Don't fk with China, you'll lose


Well-Known Member
China today announced retaliatory measures against Trumps newest round of tariff increases, actually ignoring Trumps Tweet (can u believe?) not to do it.
Who the fuck does he think he is dealing with?
China is 3000 years old, and has withstood more invasions and attempted domination by foreign influences than any other country in the world, and Trump thinks they will bow to his demands?
Lo fucking L.
I spent a lot of time with Chinese friends in NYC in the 80"s while I was studying Shaolin, and let me tell you this.
They will be more than happy to eat only rice and fish balls to prove their point, and that point is that they are not ever, ever going to even consider bowing to Trump (that's the way they look at it), or any other "Imperialist" ever again.
Pride is EVERYTHING to the Chinese, they would rather die than "lose face" (ask the Japanese)
He started a war with the wrong people this time, he should have stuck with Iran.
isn't china one of our biggest creditors? trump messed with the wall street banks til they dropped him. if china stops buying our debt seems like that would collapse our economy. what is he thinking?


Well-Known Member
Just watched a news video. Showed women in China sewing. Sewing Trump banners for his rallies for his re-election campaign. Tell me that there’s not a single American company that could do that. He’s what the Indians used to describe as “forked tongue”. What’s depressing and amazing is the retards that hang with him. Cheering on this fight with China while there’s video out of him dealing personally with China. I don’t care who signed the deal. He’s in on everything. He’s not the kind you work for where you EVER make a decision of any kind on your own.


Well-Known Member
Of course the banners are “in the chain” now and therefore not subject to any tariffs. Go figure. He got lucky. Right?


Well-Known Member
The thing is other than say 10 years ago. America is pretty much on its own.
I mean if you get involved in a war, I would have a hard time deciding if yo are the good guys or the bad guys.... it is no longer clear.
Depends on your stock portfolio?

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Were in an election here, we vote on Saturday.
News today. Both leaders of the Major parties on US Military relations on IRAN on the news America is sending a shit load of troops just in case (not sure on what the just the case may be..invade America?) against the wishes of the UN (which have all said that Iran was abiding by the nuclear treaty thing all this time, that America pulled out of for no apparent reason and added more restrictions, again for no apparent reason)
But yes..both leaders supported America as its main, set in stone allies and will always support them,but they mentioned wanting closer ties with China and not wanting to get involved there.

But looks like ur going into Iran soon anyway- against the UN wishes as per the norm. That should make everyone forget about the China thing and how bad your elected Leader is coming into an election to..
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
isn't china one of our biggest creditors? trump messed with the wall street banks til they dropped him. if china stops buying our debt seems like that would collapse our economy. what is he thinking?

The US dollar is backed by guns....and faith. That's it.

The next paper currency will be too.


Well-Known Member
isn't china one of our biggest creditors? trump messed with the wall street banks til they dropped him. if china stops buying our debt seems like that would collapse our economy. what is he thinking?
China own's our economy thru debt and supply.
Right or wrong, that's the way it is.
Next thing they'll raise is the rate that they charge on interest.
That would be funny