What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
My M in law had a dog with three legs, I called him tripod. He used to bark at rocks underground then dig them up. Wish we could have trained him to do that with gold...
We had a tripod as well. A cat. Cost me 6k to get her that way.
She had been run over, so they had to amputate, there was a perforated bowl that needed to be repaired. Cat lived another 6 yrs. Never even a thank you from the step kids (their cat o_O).

When she passed, it super affected me.
She was a good cat, almost like a dog at times...


too larry

Well-Known Member
so...do you have 3 new dogs now?
Thank the Lord, No I don't. When I first saw them I thought for a second they were coyotes, so I stopped walking. I was road walking, but across the ditch next to the woods. There was a tall tan pup in the lead. Next was the cur who wobbled when he walked. {I didn't see he was 3 legged until they were pretty close} And a short stocky black bulldog was a little behind them. I stood still in the edge of the woods and they still hadn't seen me. I was worried about them following me home. I waited until the pup was about 10 yards away, and I started walking again, trekking poles clacking. They all ran. Like scalded cats. The pup and 3 leg peeled off into a trail to the left. Black bulldog was past there, and he ran for a 1/4 mile before he turned off. I didn't go back that way, but they never came up to the house.


Well-Known Member
Getting ready to start another round of flower. Vacuumed and wiped down one of my tents with bleach, disassembled, cleaned and lubed the fans, washed the intake filters, dug out my bigger DWC tubs and washed them. I wanted to do both my tents but I have a jack herer in the other one on day 78 and still going strong. It's coming down Friday night at the latest, I want to spread some amendments and EWC in the raised bed and get it planted by Monday.


Well-Known Member
im amazed you guys pay attention to what i say XD kinda creepy. i actually make up the hours and money i lost back though. i talk to my employers about it they are typically okay with it lots to do and always understaffed.

i am working on a side business atm as well that a fellow user on here suggested months ago and i just so happen to come across the opportunity to get into it so im going to see where it goes just for extra cash. i still need to quit smoking that is a lot of money down the drain per week for me at least $50. i lost some money this week though due to graduation parties but meh trust me i am saving up :D i'd suck some fucking dicks for that car money!. WHO's FIRST!!!
Do you realize that you are the biggest roadblock to the future you seek?


Well-Known Member
Do you realize that you are the biggest roadblock to the future you seek?
yea trust me i been down that road i know. i think things through for the most part. like i said im making back that money by putting in hours, got to quit smoking, got to stop buying energy drinks and junk food, etc.. all that money i spend is now money saved just a matter of how bad i want a better future for myself. i know the longer i delay shit like this the more money im wasting and the longer i delay a better future. i also think about employers firing me etc.. so yea i do think about these things on a daily basis.

i appreciate the concerns and words of wisdom. some of us need others to tell us shit like that tbh and it does help encourage.


Well-Known Member
got my first sale $200 not bad i guess. put in some cash since @curious2garden teasing me. only had $24 on me besides coins but thats $24 i wont be wasting on stupid shit like energy drinks and junk food. gonna put in more tomorrow after i get paid. it's a start at least gotta calculate taxes and registration/title/insurance fee's to get a good general idea of how much to save but im looking at 2 years for now.


Well-Known Member
got my first sale $200 not bad i guess. put in some cash since @curious2garden teasing me. only had $24 on me besides coins but thats $24 i wont be wasting on stupid shit like energy drinks and junk food. gonna put in more tomorrow after i get paid. it's a start at least gotta calculate taxes and registration/title/insurance fee's to get a good general idea of how much to save but im looking at 2 years for now.
$200 sale of/on what? I hope not those blow jobs you offered a page or so back.