Republicans fuck America, again

I agree? Therefore .. I am confused by this comment.

Our personal profiles and information have been being used since the birth of the internet and mobile devices to monitor our lives. This is nothing new, and to be completely expected. Technology is and has been advanced for quite a long time now.. Folks need to be more vigilant about the informational sources they allow into their lives. Accountability.

To be fair, what is so wrong with the first sentence? That sounds weak, and not "thick-skinned" at all. Toughen up.. reality is a bitch. I was literally uclear on where I confused him at .. and stated so. I did not go back and edit, because he did not bother to read or explain where I confused him. AFTER quoting my post and asking me numerous questions, which I responded. So yeah.. the only person who should be saying "fuck it and give up" is me. Clearly I am not worth conversating with.

Conflating? Where am I combining all republicans "with the vast majority of republican politions and trumps cult?" Almost everyone here has been doing so, and I have been the one saying that concept is NOT right. That there are many good republicans that are aligned with democratic values but vote republican on certain things due to their livelihoods and potential policy implementation. I really think you are confused... and going way out of the realm of context I have personally been speaking in.

I will make this really easy on you... most of my "political" and "social" views are clearly stated for viewing throughout this forum now. You dont' have to conversate with me anymore. I am perfectly fine with that, no hard feelings, and best wishes to you.

Where did I do such a thing? Show me... until then that is not true, I do not think I would say that, because I do not believe that. I will go back and try to find any indication of what you claim.

I said that the same people who encourage others to post responsibly, will within moments post links from "biased" sources. This is true. I also said that most of what is posted is induendo or "half facts." Also true...

I don't think I've actually seen anyone "firmly planted in reality." Every person who has posted that I have had discourse with has at some point relied upon propaganda or bias to prove a point. Many relevant and accurate links have been discussed and shared as well. It's just to bad we ourselves can't take more accountablity for the information we spread. Especially when it is from a biased point of view. That is along the line of being the same thing the russians are doing... mind control through content..

I seriously don't even know anymore and I'm tired of being drawn into unproductive conversations which is why somewhere along the way I said I would see my way out... Don't feel like you have to respond. I don't have any questions for anyone here anymore. I was just answering yours.

Everything I just responded to was with a "smile" and openminded attitude. I'm not upset one bit. We are just communicating. I hope you are too..
I wasn't confused at all. You based your wall of text on an unsubstantiated belief that I couldn't agree with. There was no point in continuing until you explained that.

Show some evidence that Trump's supporters are listening. How is your campaign of communicating with them going? How did it go when you posted on toke n talk? Your own posts discredit the basis of your argument.
I can't do this. I only got half my farking cognitive sense yet I can give people enough respect to go back and check context and convos before I assume shit and twist statements. Yall are too much seriously.

Have fun with that ~ I am personally done responding to ignorance.

Good day :leaf: :wall:
I try to stay openminded and do not judge anyone for their non-malicious viewpoints.. even when they are not beneficial to myself.. As long as they cause no harm - there is no foul. I understand that everyone's lives are different and their character has been shaped by their own experiences.. I realize that what's best for one or some, is not always best for all..
I prefer to not pretend to be that naive and think that there is not innocuous trolling. I do try to give people benefit of a doubt, but eventually it ends up being a waste of time the vast majority of the time, because online troll sock puppets are endless and free.

Once I've lurked (in politics) long enough, perhaps I'll see more clearly why folks treat random people in discriminatory ways. It bothers me because it is in it's own way the same inequality that most of us are fighting against - so - it truly boggles my fucking mind. It is certainly not what I expected from what I have always viewed as the more "decent" "caring" "accepting" side of the political spectrum.
If you are for real what you say (and yes I do chose to believe you in this) then you do have a important voice here and I hope you continue to use it. While still watching and learning about the attack on our country.

From the initial general attack on my character for my viewpoints, and method of approach.. to the straight disrespect I see aimed at others with different opinions quite often.. I don't think I'm too far off in my thoughts on all this..
If you have been lurking since February and are surprised that you would get trolled on this forum, and never bother to use your ignore button on the people attacking with the things you disagree with and warning others to do the same while helping them see which they are taking offense rightly and which they are just misreading the intent, idk what to say.

And no worries, communication is important. Im not going anywhere until either Covid gets me or November.

