Well-Known Member
I figure it's about time for some music now on this depressing thread
This song is dedicated to my wife, whose birthday is today and this is one of her favorite songs (mine also)
I figure it's about time for some music now on this depressing thread
This song is dedicated to my wife, whose birthday is today and this is one of her favorite songs (mine also)
Make sure its stays just a social/political civil war and not a real one, when I speak of American civil war I'm speaking largely metaphorically, but the resulting death toll will end up about the same as the original real civil war, the racist anti liberals lost that one too. The cause of the civil war is said to be slavery, liberals (largely white) opposed it to such a degree, it lead to civil war with the slave holding south. Liberalism and constitutional government will lead to freedom for all, this process has been disrupted by racist anti democratic forces in modern America for decades. This social/political civil war will largely settle the issue with political polarization and the country can move forward towards social progress and justice.
If you win big in nov (I think you will) All those bills that are sitting on Mitch's desk will be strengthened, many compromises will be removed and resubmitted to the house in the new congress. There are over 200 improvements to American near ready to go and the amended bills will fly through the house at lightspeed and off to the new senate majority desk for disposition. Obama didn't say the filibuster was a shit idea for nothing the other day, look for it to go. Also the senate republicans should get an epic shit kicking in November, the country will be on the brink of catastrophe or beyond it by election day, a lot of that catastrophe will be in southern red states. The polling we have seen, is but a taste of what is to come in 2 months when the death toll reaches astronomical numbers in these red states, unless these stupid bastards lock down and grow a new attitude.Agreed... I was mid-editing that post lol, I had taken "civil war" out and apparently what I had wrote prior posted anyways? It was odd. Like alot of things didn't change, I had condensed it. Kinda sucks because I always re-read a few times to make sure I wrote correct.
My honest thoughts.. this country is not headed toward peace. We have came togather for cause, yet are more divided then ever. Things will get worse and they are, daily. That is what I speak of.
I still believe it is possible for compromise between GOOD people. Maybe I'm just silly/crazy. I fear otherwise - no one will win. Any other way (besides teamwork) looks to me like mass destruction. I feel if we are gonna win the covid / humanity wars, we need ALL of us good people (Left, Independent, and Republicans who are NOT sociopaths) against all of the BAD people (trump and his minion terrorists.) But yeah.. I agree. I hope you're right and I'm wrong.
If you win big in nov (I think you will) All those bills that are sitting on Mitch's desk will be strengthened, many compromises will be removed and resubmitted to the house in the new congress. There are over 200 improvements to American near ready to go and the amended bills will fly through the house at lightspeed and off to the new senate majority desk for disposition. Obama didn't say the filibuster was a shit idea for nothing the other day, look for it to go. Also the senate republicans should get an epic shit kicking in November, the country will be on the brink of catastrophe or beyond it by election day, a lot of that catastrophe will be in southern red states. The polling we have seen, is but a taste of what is to come in 2 months when the death toll reaches astronomical numbers in these red states, unless these stupid bastards lock down and grow a new attitude.
The difference is who is in the seat of power and who is in the streets, circumstances have conspired to put these assholes in the street for a long time. If they have no political voice they drop out of view, look what happened with black America, poor folks and other marginalized groups, it they cannot coalesce into an effective political force they are powerless. The republican party is not just poisoned by hate and filled with racist scum, it now carries Trump and will bear his mark upon it's forehead until it dies. There will be plenty of investigations, indictments and sentences over this bullshit well over a thousand over the next couple of years. Those republicans running then will be selected by the same Trump base and will have a lot to answer for to the electorate by 2022 . Hold the fort for a decade, demographic and social change should get ya to the finish line, many racists simply have to die off and we need to minimise the number of new ones with policy.That's a nice theory, and people like you truly give me hope. I used to think that way until recently - was SO happy we are almost done with him. I have watched many trump voting people one by one hang their head and admit they were wrong.
