White Elephant

Plus he got all the stumps from trees that had blown down. This was right by the deck outside the cowhide room. {I moved all the brushpiles you see with Sister's tractor before the tree guy started}

I spent a good deal of time looking for a light bulb last night. In the end I had to take one out of a lamp. But I did find all sorts of interesting shit. Including this book about cats. Learned that the European wildcat has gotten up to five foot long {counting tail}. Would not want to tangle with one of those. And also that cats like to climb things.


I did sit in the actual library for a few minutes last night. Didn't take down any of the books, just spent a few minutes with the alien. {we will need to find someplace else to keep him}
Looks like Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas...
I'll have to take your word for it. {I don't do pop culture} I'm guessing it was set out for Halloween 2018 and hasn't been moved. But I covet that chair. At my end there is one old dining chair and these two older chairs. I've been using all three, but none of them are good for a long sit. The dining chair is a little soft in the middle, and the other two are too low. And now that I've got a good sized tv working, I find myself sitting more often. {all that junk is gone and the tv is on the table now. Still haven't polished the table. Looks like it might be a good one}

I broke the sprocket on my chainsaw yesterday. Will bring it into the shop on Monday, but I want to pick up an extra. Might find a good deal on Monday.
Cedar kindling is the best at starting fires, catches quick. Smells like pencils also...lol
My parents used the red cedar shavings from the planer to start fires in their heater. It does have a good smell. The bark makes pretty good tender too. You can scrape the fluff off with a knife. It takes a spark well.

Actual red cedar wood is bad to pop, so not great for open fireplaces.
The wife is calling the river house the money pit. She is not wrong.

I need to write this before I forget it.

Pumphouse costs. . . .

Labor :
1/4 ounce of Hurricane Head {bagseed tester #1 X BST #2}
1/4 ounce of UnNamed Shunk {poly shunk1 x skunk shunk}
100 $
22 1/2



34 $ for weather head and boot
I broke the sprocket on my chainsaw yesterday. Will bring it into the shop on Monday, but I want to pick up an extra. Might find a good deal on Monday.
I did both. Bought an 18" Poulon Pro for less than 200 bucks this morning on Amazon. Then brought my saw into the repair shop on the way to work. He changed the sprocket while I waited. 6 and a half bucks. Since I bought cat food here, I don't have to go to walmart shopping tomorrow. I can chainsaw. Yea.
I did both. Bought an 18" Poulon Pro for less than 200 bucks this morning on Amazon. Then brought my saw into the repair shop on the way to work. He changed the sprocket while I waited. 6 and a half bucks. Since I bought cat food here, I don't have to go to walmart shopping tomorrow. I can chainsaw. Yea.
I did get some saw work done. In and around the slough yesterday, and along the river this morning. And the new saw came in this afternoon. A lot of what I'm doing is trim work, so looking forward to using the lighter saw.

About 30 foot of this cedar would be good for saw logs, but not sure how to get it out. The slough is pretty boggy. The woods are not thick, but it would be a bitch to cut a road. I guess I could float it out after I flood the slough.

I worked between the house and the slough and from the pumphouse back to the river yesterday, hoping to be around when the building inspector came by. He didn't make it yesterday. Not sure if he did today or not.

I did get to break in the small trim saw right. I pinched the big saw, so the first time I cranked the little one was to save the big one.
