Republicans fuck America, again

A lot of trolls come through here. Just saying, everybody gets hazed at first just to see what they are about. Too many turn out to be just that. If you aren't, get a thick skin and hang with us for a while. We do need new voices. I'm hoping one day to hear from an intelligent Republican conservative.
Ohhhh I could imagine this a Dumpers trolling paradise. My brother has been on my ass to get more involved and I have. Now everyday instead of watching mindless tv shows or playing madden etc, I'd rather watch countless videos of how much of a pathological lying POS Dumper really is. Its sick. I catch a lot of TYT and just found David Pakman to be very insightful. I don't watch news outlets but i will catch a few youtube vids of CNN. LOL you will never find one!! ;)
Ohhhh I could imagine this a Dumpers trolling paradise. My brother has been on my ass to get more involved and I have. Now everyday instead of watching mindless tv shows or playing madden etc, I'd rather watch countless videos of how much of a pathological lying POS Dumper really is. Its sick. I catch a lot of TYT and just found David Pakman to be very insightful. I don't watch news outlets but i will catch a few youtube vids of CNN. LOL you will never find one!! ;)
Keep trying and you'll find your voice here. You shuure dew sound sincere.
I fucking love this politic section here. I might not know as much as you guys but I love reading it. My first visit here was kinda shaky with a few long time vets that thot I was a planted Trump cop or some shit lol. Good times here tho
Taxing the rich until they are as poor as the poor is communism.
Saying stupid shit that is so far from reality is lying.


So no matter what the wealthiest got taxed at they would still make more money that the highest paid middle class income.

Trump gave the ultra wealthy break after break, because that is his demographic and who he needs to pay off if he somehow survives what is very likely going to be prison time.
A lot of trolls come through here. Just saying, everybody gets hazed at first just to see what they are about. Too many turn out to be just that. If you aren't, get a thick skin and hang with us for a while. We do need new voices. I'm hoping one day to hear from an intelligent Republican conservative.

I understand what you're saying 100% on getting out the trolls.. The "hazing" does go a bit beyond haveing a thick skin imho. I mean... my skin is leather. Seriously. Due to my upbringing and always fighting for what I thought was right vs a family who thought I was nutz.. ok. There was noone there to "save" me. Thick skin. I still got annoyed at first, and my beliefs are aligned with many of yalls. I typically don't get annoyed like that.. This forum is a bit rough on new folks for sure.

That is why you don't hear from an intelligent Republican conservative. An intelligent Republican conservative will not tolerate that type of disrespect. They are "conservatives."

LOL you will never find one!! ;)
It's a possibility.. I actually know a couple that I've been thinking about asking to come voice their views here. They are open, respectful, and grower friendly. We have respectful political discussions.

Trumps ways disgust them too, it's more about policy and things that will change if Democrat's are back in charge. Things that effect their livelihoods. Oil industry, Coal, Railroad, Farmers, Ranchers, and mom and pop small businesses, just to name a few. They have lived this way all their lives.They did not go to college, they went straight to the fields/rails/work and now they are middle aged with families. Or retired. Either way, there's LOTS of big families.. They have bought houses, land, boats, farms, and other things, and it's hard for them to risk how they survive. They have lifelong goals, and dreams, just like us. Alot are actually on board with paying more taxes, doing things that are better for all etc, but they have many other equal or greater concerns on policy affecting their livelihoods.

Many detest trump, his actions, and his inhumanity. As well as all other injustices accuring.. Some vote because they feel they have to. Some live in the middle of entire states that do not have the technology, tourist, etc activity that other states have. Like, most of the farming, agricultural, coal, and oil states. They are all Republican.

However, they are not down with the types of disrespect that go on when you are new and get "hazed." I'm not 100% confident they would stick around long enough to make a difference. I'm not sure I want to even ask for them to be in that position. Their skin is thick but not sure if they will thrive in the "jungle" long enough to do any good.

I gotta pretty loud mouth and am not scared to speak my mind. I'm cultured and used to opposition. They are not cultured, and are used to mostly like minded people in their area's. They are much more timid and intolerant of disrespect. They are republicans.