Problem is COVID came along. Trump now know's he will lose and is desperate. This is a psycopath we speak of. A complete narsissist. He thinks he's the best at "everything."
Will we make it till November? Folks are dying and being infected at record breaking rates, daily. Others are SERIOUSLY pissed off.. We have a president who waited 6 months (!) to wear a mask, and sent troops to attack citizens in our cities.. EVERYBODY is fighting - over everything already. Startin to look and "feel" a lot like a path to civil war.
The fed gov't has already started it numerous ways, then sending troops, blocking funding for our states, our unemployed will not get help for now.. middle of pandemic.. I mean. Wtf. How much do you think people can actually take?
Shit is getting REAL. People are frustrated, they are bitter, and now they are more mad then they have ever been before, in all kinds of ways! They are armed... and they are ready to battle.. on both sides. These are truths as I see it.
I speak with 20ish different SMALL (many republican) business owners a day. Different people, races, and cultures every day. From all over US & 1-3 calls a day from Canadians. 15-30 calls/day average, dependent on length. I've heard a veryyyy wide perspective and my job is to empathize with all their situation's and solve their issues.
So I do listen and keep an open mind, because I'm a solver.. I enjoy it, and it has taught me alot about people in general. Mostly to always be openminded (except to malicious people, fuck them), because "the diamonds really are in the rough.."
We still have Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. fuckLet's really "all" be in this togather.. good people that is..
Lot's of countries have gone through worse, read the history of the UK since 1900 for instance, just scan a wikipedia article. Though they never had a traitor, psychopathic moron and puppet of a hostile foreign power as it their political leader. Or a major political party and a significant portion of the population turn into a fascist death cult in the thrall of an evil mad moron either!That's a nice theory, and people like you truly give me hope. I used to think that way until recently - was SO happy we are almost done with him. I have watched many trump voting people one by one hang their head and admit they were wrong.
Problem is COVID came along. Trump now know's he will lose and is desperate. This is a psycopath we speak of. A complete narsissist. He thinks he's the best at "everything."
Will we make it till November? Folks are dying and being infected at record breaking rates, daily. Others are SERIOUSLY pissed off.. We have a president who waited 6 months (!) to wear a mask, and sent troops to attack citizens in our cities.. EVERYBODY is fighting - over everything already. Startin to look and "feel" a lot like a path to civil war.
The fed gov't has already started it numerous ways, then sending troops, blocking funding for our states, our unemployed will not get help for now.. middle of pandemic.. I mean. Wtf. How much do you think people can actually take?
Shit is getting REAL. People are frustrated, they are bitter, and now they are more mad then they have ever been before, in all kinds of ways! They are armed... and they are ready to battle.. on both sides. These are truths as I see it.
I speak with 20ish different SMALL (many republican) business owners a day. Different people, races, and cultures every day. From all over US & 1-3 calls a day from Canadians. 15-30 calls/day average, dependent on length. I've heard a veryyyy wide perspective and my job is to empathize with all their situation's and solve their issues.
So I do listen and keep an open mind, because I'm a solver.. I enjoy it, and it has taught me alot about people in general. Mostly to always be openminded (except to malicious people, fuck them), because "the diamonds really are in the rough.."
We still have Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. fuckLet's really "all" be in this togather.. good people that is..
But other than that...Lot's of countries have gone through worse, read the history of the UK since 1900 for instance, just scan a wikipedia article. Though they never had a traitor, psychopathic moron and puppet of a hostile foreign power as it their political leader. Or a major political party and a significant portion of the population turn into a fascist death cult in the thrall of an evil mad moron either!
I gave her a TOTAL body massage, made her favorite meal, filet mignon with Béarnaise sauce, sautéed Portabella mushrooms,, asparagus with some lemon & butter & a nice big fat Idaho potato with lots of sour cream & chives and a nice Cabernet Sauvignon & I fed her fishesBuy her a present ya cheap bastard, this won't do!Get a card too!
