scumrot derelict
Well-Known Member
not ever have kids, bro. trust me. i mean, it is fucking expensive. sure they're great and all, but holy shit - how many times a month should i be required to buy completely useless stuff like toilet paper and pop-tarts. this is outrageousI scrubbed my kitchen floor, mopped twice, then I did a 20% bleach solution soak to brighten it up.... and it only looks marginally better. Next time I'm just dragging a wet wipe around with my foot.I tried shampooing the carpet a few weeks ago and it, also, did nothing noticeable, even though the water turned black. I still have to dust or vacuum my ceilings, stupid textured plaster catches every cat hair and piece of dust. I want to sand it smooth just not looking forward to covering 2 rooms in plastic and working overhead for a few hours, my neck hurts just thinking about it. Some single mother just stopped to look at the truck I'm selling. I know that cause she said how hard it was affording a car as a single mother at least a dozen times. No shit, cars are expensive. And her kid was a little smart mouth 13yo who kept saying he wanted a jeep, not a truck, and telling her she looked dumb in it. I wanted to backhand him into the side of the truck, so glad I never had kids.