My home state pretty much flip-flops each cycle. This may be a flip flop election, which is great.. Last 4 elections, voted 2x Democrat 2x Republican. They vote based on what is happening that is, or will, effect their way of life. Point blank. They also are very aware that covid is a threat.. and most of their states are taking it seriously.

That is what I have experienced around and working with some types of Republican people.. by communicating with them. There are many more asshole's, and that is what close-minded people don't realize.

The "trolls" are on rollitup talking shit. The good one's are at work, or in the fields.. or simply chillin with their families at the riverbottom. This is all true from my life perspective.. I may be very different from my family and business associates, but I can understand "some" of their perspectives. Others are just bad people. Most bad "Republicans" are bad people with or without the party label..
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I understand what you're saying 100% on getting out the trolls.. The "hazing" does go a bit beyond haveing a thick skin imho. I mean... my skin is leather. Seriously. Due to my upbringing and always fighting for what I thought was right vs a family who thought I was nutz.. ok. There was noone there to "save" me. Thick skin. I still got annoyed at first, and my beliefs are aligned with many of yalls. I typically don't get annoyed like that.. This forum is a bit rough on new folks for sure.

That is why you don't hear from an intelligent Republican conservative. An intelligent Republican conservative will not tolerate that type of disrespect. They are "conservatives."

It's a possibility.. I actually know a couple that I've been thinking about asking to come voice their views here. They are open, respectful, and grower friendly. We have respectful political discussions.

Trumps ways disgust them too, it's more about policy and things that will change if Democrat's are back in charge. Things that effect their livelihoods. Oil industry, Coal, Railroad, Farmers, Ranchers, and mom and pop small businesses, just to name a few. They have lived this way all their lives.They did not go to college, they went straight to the fields/rails/work and now they are middle aged with families. Or retired. Either way, there's LOTS of big families.. They have bought houses, land, boats, farms, and other things, and it's hard for them to risk how they survive. They have lifelong goals, and dreams, just like us. Alot are actually on board with paying more taxes, doing things that are better for all etc, but they have many other equal or greater concerns on policy affecting their livelihoods.

Many detest trump, his actions, and his inhumanity. As well as all other injustices accuring.. Some vote because they feel they have to. Some live in the middle of entire states that do not have the technology, tourist, etc activity that other states have. Like, most of the farming, agricultural, coal, and oil states. They are all Republican.

However, they are not down with the types of disrespect that go on when you are new and get "hazed." I'm not 100% confident they would stick around long enough to make a difference. I'm not sure I want to even ask for them to be in that position. Their skin is thick but not sure if they will thrive in the "jungle" long enough to do any good.

I gotta pretty loud mouth and am not scared to speak my mind. I'm cultured and used to opposition. They are not cultured, and are used to mostly like minded people in their area's. They are much more timid and intolerant of disrespect. They are republicans.

My home state pretty much flip-flops each cycle. This may be a flip flop election, which is great.. Last 4 elections, voted 2x Democrat 2x Republican. They vote based on what is happening that is, or will, effect their way of life. Point blank. They also are very aware that covid is a threat.. and most of their states are taking it seriously.

That is what I have experienced around and working with some types of Republican people.. by communicating with them. There are many more asshole's, and that is what close-minded people don't realize.

The "trolls" are on rollitup talking shit. The good one's are at work, or in the fields.. or simply chillin with their families at the riverbottom. This is all true from my life perspective.. I may be very different from my family and business associates, but I can understand "some" of their perspectives. Others are just bad people. Most bad "Republicans" are bad people with or without the party label..
I have two redneck brothers and a radical red neck Sister in law. I have another sister in law who is hooked into the Christian right anti choice movement. I love them all. We don't talk about politics, there is plenty else to talk about. I want to get to know my nieces and nephews. I want my kids to be their friends for life. I want to be a positive influence within my family. My political beliefs are not as important as my family. Because we respect each other, we will self correct if the conversation veers into dangerous waters, especially if somebody says we have. It's too bad that we cant all agree but we do get along and it's good.

