What did you accomplish today?

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
I scrubbed my kitchen floor, mopped twice, then I did a 20% bleach solution soak to brighten it up.... and it only looks marginally better. Next time I'm just dragging a wet wipe around with my foot.:roll: I tried shampooing the carpet a few weeks ago and it, also, did nothing noticeable, even though the water turned black. I still have to dust or vacuum my ceilings, stupid textured plaster catches every cat hair and piece of dust. I want to sand it smooth just not looking forward to covering 2 rooms in plastic and working overhead for a few hours, my neck hurts just thinking about it. Some single mother just stopped to look at the truck I'm selling. I know that cause she said how hard it was affording a car as a single mother at least a dozen times. No shit, cars are expensive. And her kid was a little smart mouth 13yo who kept saying he wanted a jeep, not a truck, and telling her she looked dumb in it. I wanted to backhand him into the side of the truck, so glad I never had kids.
not ever have kids, bro. trust me. i mean, it is fucking expensive. sure they're great and all, but holy shit - how many times a month should i be required to buy completely useless stuff like toilet paper and pop-tarts. this is outrageous

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
ooo all the websites i went to don't even specify NPK ratio's to give um only one that does was the miracle grow and i figure i try that. i mean they are getting pretty fucking huge but the issue is they look nitrogen deficent i was thinking nutrient lockout at first but it looks more like nitrogen defiency. i'll try swap over to a low NPK ratio see how they fair.
ooo all the websites i went to don't even specify NPK ratio's to give um only one that does was the miracle grow and i figure i try that. i mean they are getting pretty fucking huge but the issue is they look nitrogen deficent i was thinking nutrient lockout at first but it looks more like nitrogen defiency. i'll try swap over to a low NPK ratio see how they fair.
Don't over think this. Water, dirt and sun light is all they need to exist. When we blow our cash on ferts, additives, etc. we are only ever adding another 2% of optimalisation ( is that even a word?) to the bigger 98%.

Put plant in dirt. Sunlight. It will grow and produce very smokable flowers.

Simple. Obscenely so.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I scrubbed my kitchen floor, mopped twice, then I did a 20% bleach solution soak to brighten it up.... and it only looks marginally better. Next time I'm just dragging a wet wipe around with my foot.:roll:. . . . . . . . . . . . ..
There is a cleaning product carried in dollar stores called Awesome. We mix 1/4 awesome, 1/4 bleach and 1/2 water to clean our plastic chairs and tables. Works pretty good.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
What am I looking at? Feels like the 70's.
Im so-happy you picked up on that because I love the 70’s fabric art and was wanting that feel, especially since I am making this for someone that has some 70’s furniture.
You are looking at the beginnings of a new piece of art I am working on. I completed the first line and will continue down the canvas line by line . I will stick with alternating just 2 specific color targets per line. The canvas will be separated into 3 horizontal color sections. Top mainly oranges representing sky. The middle will be sea glass soft greens and blues representing sea. The bottom third will be soft browns representing sand .


Well-Known Member
Went to work on the sprinklers out front, turned on the timer manually. Checked voltage at the timer, it was good. Walked out front and they were working fine. I hate FM. Other than that I took a nap and made a beer run.


Well-Known Member
If it is popcorn it will come off if you wet it and use a wide putty knife to scrape it off. Just use a squirt bottle to get it wet. Still makes a mess, but less than sanding, and easier by a bit.
It's plaster they textured with a stiff bristle brush, there's some deep bristle marks, I wish it was as easy as just scraping it. The other issue is multiple layers of lead paint, so it will be getting sanded wet.


Well-Known Member
Don't over think this. Water, dirt and sun light is all they need to exist. When we blow our cash on ferts, additives, etc. we are only ever adding another 2% of optimalisation ( is that even a word?) to the bigger 98%.

Put plant in dirt. Sunlight. It will grow and produce very smokable flowers.

Simple. Obscenely so.
Huh. You may want to keep that to yourself, otherwise this website kinda has no point.


Well-Known Member
so i just did something that was a LONG time coming. i finally quit that sushi job. was just sick of being worked like a slave and getting yelled at for other peoples mistakes nor learning anything new because i was always forced to work on the sushi bar. also found it unfair that they have been making me do all the prep work before i finish with little to no help and the dishes yet when i come in to relieve someone else nothing is done. all that tied to shit benefits and shit hours and pay.

$12 an hour for that work wasn't worth it. could literally be a dish washer get paid $13 else where. in the end it's kind of burdens me because i have no income now but at the same time it's motivation to get a new job faster. i feel like it worked out for me because i got no car right now anyways and it's better for me to leave no when jobs are open due to summer season lots of people hiring compared to after summer. ontop of that i've already applied at quite a few places this morning 2 of which are not even a 20minute bus ride from my house and are pretty upscale. if i can land either of those 2 jobs i will be extremely happy because if i decide to leave i can say i have a more fine dining related experience. regardless where i work at now it's simply just an upgrade.