Lot's of countries have gone through worse, read the history of the UK since 1900 for instance, just scan a wikipedia article. Though they never had a traitor, psychopathic moron and puppet of a hostile foreign power as it their political leader. Or a major political party and a significant portion of the population turn into a fascist death cult in the thrall of an evil mad moron either!
There is no common ground to be found with Republicans. They have gone so far to the right, the ground between us and them, I'm not willing to accept as something to barter over. They can have it. What they have done is ceded the middle ground to Democrats. The only true conservatives right now are center right Democrats and Independents. They influence but they aren't the majority in the Democratic Party. The majority is the center left. There is no meaningful far left faction, though that is growing. But the far left cannot win in contested districts, the key to taking control of this country away from the stinkers. The far left only win in safe blue districts, so really they are just a loud small and future-important group because the future will probably go more in their direction.I dodge politics too. It comes up, usually from republican, then I get defensive (when they are factually wrong), which leads to conversation. "Friend" may be a word I used too loosely.. I don't have republican "friends" as far as in that context (current party.) Many republicans don't support the republican party as is: the inhumanity, the rasicm & systemic abuses. Many vote republican due to livelihood. Policy. As you can tell from the polls, more and more of them are getting sick of him!
The republican's I know are either family, small business owners, or aquaintances from pool, poker, etc. Most I know well are either family or mainly work related. They are not vile, if they are, I remove them from my life..
My singular point (as far as the communication thing with republicans) is that America seriously needs to find some common middle ground. To beat covid, and to take our country back from the orange man.. as my sister says (republican..) Not to mention all the other amazing things that could be accomplished with a bit of teamwork. Teamwork makes the dream work. Communicate and even possibly compromise. Until that happens on both sides, shit is going to continue to get worse for everyone. We are walking a fine line with on both sides. In my opinion.
I'm on the left side of this "social" war for sureFk them... let's go to war for humanity. I'm all in. Thing is, it won't be north vs south or east vs west.. The way technology, media, and social media is and folks of all cultures have aligned with parties and divided themselves.. It's going to be neighbors vs neighbors, families vs families, people at work, supermarkets, like is already happening except worse.. based on personal beliefs and experiences rather than hate - hate too - but both.. It's human nature to protect ones self.
Is that really what the masses are aiming for? I hope not.. I know I'm not. That will not solve our issues, imho. I can understand attacking the trolls but I will never understand an attack on someones character, when you know nothing about them, other than "they are a republican." I don't judge tho - but if it's abusive (vile) I will lose respect..
I'm weird and I know it. I have fought for peace and equality my entire life and both sides have laughed in my face or came at me with abuse. I'm not enough "left" and certainly not enough "right." No man's land.. I guess. Lol.
Of course we can be friends. I don't think I am vile, am I?? Still trying to figure out how I left that impression with some folks... I literally only defended myself against attacks. Posssibly I have forgot. Idk. I couldn't conversate with a racist, I've dropped family for that.. I can conversate with a well - meaning republican though. So I guess we are even on the open and forgiveness, haha!
I was doing one liners all day and now I'm back to novels.. Fuckin Republicans! Lol.. going back to my corner ------->
Edited post for context: for some reason my last edit wasn't there, and some words came out wrong..
Please don't come back with "not if they're republican" cuz that is just fucked up and feels like we are as bad as they are.. Again.. over and over... when I speak like this I only mean the decent hard working republicans in 1/3 of our states, the ones no one seems to believe exist. Not the terrorists.
The South historically is home to the more ignorant section of the population and it has to do with religion and racism. The rich landowners/slaveowners convinced the poor sharecroppers that they were poor but God would one day reward them In heaven. They were also convinced that as bad as they had it they weren't as bad as black slaves. They vote against better conditions for themselves and more tax breaks for the rich because those same actions would benefit minorities. It continues until this day. They have lower education and lower health and standards of living. These are the people Trump tricked into voting for him and they are dying to stay by his side.Yeah, thats what i thought mate.
