Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

You have little to no science training and a very poor grasp of medicine. You really should stop posting this shit as people are dying from ingesting fish tank cleaner. Also as a science fan you will know that hydroxychloroquin increases the risk of MI. With Cardiac arrest being one of the secondary symptoms of covid it is probably wise to refrain from recommending it unless it has been approved.
I'm not recommending it, it's all over the media, my posts have been responsible and are for those who want to understand the issues. Donald is responsible for the fish cleaner incident. There lot's sources of information online about this zeddd and not to post about it would be kinda strange, my posts have been cautious, especially since people started horking down fish tank cleaner! I keep saying the jury is still out and so do the articles and videos I post. Donald jumping on this has distorted the picture out of all proportion, people believe it's a magic bullet because of Trump and some people are convinced it is of no use, because Donald is touting it. The scientists and doctors will make the call when the studies are completed and peer reviewed. Other than keeping an eye out for reliable research, I'm not planning to post on it much, there nothing new until the studies are completed.
I'm not recommending it, it's all over the media, my posts have been responsible and are for those who want to understand the issues. Donald is responsible for the fish cleaner incident. There lot's sources of information online about this zeddd and not to post about it would be kinda strange, my posts have been cautious, especially since people started horking down fish tank cleaner! I keep saying the jury is still out and so do the articles and videos I post. Donald jumping on this has distorted the picture out of all proportion, people believe it's a magic bullet because of Trump and some people are convinced it is of no use, because Donald is touting it. The scientists and doctors will make the call when the studies are completed and peer reviewed. Other than keeping an eye out for reliable research, I'm not planning to post on it much, there nothing new until the studies are completed.
These right wing propaganda sites which you reference for medical advice are like a big bowl of delicious fruit punch, however the waiter shit in it leaving a turd which you can’t see. Would you drink it?
These right wing propaganda sites which you reference for medical advice are like a big bowl of delicious fruit punch, however the waiter shit in it leaving a turd which you can’t see. Would you drink it?
Medcram is not a right wing source, it's a science source and I'm not posting any right wing shit or sites, cut the bullshit zeddd.
I'm pretty go at insults too you might have noticed and this serves no useful purpose and is a waste of my and your time.
American conservative university:
“Sean Hannity and Dennis Prager interview Ann Coulter regarding her book "Adios America - The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third ...“
Medcram is not a right wing source, it's a science source and I'm not posting any right wing shit or sites, cut the bullshit zeddd.
I'm pretty go at insults too you might have noticed and this serves no useful purpose and is a waste of my and your time.
Why are you insulted, what? you have a science and medicine training? No you don’t. It doesn’t take much to upset you which is surprising considering that you practise mindfulness and meditation.
Ok boomer?
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Why are you insulted, what? you have a science and medicine training? No you don’t. It doesn’t take much to upset you which is surprising considering that you practise mindfulness and meditation.
Ok boomer?
Ya can't seem to speak to people without getting into personal attacks. "however the waiter shit in it leaving a turd which you can’t see. Would you drink it?" Being mindful does not mean being a doormat for others spite and malice, you should take up a practice to control your emotions and thus your mind. I don't imagine your not making it to the gym much these days, so the usual stress relief doesn't work, try something different.
Ya can't seem to speak to people without getting into personal attacks. "however the waiter shit in it leaving a turd which you can’t see. Would you drink it?" Being mindful does not mean being a doormat for others spite and malice, you should take up a practice to control your emotions and thus your mind. I don't imagine your not making it to the gym much these days, so the usual stress relief doesn't work, try something different.
Stop crying
Well greg, your not a doctor and some people might give you a hard time for posting this medical information, for in their minds only doctors can make such posts. I like it though, good article.
medcram is accessed through a website that promotes right wing propaganda. Anything from that site is suspect.

