Don't fk with China, you'll lose

Land of the Rising Bud
the First Lady dress on the Japan trip.
You know this skank could really turn her dumb bimbo image around if she took this dress a step up . Instead of pretty little tropical sunset post card images there would be political images. For instance one postcard would be a picture of Trump getting shot in the head. Another card would say “black lives Matter” .. things to make people really want to look at that gold digging whore.
the First Lady dress on the Japan trip.
You know this skank could really turn her dumb bimbo image around if she took this dress a step up . Instead of pretty little tropical sunset post card images there would be political images. For instance one postcard would be a picture of Trump getting shot in the head. Another card would say “black lives Matter” .. things to make people really want to look at that gold digging whore.
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She's got nothing to gain and everything to lose by pulling stunts like that. The White House nightmare will be over for her soon enough. She's just waiting for all those cheeseburgers to catch up with her husband so she can enjoy a quiet retirement. She's not only smarter than her husband but much more patient.
“China was an underdeveloped nation with a large population of poor people willing to work for a fraction of the hourly wages of American workers. And then corporations came along and presented China with an attractive offer: We would like to build manufacturing plants in China and hire droves of your unemployed people to work there. What was China supposed to do? Naturally, China said yes.

This is hardly stealing.

It is true that these new jobs in China were intended to displace American workers. But does that concern belong to China? Does China have the responsibility to care for the well-being of American workers? Is China supposed to prioritize American workers over its own workers?”

Finally someone with a widespread audience says it. The wealthy caused this voluntarily. Now it’s time to pay a bigger price and the same wealthy want YOU to carry the load and to fight their fight. This as they scurry to Vietnam, Malaysia, Mauritius and a litany of foreign ports of call. Your kids will be asked to stick up for the same wealthy when the prices inevitably rise.
“This is hardly stealing.

It is true that these new jobs in China were intended to displace American workers. But does that concern belong to China? Does China have the responsibility to care for the well-being of American workers? Is China supposed to prioritize American workers over its own workers?”

Is that the same thing as those ppl in the Midwest that keep getting flooded?
Nice to see the liberals still playing Bend over Benny to China.
You've got to be kidding; Republicans led the charge to outsource American manufacturing to China in the first place (to break unions and cut costs, remember? Of course you don't; right wingers have bad memories)- now you're going to try to blame it on the Democrats when they want Americans to pick up the tab?

Are you REALLY that stupid or are you just trying to get others to underestimate you? Because it's working...
You've got to be kidding; Republicans led the charge to outsource American manufacturing to China in the first place (to break unions and cut costs, remember? Of course you don't; right wingers have bad memories)- now you're going to try to blame it on the Democrats when they want Americans to pick up the tab?

Are you REALLY that stupid or are you just trying to get others to underestimate you? Because it's working...
But just days ago you spoke of holding Democrats responsible for the decline of unions.

You really need to decide which thought guide to use and stick with them.