Do i regret my decision? not really it's overall beneficial for me in every way long term. only regret is not having a job offer before leaving. done this way too many times to know. just going to be applying at more jobs until i get a few interviews/offers and then get right back on it.

basically going from $12/h to at least $15/h, better benefits like PTO, free parking ( depending where i work if not free parking at least
Don't over think this. Water, dirt and sun light is all they need to exist. When we blow our cash on ferts, additives, etc. we are only ever adding another 2% of optimalisation ( is that even a word?) to the bigger 98%.

Put plant in dirt. Sunlight. It will grow and produce very smokable flowers.

Simple. Obscenely so.
the yellowing is what giving me OCD but yea im just like fuck it i feed um give um water and light they are doing fine so was just like fuck it let them do there thing

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, I'm good. Don't be silly, you could never annoy me. I see you're going thru some stuff. I'm here for you if you wanna talk.
I love you very much, and have missed you.I don't understand why you needed to start a separate account to say all these stupid things to me. You have to know that I respect all of my friends opinions. I thought we were closer than we obviously are. That's Ok, though.

Whatever I did to upset you, I apologize.

If there is anything I can do to make it right, feel free to let me know.

I still love you L.S. (wink)


Well-Known Member
I love you very much, and have missed you.I don't understand why you needed to start a separate account to say all these stupid things to me. You have to know that I respect all of my friends opinions. I thought we were closer than we obviously are. That's Ok, though.

Whatever I did to upset you, I apologize.

If there is anything I can do to make it right, feel free to let me know.

I still love you L.S. (wink)
Hey, no need to apologize. It's not you . . . it's me. You just keep being fabulous.

Yours truly,

Lynyrd Skynyrd

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
Hey, no need to apologize. It's not you . . . it's me. You just keep being fabulous.

Yours truly,

Lynyrd Skynyrd
All is forgiven.

i think we can bth agree that the government shuld be allowed to play the song freebird on a transitional repeat, for at least 19 hours of the day in every single Wal-Mart.

Thats jst honest patriotism.


Well-Known Member
i did something unexpected but i think it was the right move.

i FINALLY quit my job. dont want to go into details why just the usual BS not worth my time anymore and not worth the stress to stay for another 7 months. boss is raging at me though since i quit lol. he is trying to get me to work until the end of may. this guy is 2 faced going to run his own business into the ground the way he handles it right now.

applied for a few restaurants nearby and i got an interview setup for tuesday already for an upscale restaurant in downtown. im excited because this will be my first real upscale restaurant im used to working in your typical casual dining restaurants but if i can get this job it will help me drastically to get more of where i want to be which is in fine dining and eventually working for michelin star restaurants.

the great thing if i land this job is it's so close to my house i can literally walk it to work. 5 minute bus ride, no parking so i'd be forced to walk ot ride the bus or ride a bike. walking wise it's maybe a 20minute walk.

went car shopping and dealership tried to screw us over on a used car. 16k price, 32k miles, 8k down with a $350 72mo payment plan new car of the same make and model but 2019 version instead of 2016 is $22k even another car new we were looking at was 18k. pretty sure my dads credit is fucked but still that amount aint worth it


Well-Known Member
Go to KBB.com, it will give you prices from a dealer and from a private party depending on your location.
yea that what my friend just told me i totally forgot about that. he didn't know his credit score i think he just knew it wasn't great and wanted to see the monthly costs for a ball park figure. plus he wanted to compare new cars to used ones for pricing wise. weird though how some new cars are almost as cheap as some used ones at around 30-34k miles.


Well-Known Member
I scrubbed my kitchen floor, mopped twice, then I did a 20% bleach solution soak to brighten it up.... and it only looks marginally better. Next time I'm just dragging a wet wipe around with my foot.:roll: I tried shampooing the carpet a few weeks ago and it, also, did nothing noticeable, even though the water turned black. I still have to dust or vacuum my ceilings, stupid textured plaster catches every cat hair and piece of dust. I want to sand it smooth just not looking forward to covering 2 rooms in plastic and working overhead for a few hours, my neck hurts just thinking about it. Some single mother just stopped to look at the truck I'm selling. I know that cause she said how hard it was affording a car as a single mother at least a dozen times. No shit, cars are expensive. And her kid was a little smart mouth 13yo who kept saying he wanted a jeep, not a truck, and telling her she looked dumb in it. I wanted to backhand him into the side of the truck, so glad I never had kids.
I use Harpic toilet cleaner when I want a good reset, it even eats the dirt off the grout,