What did you accomplish today?

no i trying to quit cold turkey again because i need to save up as much money as i can. kind of in a shit hole atm with funds because all the money is everywhere. my mom managed all the money and so it's mainly in her account and idk if my dad has done anything relating to her account yet. we got the death certificate weeks ago but knowing him he just left her account as is.

thats why it's rought right now like we got funds but it's all over the place.
A well

quiting under stress never works a packet of 25 smokes in Australia cost $34. That’s why I quit and my kids but every time I tried to quit under stressful like your situation, I would start back up I quit cold turkey it was one angry mofo hahahahaha.
My mother passed away new years eve 2014. I used the death of her as motivation to finally quit for good. I haven’t even taken a drag since.
I swear to god this is the larfiest (is that even a word) bud I have ever grown. Trimming is endless. It's Cali Connections Pre 98 BK and the other seeds grew these wonderfully powerful tight golf ball nugs. This pheno however is the pheno from hell.

Worse for reasons unknown to me and only known to chemistry (fuck chemistry), my large mother was recalcitrant in reversing. Anyway now I have 4 instead of 24 clones that are seeded. So at least I got some sensimilla which I wanted to do this year since I haven't had an unseeded crop in 3 years (or so).

Unfortunately, in hindsight, I should have seeded the entire thing. I've spent the majority of the past 2 days in trim hell wondering if my feeding high N during the first 2 weeks caused the larf. I know in fact that is not true, it's just the luck of the genetics but FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK

I had a bit of a scare last night. I was grilling with Phil. We were drinking of course, and I hadn’t even noticed that my dog wasn’t around. normally he is all over Phil. Because Phil is fat. But anyway, I had to go piss. Well, while I’m pissing I saw that the side gate was open! And my dog is missing!!!! At this point I’m like “let’s go find him!” I was on the verge of flipping out. But I didn’t, I just walked out the front door and gave my call. It’s a stupid call, more of a whistle, but an extremely stupid whistle. And this fucker comes running up to me wagging his tail. Happy as fuck! This little shit really had me worried and there he is loving life because he was out whoring around the neighborhood.
I apparently didn't latch the gate right the other day so when i let autumn out the next morning she went exploring. Came right back when i called for her but she was down the street. Scared the shit out if me when she was gone and i saw the gate open.
I swear to god this is the larfiest (is that even a word) bud I have ever grown. Trimming is endless. It's Cali Connections Pre 98 BK and the other seeds grew these wonderfully powerful tight golf ball nugs. This pheno however is the pheno from hell.

Worse for reasons unknown to me and only known to chemistry (fuck chemistry), my large mother was recalcitrant in reversing. Anyway now I have 4 instead of 24 clones that are seeded. So at least I got some sensimilla which I wanted to do this year since I haven't had an unseeded crop in 3 years (or so).

Unfortunately, in hindsight, I should have seeded the entire thing. I've spent the majority of the past 2 days in trim hell wondering if my feeding high N during the first 2 weeks caused the larf. I know in fact that is not true, it's just the luck of the genetics but FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK


Saturday I had to tear down our front deck and rebuild it. If 420 god had his way it would have been done within the hour... I'm close. Got to seal it, add a cap, lattice and a skirt. Gotta little lip I'm hoping will pull down when I add the skirt.

Oh, I also started my new job yesterday. It's a job!

ok what in the fapping am i doing awake right now.....oh that right work....bills are the worst....

well it's 66f and a wake up right now, looks like moisture is working in from the south...might have rain coming in.....killer...

welp coffee is hot and on, working on the first one right now...

ok off to take a look at the tomatoes, and then off to check out the bulvine intellegence in the field for a friend....and off to work...
ok what in the fapping am i doing awake right now.....oh that right work....bills are the worst....

well it's 66f and a wake up right now, looks like moisture is working in from the south...might have rain coming in.....killer...

welp coffee is hot and on, working on the first one right now...

ok off to take a look at the tomatoes, and then off to check out the bulvine intellegence in the field for a friend....and off to work...
66 F

Our back yard still has frost in the shady spots...
59 degrees this morning, headed to 71. Few clouds floating around from the marine layer getting blown inland. Wind 15-25 SSW today. Working on cup #2 of Joe. Watered the girls and took some more cuts off the Napali Pink. They are being difficult to root.
Fuck yeah man, it’s fucking cold this morning.

Adios RV park, it was fun but time to go.
This was my view for the last 4.5 months
My Silver Queen is tall enough I can see it when I leave for work everyday. Still no garden fence. I'm hoping the deer have lost the desire for sweet corn.
Sister, the wife and I came into town to take care of the deeds for the land swap. The title office had screwed up one of them, and we didn't catch it until it had been recorded and we took it to the tax office. {The mess up deeded Sister's half of the river land to the wife and I. That was 2-3 miles from the piece of land we were actually trying to do} We went back in time for them to unrecord it, and we ran to the title office and they fixed it. Ran back to courthouse and got it recorded and filed with tax office.

And I found out something that is scary. Since the timber is wrecked, we might not be able to get agriculture exemptions on the land next year. I could not afford to pay market price taxes. Lots on the river go for $1K a foot of riverfront. Our taxes on the river field {1/4 mile of riverfront} is a couple hundred dollars.
What about an opening a not for profit guided deer hunting outfit?