethal to 100 yards.

00 buck in crowded areas at ranges from 20 to 40 yards would be devastating.
I get that. Just saying world wide the shotgun is still used a lot. They are also lethal to 100 yards.

00 buck in crowded areas at ranges from 20 to 40 yards would be devastating.
Yeah definitely, and I think it touches on what a lot of people don't get. It is training and lack thereof which is largely ignored by the liberal side of the debate. That puts me pretty much next to you here because if you say something, you kind of have to stipulate which side you're on or the partisans will just assume you're advocating one way or the other. Regarding training though, I think it also gives the authorities a chance to ascertain the mental and psychological capacity one has to wield any sort of weapon.

I always hated having to clean shotguns. Even though they're fairly straightforward and simple, it just seemed to be an absurd amount of carbon on my hands afterward. They make huge messes out of their victims too. Nobody could ever run far after being wounded by one which makes them devastating to small teams which are then slow and easily tracked. In that sense, even when not lethal, they're quite nasty. If I were to arm my mother, I'd give her a shotgun.
Yeah definitely, and I think it touches on what a lot of people don't get. It is training and lack thereof which is largely ignored by the liberal side of the debate. That puts me pretty much next to you here because if you say something, you kind of have to stipulate which side you're on or the partisans will just assume you're advocating one way or the other. Regarding training though, I think it also gives the authorities a chance to ascertain the mental and psychological capacity one has to wield any sort of weapon.

I always hated having to clean shotguns. Even though they're fairly straightforward and simple, it just seemed to be an absurd amount of carbon on my hands afterward. They make huge messes out of their victims too. Nobody could ever run far after being wounded by one which makes them devastating to small teams which are then slow and easily tracked. In that sense, even when not lethal, they're quite nasty. If I were to arm my mother, I'd give her a shotgun.
A 12 gauge with low recoil buck shot is a great defense weapon for people without lots of training and easy to shoot. They are also good as you said, even if it doesn't kill it stops. You don't have to worry about over penetration.

Ar15 makes no sense to me for close range. When mines not in use it is locked up with a lock through the action.
Actually it means armalite rifle. The original was made by armalite.

The company started in Hollywood and first came out with the ar-1. It was a sniper rifle. Later it was the ar-7. Then ar-10 then ar-15. Now they make ar-30 and ar-50. Both bolt action rifles.

Hes' not stupid...he's just baiting you...that way Uncle Buck can play his political correct shit game. lol
I thought it was funny that my dad chose a pump shotgun in Vietnam lol. Dont know why he didnt have an m16... well i do know why
M-16s were the 'jam' in 'Nam, bro! Seriously, they had serious problems with jamming in combat, often costing the soldier his life.
Still at 90 feet an AR-15 would be much more deadly than a shotgun, would it not? Considering the spread of a shotgun as well...
Not really. I don't get people using an ar15. A shot gun would be better.

The speed of the ar 15 round that close reduces its effectiveness.

Just as you said. You aren't into guns. I think that's why the ar15 keeps being picked. Untrained users think its better for close range.
Ted Nugent had a few good songs. He should stick to them because he's been completely incompetent at everything else he's touched.
I own one and the ar15 is not all its cracked up to be. There are better guns out there.

Not the most reliable thing out there. They need cleaned a lot and can be picky about the ammo they like.
It wasnt so much that they jammed but the powders used at the time combined with jungle humidity cause they weapons to hick up

Yes costing lives .

Dad did not discuss the war with me which i really wish he did before he died
I own one and the ar15 is not all its cracked up to be. There are better guns out there.

Not the most reliable thing out there. They need cleaned a lot and can be picky about the ammo they like.
Most are good to go these days if you use decent ammo and good clips.

Its an infinetly upgradable weapon that is dirt cheap to produce

This is why we saw them blow up in the early 2000s
Optics now thats what HURTS the wallet!

My scope on my ar is about as expensive as a mid range ar (1300) plus my mount was almost 300 ha ha
Most are good to go these days if you use decent ammo and good clips.

Its an infinetly upgradable weapon that is dirt cheap to produce

This is why we saw them blow up in the early 2000s
They blew up because the assault weapon ban expired.

They are decent. Many better choices. He'll even the military birches about them and only kept them around this long because of political and financial reasons.

A gas system is just not as reliable as other systems. The round is inadequate. The 5.56 or .223 is really a varmint round. A souped up .22 is all it is.

They became more popular as more calibers lime .300, .308, .458 and ..50 came out.

Ak'e and other similar designs are way better as far as knock down and reliability.

Sure an ar15 will run thousands of rounds with more upkeep and cleaning.