So the hardest hit areas have lesser population density but much higher than average religious density.
Could religion be a factor in it?
I've said from the get go that I found it pretty ironic that 84% of the world's population are religious (72% if you don't count bhudism).
So for everyone that dies there's a 72-84% chance they believe that iether god will save them.
Or if they die that it was gods will and was ultimately for a greater good.
Has anyone else questioned this yet?
My number was inaccurate, it's only 30 million.So, for over 50 million American citizens due too a fear of litigation, they are going to have they're legs chopped off, because that lapse in desperately needed funding will be fucking catastrophic
Everything was going pretty well until the virus hit
a third of the economy is gonego get cho ass a job.
If I was you I would get really familiar with the Russian attack that our country is under using trolls on every side of every issue to whip up Americans to the point of radicalization. Not just a little bit of it, but to actually do a deep dive into it and how it works. Because all of your friends and family are being attacked with it.I dodge politics too. It comes up, usually from republican, then I get defensive (when they are factually wrong), which leads to conversation. "Friend" may be a word I used too loosely.. I don't have republican "friends" as far as in that context (current party.) Many republicans don't support the republican party as is: the inhumanity, the rasicm & systemic abuses. Many vote republican due to livelihood. Policy. As you can tell from the polls, more and more of them are getting sick of him!
The republican's I know are either family, small business owners, or aquaintances from pool, poker, etc. Most I know well are either family or mainly work related. They are not vile, if they are, I remove them from my life..
My singular point (as far as the communication thing with republicans) is that America seriously needs to find some common middle ground. To beat covid, and to take our country back from the orange man.. as my sister says (republican..) Not to mention all the other amazing things that could be accomplished with a bit of teamwork. Teamwork makes the dream work. Communicate and even possibly compromise. Until that happens on both sides, shit is going to continue to get worse for everyone. We are walking a fine line with on both sides. In my opinion.
I'm on the left side of this "social" war for sureFk them... let's go to war for humanity. I'm all in. Thing is, it won't be north vs south or east vs west.. The way technology, media, and social media is and folks of all cultures have aligned with parties and divided themselves.. It's going to be neighbors vs neighbors, families vs families, people at work, supermarkets, like is already happening except worse.. based on personal beliefs and experiences rather than hate - hate too - but both.. It's human nature to protect ones self.
Is that really what the masses are aiming for? I hope not.. I know I'm not. That will not solve our issues, imho. I can understand attacking the trolls but I will never understand an attack on someones character, when you know nothing about them, other than "they are a republican." I don't judge tho - but if it's abusive (vile) I will lose respect..
I'm weird and I know it. I have fought for peace and equality my entire life and both sides have laughed in my face or came at me with abuse. I'm not enough "left" and certainly not enough "right." No man's land.. I guess. Lol.
Of course we can be friends. I don't think I am vile, am I?? Still trying to figure out how I left that impression with some folks... I literally only defended myself against attacks. Posssibly I have forgot. Idk. I couldn't conversate with a racist, I've dropped family for that.. I can conversate with a well - meaning republican though. So I guess we are even on the open and forgiveness, haha!
I was doing one liners all day and now I'm back to novels.. Fuckin Republicans! Lol.. going back to my corner ------->
Edited post for context: for some reason my last edit wasn't there, and some words came out wrong..
I disagree, last night in Portland no Trump Federal goonsquad and surprise no violence. Very few people have been ingured/killed with the 10's of thousands of protestors in the streets, and the actual damage to the cities they are in has been extremely light.Agreed... I was mid-editing that post lol, I had taken "civil war" out and apparently what I had wrote prior posted anyways? It was odd. Like alot of things didn't change, I had condensed it. Kinda sucks because I always re-read a few times to make sure I wrote correct.