The one brother who has political beliefs more in line with mine is difficult as is his wife. As his daughter says, "My parents have issues". She cut them off years ago. They have yet to see their grandchildren.

So, politics in the family are complicated but as I see it, the real differences that can break a relationship aren't really about politics, its' whether or not people are willing to just be with each other, respect each other, find common interests and love unconditionally. Sometimes it's better to let even family go. It's better not to do that. Better for me, better for everybody.

I don't have any friends who are right wingers though. I'm not that open and forgiving.

A person cannot support today's Republican Party and not be racist, authoritarian and fascist-leaning. One can't overlook the harm they are doing as if it's a choice between one or two scoops of raisins on one's oatmeal. Or don't like Early Girl tomatoes. The Republican Party of today is vile.

That's how I see it and I'm ok if you see it differently. We can be friends regardless. Just don't be vile.
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I have two redneck brothers and a radical red neck Sister in law. I have another sister in law who is hooked into the Christian right anti choice movement. I love them all. We don't talk about politics, there is plenty else to talk about. I want to get to know my nieces and nephews. I want my kids to be their friends for life. I want to be a positive influence within my family. My political beliefs are not as important as my family. Because we respect each other, we will self correct if the conversation veers into dangerous waters, especially if somebody says we have. It's too bad that we cant all agree but we do get along and it's good.

The one brother who has political beliefs more in line with mine is difficult as is his wife. As his daughter says, "My parents have issues". She cut them off years ago. They have yet to see their grandchildren.

So, politics in the family are complicated but as I see it, the real differences that can break a relationship aren't really about politics, its' whether or not people are willing to just be with each other and share their love unconditionally. Sometimes it's better to let even family go. It's better not to do that. Better for me, better for everybody.

I don't have any friends who are right wingers though. I'm not that open and forgiving.

A person cannot support today's Republican Party and not be racist, authoritarian and fascist-leaning. One can't overlook the harm they are doing as if it's a choice between two or one scoops of raisins on one's oatmeal. Or don't like Early Girl tomatoes. The Republican Party of today is vile.

That's how I see it and I'm ok if you see it differently. We can be friends regardless. Just don't be vile.
My gardener (sharecropper) is uneducated and is buying into this bullshit that it is all fake news about the covid virus, I had to have a frank talk with him today while giving him a lift to the grocery store, he is a friend and I was tactful. We have had these conversations in the past and are maintaining social distancing, I had to tell him no more drives, he'a anti mask. I told him to send me his sources of information, I want to know who the cocksucker is who is trying to kill both him and me! I will share his source if he sends it as an example of dangerous disinformation and would appreciate additional input. He will continue to care for the grow, as I have largely lost interest and do it for others, including him.

We have mandatory mask laws kicking in tomorrow for inside, he is not happy but will comply, he is impervious to reason and facts
My gardener (sharecropper) is uneducated and is buying into this bullshit that it is all fake news about the covid virus, I had to have a frank talk with him today while giving him a lift to the grocery store, he is a friend and I was tactful. We have had these conversations in the past and are maintaining social distancing, I had to tell him no more drives, he'a anti mask. I told him to send me his sources of information, I want to know who the cocksucker is who is trying to kill both him and me! I will share his source if he sends it as an example of dangerous disinformation and would appreciate additional input. He will continue to care for the grow, as I have largely lost interest and do it for others, including him.

We have mandatory mask laws kicking in tomorrow for inside, he is not happy but will comply, he is impervious to reason and facts
Agree, I don't care what our relationship is, DO NOT come near me if you aren't wearing a mask or we have discussed how to be with each other safely. As I've said before both my mother and mother in law would likely die if they got the virus. My wife and I are each primary care givers to our mothers. If either of us come down with it our ability to care for them will crash. So, mask-wearing, washing hands, maintain social distance, visit out-doors, small gatherings, that sort of thing aren't even up for a debate.