There are better places from which to access information.
Good call, I got three pages deep on a google search of their name +credibility and nothing but reddit/blog posts.
I'm not recommending it, it's all over the media, my posts have been responsible and are for those who want to understand the issues. Donald is responsible for the fish cleaner incident. There lot's sources of information online about this zeddd and not to post about it would be kinda strange, my posts have been cautious, especially since people started horking down fish tank cleaner! I keep saying the jury is still out and so do the articles and videos I post. Donald jumping on this has distorted the picture out of all proportion, people believe it's a magic bullet because of Trump and some people are convinced it is of no use, because Donald is touting it. The scientists and doctors will make the call when the studies are completed and peer reviewed. Other than keeping an eye out for reliable research, I'm not planning to post on it much, there nothing new until the studies are completed.

What do you mean by media?
Good call, I got three pages deep on a google search of their name +credibility and nothing but reddit/blog posts.

What do you mean by media?
What the right wing call the mainstream media. Reddit posts and blogs One minute your going on about what media? When I've posted links from many of them concerning hydroxychloroquine. Next you mention you search on reddit, reddit for fuck sake, Jesus, blog posts?

Go to the site and watch a few videos, I'm tired of these ignorant posts, go to the website and see if there are any links their to right wing bullshit, there are not. This is a medical training site that started giving public updates when the covid19 crisis started. The guy doing the videos on covid19 is a pulmonologist who teaches medicine, that's who your slandering here. Christ reddit, some reliable source that is, what do they say on facebook? This is a science and medicine site, not a political site, learn to know the difference. An stop posting out right false information.
Good call, I got three pages deep on a google search of their name +credibility and nothing but reddit/blog posts.

What do you mean by media?
I couldn't find any independent and recognized source saying anything about them one way or another, however, they have quite a large list of lectures on healthcare topics.

Here is the co-founder's bio:

"Roger Seheult, MD
MedCram Co-Founder & Instructor
Dr. Seheult is currently an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine and an Assistant Clinical Professor at the School of Medicine and Allied Health at Loma Linda University. In addition to being a preceptor for PA and medical students, Dr. Seheult was the Medical Director for the Physician Assistant Sciences Program at Loma Linda University, the Medical Director for a sleep lab, and the Medical Director for the Crafton Hills College Respiratory Care Program.

I don't know about you, but to me, he seems to be a lightweight in the medical community.

But they keep getting linked and cited by American Conservative University, also a source that has zero critical reviews about it. Video topics on their site are loaded with right wing bs, just to the left of infowars.

I'm not recommending it, it's all over the media, my posts have been responsible and are for those who want to understand the issues. Donald is responsible for the fish cleaner incident. There lot's sources of information online about this zeddd and not to post about it would be kinda strange, my posts have been cautious, especially since people started horking down fish tank cleaner! I keep saying the jury is still out and so do the articles and videos I post. Donald jumping on this has distorted the picture out of all proportion, people believe it's a magic bullet because of Trump and some people are convinced it is of no use, because Donald is touting it. The scientists and doctors will make the call when the studies are completed and peer reviewed. Other than keeping an eye out for reliable research, I'm not planning to post on it much, there nothing new until the studies are completed.
What you are saying is "let the propagandists win".
What the right wing call the mainstream media. Reddit posts and blogs One minute your going on about what media? When I've posted links from many of them concerning hydroxychloroquine. Next you mention you search on reddit, reddit for fuck sake, Jesus, blog posts?

Go to the site and watch a few videos, I'm tired of these ignorant posts, go to the website and see if there are any links their to right wing bullshit, there are not. This is a medical training site that started giving public updates when the covid19 crisis started. The guy doing the videos on covid19 is a pulmonologist who teaches medicine, that's who your slandering here. Christ reddit, some reliable source that is, what do they say on facebook? This is a science and medicine site, not a political site, learn to know the difference. An stop posting out right false information.
You should take some breaths, slow down and re-read what I wrote. I said the only places that were pushing that site you had linked was reddit, I wasn't quoting them.

I am not going to go watch 'medcram'. Because I don't have the amount of hubris it takes to think I will get enough information from a youtube video to understand the science behind medicine. If it was really legitimate it wouldn't be on a cliff notes version of science.
You should take some breaths, slow down and re-read what I wrote. I said the only places that were pushing that site you had linked was reddit, I wasn't quoting them.