My honest thoughts.. this country is not headed toward peace. We have came togather for cause, yet are more divided then ever. Things will get worse and they are, daily. That is what I speak of.
I still believe it is possible for compromise between GOOD people. Maybe I'm just silly/crazy. I fear otherwise - no one will win. Any other way (besides teamwork) looks to me like mass destruction. I feel if we are gonna win the covid / humanity wars, we need ALL of us good people (Left, Independent, and Republicans who are NOT sociopaths) against all of the BAD people (trump and his minion terrorists.) But yeah.. I agree. I hope you're right and I'm wrong.
Yea, well I'm coming back with fuck 'em if they're a POS Republican.Please don't come back with "not if they're republican" cuz that is just fucked up and feels like we are as bad as they are.
Evil is always smitten, it might take awhile like in Trumps case, but righteousness always prevailsSauron would rule for as long as any one could foresee
And again, a Democrat will have to fix the mess left by the Republicans.a third of the economy is gone
There is no common ground to be found with Republicans. They have gone so far to the right, the ground between us and them, I'm not willing to accept as something to barter over. They can have it. What they have done is ceded the middle ground to Democrats. The only true conservatives right now are center right Democrats and Independents. They influence but they aren't the majority in the Democratic Party. The majority is the center left. There is no meaningful far left faction, though that is growing. But the far left cannot win in contested districts, the key to taking control of this country away from the stinkers. The far left only win in safe blue districts, so really they are just a loud small and future-important group because the future will probably go more in their direction.
Big picture-little picture
10 demographic trends shaping the U.S. and the world in 2016
We gathered key facts for this year’s Population Association of America (PAA) meeting.www.pewresearch.org
Why California Politics Is Always 15 Years Ahead
The Remarkably Prescient 15 Year Rule Means Trump & the National Republicans are on the Verge of a Spectacular Collapsemedium.com
Big picture: The US is fifteen years behind California politically. Fifteen years ago, Pete Wilson took over after a Democrat was impeached for no good reason in California. Pete ran on an anti immigrant, crime fighting platform. Sound familiar? California is politically in a pretty good place right now.
Demographics are shifting in the US. By 2030, the country will be more diverse, the WW2 generation all gone, boomers well into decline. Millenials will be ascendant, with some already 30 years old. THEY and gen Y were the ones totally screwed by Bush's recession. And They will not have white as the majority, though white still plurality. Republicans have zero chance with them after Trump. So, after 2030, with millenials entering middle age, the argument will be over. The reactionary right wing THING that Republicans became will be a powerless entity. Like what happened to Sauron at the end of the Lord of the Rings. His power was broken for as long as any one could foresee.
Little picture: This explains why today seems so fraught (to me, at least it explains it). These are the times of change. White entitlement, especially white male entitlement was the theme of the US's past century or more. In a democracy, change isn't linear, it's jagged. Goes back and forth, just over time, the center moves overall. Hence, Obama is followed by Trump who is followed by Biden. After Biden, I think Republicans will put up the most vicious, reactionary authoritarian of all. I don't know who it is but he's going to be a real stinker. So, this half of the 2020's are going to be dynamic and not fun. Could be worse than right now. Today's right wingers are trying to break majority rule, break rule of law as it now stands, all in order to control the direction we are going. If that stinker in 2024 succeeds, as in Lord of the Rings if Sauron had succeeded, Sauron would rule for as long as any one could foresee. Because authoritarian rule in this era is terrifying.
We won this round. It was terrifying for the last few weeks and I'm starting to feel pretty good about the political future. Now we still have to deal with historic level economic depression, 2nd worst ever jobs situation in the modern era, a plague and climate change and on and on. We had no chance with Republican rule and small chance with Democratic rule. "so you say I have a chance, YEEESSS"
tiny picture: love your family, keep them close, try to do the right things. Have a drink and what the hell? It's still a beautiful world. I really hope you are doing well.