Stayed up trimming till 3am, slept to 9, up and watered the veg plants, made breakfast, cleaned the shower, did laundry then I went out and put up two 10ft long sections of post fence I made out of 8x12 pressure treat bridge beams on either side of the entrance to my driveway. Fuckers gotta weigh 200lbs each, my backs gonna hate me later. Should stop assholes from pulling off the edge of the driveway and if they still try and hit it, it isn't moving. I had them up between my neighbors and mine driveway, but not buried as deep, and my neighbors roommate hit one and destroyed his bumper and fender. They're abutting some lilac hedges on both sides so I'm going to add more flower beds behind them at some point. The ground is so damn rocky here it takes a half hour to dig a 2ft deep hole. I used my steel pinch bar to rout out rocks more than the shovel lifted dirt. I have one more section to put up, then I need to turn compost and I should be done until lights on and I gotta trim more. Maybe I can catch a nap.