What did you accomplish today?


Bet "they" are dead by now.
I remembered I did actually do something. I sorted out my Awox, so we can stream music off our phones and the networked drive with all our old CDs on.
I got tired of having CDs everywhere, so I copied them all to a drive and hooked it up to my old hi-fi using the Awox. Then boxed up all the CDs.
They make fancier units now that even does video.
I assume it's still on some list of missing gov firearms someplace. I'm not sure what would happen if i tried to register it...

NWSC Crane maintains a database of every firearm ever procured by the US government. Since you’ll have to submit serial #’s to register it, it might pop, I don’t know how much of their paper records have been scanned into their database. Not a good idea to try.
Had a blast. Fucking idiot salesman said my 150 gallon compressor and 3/8 hose would run the blaster. He was wrong. After getting a reducer to fit the 3/4 supply to my 3/8 hose, he was still fucking wrong. Long story short they brought me a v8 compressor for no charge. Surprisingly they had one not being used to blow out irrigation lines.

2 plows, spreader, toolcat bed and 1 ton of blasting coal slag later, got it done


* 1 ton
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