This virus is very contagious. Your gardener doesn't understand what that means. Ick. I don't think I'd let them around me.
Agree, I don't care what our relationship is, DO NOT come near me if you aren't wearing a mask or we have discussed how to be with each other safely. As I've said before both my mother and mother in law would likely die if they got the virus. My wife and I are each primary care givers to our mothers. If either of us come down with it our ability to care for them will crash. So, mask-wearing, washing hands, maintain social distance, visit out-doors, small gatherings, that sort of thing aren't even up for a debate.

This virus is very contagious. Your gardener doesn't understand what that means. Ick. I don't think I'd let them around me.
He comes and goes via the basement door, I don't even see him most of the time, covid is almost non existent here now, but cases do pop up from time to time. If it were more serious in the region I would be more serious too, I agitated for mask laws, but didn't really need to, everybody was for it anyway. Even if you have zero cases in the province, use masks, with other measures and help keep it that way, the American experience on TV is helping a lot with local attitude.

I'm not done working him over yet! :D
He comes and goes via the basement door, I don't even see him most of the time, covid is almost non existent here now, but cases do pop up from time to time. If it were more serious in the region I would be more serious too, I agitated for mask laws, but didn't really need to, everybody was for it anyway. Even if you have zero cases in the province, use masks, with other measures and help keep it that way, the American experience on TV is helping a lot with local attitude.

I'm not done working him over yet! :D
You know what you are doing and the risks. Low rates in the community are great. The problem is, a single person can spread it to tens of others without knowing they are infected. Just because the community is doing well doesn't mean your own risk is the same. It all depends on what the people you interact with are doing.
I have two redneck brothers and a radical red neck Sister in law. I have another sister in law who is hooked into the Christian right anti choice movement. I love them all. We don't talk about politics, there is plenty else to talk about. I want to get to know my nieces and nephews. I want my kids to be their friends for life. I want to be a positive influence within my family. My political beliefs are not as important as my family. Because we respect each other, we will self correct if the conversation veers into dangerous waters, especially if somebody says we have. It's too bad that we cant all agree but we do get along and it's good.

The one brother who has political beliefs more in line with mine is difficult as is his wife. As his daughter says, "My parents have issues". She cut them off years ago. They have yet to see their grandchildren.

So, politics in the family are complicated but as I see it, the real differences that can break a relationship aren't really about politics, its' whether or not people are willing to just be with each other, respect each other, find common interests and love unconditionally. Sometimes it's better to let even family go. It's better not to do that. Better for me, better for everybody.

I don't have any friends who are right wingers though. I'm not that open and forgiving.

A person cannot support today's Republican Party and not be racist, authoritarian and fascist-leaning. One can't overlook the harm they are doing as if it's a choice between two or one scoops of raisins on one's oatmeal. Or don't like Early Girl tomatoes. The Republican Party of today is vile.

That's how I see it and I'm ok if you see it differently. We can be friends regardless. Just don't be vile.

I dodge politics too. It comes up, usually from republican, then I get defensive (when they are factually wrong), which leads to conversation. "Friend" may be a word I used too loosely.. I don't have republican "friends" as far as in that context (current party.) Many republicans don't support the republican party as is: the inhumanity, the rasicm & systemic abuses. Many vote republican due to livelihood. Policy. As you can tell from the polls, more and more of them are getting sick of him!

The republican's I know are either family, small business owners, or aquaintances from pool, poker, etc. Most I know well are either family or mainly work related. They are not vile, if they are, I remove them from my life..

My singular point (as far as the communication thing with republicans) is that America seriously needs to find some common middle ground. To beat covid, and to take our country back from the orange man.. as my sister says (republican..) Not to mention all the other amazing things that could be accomplished with a bit of teamwork. Teamwork makes the dream work. Communicate and even possibly compromise. Until that happens on both sides, shit is going to continue to get worse for everyone. We are walking a fine line with on both sides. In my opinion.

I'm on the left side of this "social" war for sure (: Fk them... let's go to war for humanity. I'm all in. Thing is, it won't be north vs south or east vs west.. The way technology, media, and social media is and folks of all cultures have aligned with parties and divided themselves.. It's going to be neighbors vs neighbors, families vs families, people at work, supermarkets, like is already happening except worse.. based on personal beliefs and experiences rather than hate - hate too - but both.. It's human nature to protect ones self.

