Adam's OG clone only grow


Active Member
So my quasi experiment with flowering a plant with the canopy really close to an HID light didnt end up great. I couldn't see it until dried, but being that close to the light made the buds look larger than they were. Anyway. I'll post pics of the harvest once out of the Turkey bags. Follow the standard recommendations for light distance. They are standard for a reason lol. I also loss a lot of the terpenes due to the canopy being exposed to too much direct light and heat. But the frost is there. Plenty of frost. Done rambling. Goodnight internet
Hey gotta learn somehow. Trial and error is better than denial and error


Well-Known Member
Hey gotta learn somehow. Trial and error is better than denial and error
Yessir it is. I was originally not going to flower the plant bc it had gotten to large, but thought it would have been interesting to see how well it did so close to my light. So any harvest was a good harvest from this crop I suppose. The longer the curing, the more the smell is coming out now. I thought the light had destroyed a majority of the terps. Heres a pic of them sweating it out. There's another Turkey bag of larf/small buds. These buds actually are coming out real nice. Just thought there'd be more of them :/. Hows your grow going


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Yessir it is. I was originally not going to flower the plant bc it had gotten to large, but thought it would have been interesting to see how well it did so close to my light. So any harvest was a good harvest from this crop I suppose. The longer the curing, the more the smell is coming out now. I thought the light had destroyed a majority of the terps. Heres a pic of them sweating it out. There's another Turkey bag of larf/small buds. These buds actually are coming out real nice. Just thought there'd be more of them :/. Hows your grow going
What og cut is that again? Thats really nice!


Active Member
Yessir it is. I was originally not going to flower the plant bc it had gotten to large, but thought it would have been interesting to see how well it did so close to my light. So any harvest was a good harvest from this crop I suppose. The longer the curing, the more the smell is coming out now. I thought the light had destroyed a majority of the terps. Heres a pic of them sweating it out. There's another Turkey bag of larf/small buds. These buds actually are coming out real nice. Just thought there'd be more of them :/. Hows your grow going
Everything is going great. Just started the final flush on 4 Blue Og’s, a Lava Cake, and the Adams OG. This morning we chopped down the attached Blue Cheese plant, flash froze it, and blasted it into a puddle of live resin lol



Well-Known Member
Everything is going great. Just started the final flush on 4 Blue Og’s, a Lava Cake, and the Adams OG. This morning we chopped down the attached Blue Cheese plant, flash froze it, and blasted it into a puddle of live resin lol
Hell to the yes. Both pics look awesome but that live resin literally made my mouth water. It's been about a month since I've had a dab ha. Went back to flower for a while but honestly, dabs will always be my favorite. Awesome stuff!


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple pics of "The stash". I think this is a total of 3 harvests. The top shelf being the harvest from this last plant. And the second shelf is what's left of my other two recent harvests. I havent weighed this harvest yet, but visually, it looks better than I thought. The pic of the white skunk is pretty distinguishable. It's doesnt really have any red hairs unlike the OG.


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Heres a couple pics of "The stash". I think this is a total of 3 harvests. The top shelf being the harvest from this last plant. And the second shelf is what's left of my other two recent harvests. I havent weighed this harvest yet, but visually, it looks better than I thought. The pic of the white skunk is pretty distinguishable. It's doesnt really have any red hairs unlike the OG.
Are you not supposed to be getting some of the medicine to patients? OG is like the greatest medicine on earth. That stuff looks fire dude!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm currently running another plant through flower. I'm obviously getting lazier and lazier with my scrogging and training. This is day 14 since the 12/12 switch. I was originally going to do the schwazze tek, then back out half way lol. But the stretch is done....I credit that to the 2 days of darkness before switching to 12/12. It did seem to put the plant into flowering a little quicker.



Well-Known Member
This strain continues to prove itself time and time again to be a winner. Its day 21 of flower...( I start counting from the switch to 12/12). I did less scrogging and more of the schwazze method and defoliated pretty heavily and let the tops stretch more vertically this time. Turning out good.


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Well-Known Member
The beginning of week 5 of flower. Just started adding flower nutes today to the rez. I also bought a bottle of top shooter and will try that out at around week 7 because I've heard such amazing things about it (it's by H&G). One small bottle cost me 75 bucks from my local hydro shop so it better show some results. Its suppose to make your plants initiate flowering again towards the end of the grow, forming huge yields. Normally I just run h&g coco a and b through the whole grow.



Well-Known Member
This is the first day of week 7 of flower. I just began adding top shooter liquid to my nute soup (h&g nutes). It's the first time using top shooter so I started light. Hoping to see some awesome results like I've heard.



Well-Known Member
Beginning of week 8 of flower. Im looking for 3-4 more weeks of growth, idk tho. I've been using top shooter for about a week every other day. I just used a 5 gal bucket to put 1.2 ec solution with base nutes. (per instructions). Then I added top shooter liquid and would just alternate between that and my original flower nute soup in my original rez (which is just a+b and budxl). I think I see good results. The buds put out a whole new set of hairs. They got much heavier already bc I have to stake the them up now when I didn't before.


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Well-Known Member
I'm absolutely blown away by top shooter liquid by H&G. You start seeing immediate results. I think next time I'll wait a little later in flower to use it since it works so quickly. Note to self: use bud xl from weeks 5 through 8, then switch to top shooter for last few weeks. Too much early yellowing going on here


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Well-Known Member
I'm writing this update for myself and others, talking about.. if anyone wants to add their experiences with top shooter, please do!
"Top Shooter liquid by H&G".....
-Im approaching week 9 and have been using it at like half strength and every other feed (very conservative with it) and things are definitely happening immediately which is awesome to watch in real time. Within one week, they have chunked up to almost double their size (pics are deceiving).

-While that is all good, I feel its pulling too much juice from itself into the buds at an disproportionate rate. Some of the stems in the back have flopped over and laying on net and I dont believe its bc the colas got THAT much larger. It's worth buying but it definitely has a learning curve to it...heres a shitty hps pic to show the chunky and the area that flopped over. Like a while section flopped over completely


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