I am not going to go watch 'medcram'. Because I don't have the amount of hubris it takes to think I will get enough information from a youtube video to understand the science behind medicine. If it was really legitimate it wouldn't be on a cliff notes version of science.
Well I just took a few breaths and I'm feeling much better.
Just because right wing loonies link to this site means nothing.
The videos aid with understanding as do the papers posted with them, if you are incurios that's your business. I'll post credible science and medical videos and articles, the understanding is for me and those who are interested in looking into the matter a little deeper.

Reddit is not a credible source and I'm sure these right wing loonies started linking to the videos after Donald blathered about it on national TV. This guy was reporting on what was going on in the medical community and a lot of doctors go here for info too, it's made for them. He started with a talk on zinc and people commenting told him of chloroquine as a zinc ionophore (helps zinc get inside cells), next another scientist suggested that hydroxychloroquine was better tolerated etc. I don't think he started this trend in the medical community, but he reports on it. Someone mentioned it to Donald and it became a political football, now you get criticised for mentioning it, before Donald got involved it was just science.

I've been a science fan since I was a kid, had some college, but found a pretty good career in the trades, I've had a lifelong passion for learning and science. My posts on the subject have been responsible, though we all lapse occasionally, and informative to those who are interested enough to watch or read. I don't post right wing crap and you know it, you are aware of my political views.

Hubris is excessive pride and there ain't much pride to be found in this tragic situation, only sorrow.
From 2018, before all this mess started
Vitamin D deficiency in acute respiratory distress syndrome | Dr Dhruv Parekh
Dr Dhruv Parekh explains his research on acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS, and how it might be impacted by vitamin D deficiency. *Please see pinned comment for updates connected to coronavirus.*

ARDS is a life-threatening condition characterised by widespread inflammation in the lungs. Around 1 in 5 people who develop ARDS will die. While vitamin D is traditionally associated with calcium regulation, it also is involved in a range of other processes, including regulating antimicrobial compounds and apoptosis. There is also a connection between worse outcomes in critically ill patients and vitamin D deficiency, although it's unclear if the deficiency is a cause or an effect of ARDS.

Here, Dr Parekh explains his research investigating mechanisms behind the connection between ARDS and vitamin D deficiency, using animal experiments to investigate how vitamin D deficiency in mice affects response to infection, and how this might impact our future understanding of how ARDS is caused and may be treated.

Dr Dhruv Parekh is a Clinical Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine at the University of Birmingham and an Honorary Consultant in Intensive (Critical) Care Medicine at University Hospital Birmingham.

He gave this presentation, "Vitamin D deficiency and bacterial load in a murine model of sepsis -induced lung injury", at the 2014 Academy of Medical Sciences Spring Meeting for Clinician Scientists in Training, which brought together 250 attendees from across the UK to discuss their research.

For more information about the Academy's Spring Meeting for Clinician Scientists in Training, visit

We are the independent body in the UK representing the diversity of medical science. Our mission is to advance biomedical and health research and its translation into benefits for society.

Note from the Academy: Dr Parekh is currently working on the frontline of the UK response to coronavirus, looking after patients in intensive care in and around Birmingham. He is therefore unable to respond to comments or provide updates, but we wanted to make some key points to ensure that people are relying on the best scientific information when thinking about how to protect themselves and their loved ones during the pandemic and beyond. The study summarised in this video is based on work done in mice. Results from mice do not necessarily translate into results in humans. There are currently no treatments proven to cure coronavirus (covid-19). All care (ventilation, oxygen) focuses on helping the person survive long enough for their body to push off the virus themselves. We continue to urge everyone to follow the key government advice which offers the most effective way to stop the spread: wash your hands, minimise social contact and stay home. In the words of our President Professor Sir Robert Lechler, "These measures are critically important if we’re going to get fully on top of this pandemic.”
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