100,000 plants a week!


Well-Known Member
1. How many light dep greenhouse sqrft would you want?
2. How many solar panels and windmills.
3. How much security?
4. What growing style?
5. How many assistants would a master grower need?
6. How long to build?
7. How long until profitable?
No because if you had $10 million to invest in the marijuana industry and tlh plan on pulling 100k plants a week, you're not gonna be asking hobby growers on a forum.
Seems a little short sighted considering you know 1.8 billion dollars is sitting on the table looking for guys that have plant specific intellectual capital that would create a domestic product and demand that would get you out of a tent doing what is loved on a scale that pays the bills.. sugarbeet farmers just pulled the trigger over in England....
It takes two guys to operate a 1200 plant sea of green, that's pulling 200 plants a week. You can fit that operation in a 1000 sq ft trailer. So you would need 500 employees to grow 100,000 plants ready for harvest every week and would need 500,000 sq feet of space. 500 employees working at $15 an hr is $300,000 a week so at $3 a plant and operating costs on top of that it would certainly be possible, but you would need $15,000,000 just to pay wages for a year before you start making any money, that's not including insurance and space rental, nor soil, pots, seeds, cloning trays, lights, nutrients etc. So in reality you would probably be looking at a $30,000,000 investment.

Let's say each plant costs $10 to produce 1 oz of product. You sell an oz at wholesale price of $100 an oz. $90 profit from each plant would be $9,000,000 a week, so after the first year you could expect around $500,000,000 annually so that's not bad for a $30,000,000 investment.
It takes two guys to operate a 1200 plant sea of green, that's pulling 200 plants a week. You can fit that operation in a 1000 sq ft trailer. So you would need 500 employees to grow 100,000 plants ready for harvest every week and would need 500,000 sq feet of space. 500 employees working at $15 an hr is $300,000 a week so at $3 a plant and operating costs on top of that it would certainly be possible, but you would need $15,000,000 just to pay wages for a year before you start making any money, that's not including insurance and space rental, nor soil, pots, seeds, cloning trays, lights, nutrients etc. So in reality you would probably be looking at a $30,000,000 investment.

Let's say each plant costs $10 to produce 1 oz of product. You sell an oz at wholesale price of $100 an oz. $90 profit from each plant would be $9,000,000 a week, so after the first year you could expect around $500,000,000 annually so that's not bad for a $30,000,000 investment.
After all you don't ask for a little capital when you roll up to wall street! Thank you for your experience.... only fucked part is this is gonna be in canada.
Anyone with enough money to do what you're proposing would be a financial fool for doing it. How the hell are you going to get your money back into legitimate channels? Banks still won't touch cannabis money. Everything is speculation. The smart people are doing what Scotts Miracle Grow did and buy existing support industries that don't require any licensing and don't run afoul of laws. Fertilizer, lighting, and other support industries is where the money is at.

Wouldn't you rather be the one selling those lights for a 50% profit than the guy buying them and hoping they get their money back out of their investment?

Your hypothetical endeavor is doomed for failure.
Wholesale price points in Colorado are less than $25 an ounce . . .
Indeed the race to the bottom that isn't the argument. It's reached a point big companies think there's a slice to be made with b minus herb that's grown in a sea of green for a quick buck. Now if we took sea of green off the table.... then timeline and costs for the initial wave is multiplied out across the starting phase. Not sure hiring and firing stoners is where I want my grey hair coming from not to mention the shit falling off the back of the truck.....
It takes two guys to operate a 1200 plant sea of green, that's pulling 200 plants a week. You can fit that operation in a 1000 sq ft trailer. So you would need 500 employees to grow 100,000 plants ready for harvest every week and would need 500,000 sq feet of space. 500 employees working at $15 an hr is $300,000 a week so at $3 a plant and operating costs on top of that it would certainly be possible, but you would need $15,000,000 just to pay wages for a year before you start making any money, that's not including insurance and space rental, nor soil, pots, seeds, cloning trays, lights, nutrients etc. So in reality you would probably be looking at a $30,000,000 investment.

Let's say each plant costs $10 to produce 1 oz of product. You sell an oz at wholesale price of $100 an oz. $90 profit from each plant would be $9,000,000 a week, so after the first year you could expect around $500,000,000 annually so that's not bad for a $30,000,000 investment.

Nah, fuck that Ka-Boom!!!
To do what you want which is 100k plants per week harvested we would need a facility totaling in size of 11 square miles or 7000 Acres / 304,920,000 square feet.

This would be able to house the following:

* 1,600,000 Plants In Bloom
* 2,000,000 active 600 watt bulbs
* 1600 Acres Dedicated To Bloom
* 25 Squre Feet Per Plant
* 16 Square Feet Bulb And Walk Space Per Plant
* 41 Sqaure Feet Dedicated Per Plant
* On 4 Month Cycles
* 100k Plants Harvestes Weekly
* Industry Standard of 1lb Per Plant

* 4,800,000 Plants In Vegetation
* 4800 Acres For Veg Plants
* 2,400,000 T5 8 bulbs

Land Found:
Gordon Barrie Island Ontario Canada
20,141 Acres

Need to figure out sqaure footage for ebnflow and clones, also trimming and curing space.
1lb per plant must be the industry minimum standard.

We need approx 11 sqaure miles of growing space.

At $500.00 per lb with 100k lbs being harvested weekly, weekly gross profits are $50,000,000.00 per week.

Yearly gross profits are $2,400,000,000.00