Is that really what the masses are aiming for? I hope not.. I know I'm not. That will not solve our issues, imho. I can understand attacking the trolls but I will never understand an attack on someones character, when you know nothing about them, other than "they are a republican." I don't judge tho - but if it's abusive (vile) I will lose respect..

I'm weird and I know it. I have fought for peace and equality my entire life and both sides have laughed in my face or came at me with abuse. I'm not enough "left" and certainly not enough "right." No man's land.. I guess. Lol.

Of course we can be friends. I don't think I am vile, am I?? Still trying to figure out how I left that impression with some folks... I literally only defended myself against attacks. Posssibly I have forgot. Idk. I couldn't conversate with a racist, I've dropped family for that.. I can conversate with a well - meaning republican though. So I guess we are even on the open and forgiveness, haha!

I was doing one liners all day and now I'm back to novels.. Fuckin Republicans! Lol.. going back to my corner ------->

Edited post for context: for some reason my last edit wasn't there, and some words came out wrong..
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I dodge politics too. It just comes up, usually from republican, then I get defensive (when they are factually wrong), which leads to conversation. "Friend" may be a word I used too loosely if I gave you that impression.. I certainly don't have republican "friends" as far as in the context you are describing (current party.) That's the thing, many republicans don't support the republican party as is: the inhumanity, the rasicm & systemic abuses. They aren't cool with that. I'm explaining that many vote republican due to livelihood. Policy. As you can tell from the polls, more and more of them are getting sick of him every day!

The republican's I know are either family, small business owners, or aquaintances from pool, poker, etc. Most I know well are either family or mainly work related. They are not vile, if they are, I remove them from my life..

My singular point (as far as the communication thing with republicans) is that America seriously needs to find some common middle ground. To beat covid, and to take our country back from the orange man.. as my sister says (republican..) Not to mention all the other amazing things that could be accomplished with a bit of teamwork. Teamwork makes the dream work. Communicate and even possibly compromise. Until that happens on both sides, shit is going to continue to get worse for everyone. We are walking a fine line with civil war on both sides. In my opinion.

I'm on the left side of war for sure (: What's wrong with that, right? Fk them... let's go to war for humanity. I'm all in. Thing is, it won't be north vs south or east vs west.. The way technology, media, social media, is and folks of all cultures have aligned with parties and divided themselves.. It's going to be neighbors vs neighbors, families vs families, people at work, supermarkets, like is already happening except worse.. based on personal beliefs and experiences rather than hate - hate too - but both.. It's human nature to protect ones self.

Is that really what the masses are aiming for? I hope not.. I know I'm not. That will not solve our issues, imho. I can understand attacking the trolls but I will never understand an attack on someones character, when you know nothing about them, other than "they are a republican." I don't judge tho - but if it's abusive (vile) I just lose respect..

I'm weird and I know it. I have fought for peace and equality my entire life and both sides have laughed in my face or came at me with abuse. I'm not enough "left" and certainly not enough "right." No man's land.. I guess. Lol.

Of course we can be friends. I don't think I am vile, am I?? Still trying to figure out how I left that impression with some folks... I literally only defended myself against attacks. Posssibly I have forgot. Idk. I couldn't conversate with a racist, I've dropped family for that.. I can conversate with a well - meaning republican though. So I guess we are even on the open and forgiveness, haha!

I was doing one liners all day and now I'm back to novels.. Fuckin Republicans! Lol.. going back to my corner ------->
Make sure its stays just a social/political civil war and not a real one, when I speak of American civil war I'm speaking largely metaphorically, but the resulting death toll will end up about the same as the original real civil war, the racist anti liberals lost that one too. The cause of the civil war is said to be slavery, liberals (largely white) opposed it to such a degree, it lead to civil war with the slave holding south. Liberalism and constitutional government will lead to freedom for all, this process has been disrupted by racist anti democratic forces in modern America for decades. This social/political civil war will largely settle the issue with political polarization and the country can move forward towards social progress and justice.