Ok, now we have the "like" police-ing.. that's a first (shrugs) here we go.. First, I did NOT "like everyone" of his posts..
I liked his very valid points - many of which are aligned with thoughts of my own, or situations I'm aware of. Knowledge is power.. I really liked that no matter how much he was gaslighted or verbally abused - over and over - he kept his thoughts and convo tone cool af, continuing to represent his opinions in a respectful manner..

I "liked" a lot of his posts (some of which I didn't 100% agree with) because they were thought out and respectful. He was doing EXACTLY what I have been asking folks around here to do. Bring more reliable facts, sources, and communicate respectfully. I liked that.. hell yea I did (: what's not to be liked? :wall:

Many made valid points. I could not actually "like" them due to the delivery methods. Blatent bullying.. some folks are rude as fuck.. coming across as "intolerant" of any view outside their own beliefs. Especially if the person with a different viewpoint is not a "veteran" member. Give the vets respect, hell yea - I agree, love vets - represents loyalty. But not at the expense of running off all new voices and opinions.

It's ludicrous, and will never lead to the "change" needed. It's the opposite of equality.. Implying that someone who is new or has greater member status (not you, others did) makes you more or less politically correct in what you think.. rather than logical discource backed with facts and comprehension? Just your rollitup "status" makes your political thoughts relevant on a pot forum? Which party does that sound like a familiar (assumption) trait of? Certainly not "my" party. That is how I see folks treating people round here tho.

I didn't see many "full of shit" statements or opinions from him. Please explain.. I seen a whole lotta truths that were disregarded though. Along with twisted (1/2 fact) or completely false statements in response. Plus several links to sources that are biased. Thats just the truth as I seen it go down.. not my fault the truth often hurts.
Nah I am not going to chase my tail, I posted my own novels about what I disagreed with him on. If you think I was out of line with something, or mistook something he said that I should reconsider, feel free to post a reply to it so I can see what you are saying.

And I am not 'policing' you, I was noticing what you were 'liking' and what you were not because you are new here and it is all context to getting to know you. Now if I told you to not like him, or if I was a admin and took those likes away I would agree I would then be 'policing', but not pointing out you were liking propaganda.

Things seem worse because they ARE worse..
I disagree.

Feds are not killing people in these protests.

Police Violence? We just are seeing the reality of shit we have always done to each other that was horrible. Doesn't make it worse.

Pollution? We had lakes on fire and were dumping toxic waste in our cities that we are not today.

Spousal abuse, racism, gay rights, sexism in the workplace/education, on and on, all far better today.
"White knighting" is defined as going to great lengths to defend a point of view. The only person I've "white-knighted" on this site is my damn self - and I shouldn't have had to. It is actually quite tiring and the most perfect example of the gaslighting that occurs around here.

I had never posted here. Not one word. I would kinda expect (most places such as a pot forum) to be given the benefit of the doubt until "suspect." Like any decent and logical human being would typically do.. but that IS NOT what happened here. Yes my covid thread was inflammatory, the truth almost ALWAYS is.. Right now I'm actually referring to even PRIOR to that, the night before.

I 'dared' to speak (in my own way) on a political thread.. I was literally "cyber" attacked to the point I could not keep up with trying to explain. With lies, induedo's, assumptions, and bullying. By folks who couldn't even be bothered to go back and read to get a feel for the "context" of the conversation they were jumping in the middle of, with their insults.. so much so that I got pages and pages behind of everyone else.
And yet you could have just ignored the people trolling you and not fallen into getting upset that I pointed out you 'liked' his posts. Seems like a overreaction or a little re-directed aggression my way.

Which is my point in trying to get you to understand the attack that is being conducted on our nation.
I can't do this. I only got half my farking cognitive sense yet I can give people enough respect to go back and check context and convos before I assume shit and twist statements. Yall are too much seriously.

Have fun with that ~ I am personally done responding to ignorance.

Good day :leaf: :wall:
So, who is it that's not communicating?

I asked for evidence that your assertion is true. Show me where there is evidence that the radical right are willing to find common ground. How does one even find common ground when the other party rejects facts and accepts proven false theories, such as "what we have here is failure to communicate".
I wasn't confused at all. You based your wall of text on an unsubstantiated belief that I couldn't agree with. There was no point in continuing until you explained that.

Show some evidence that Trump's supporters are listening. How is your campaign of communicating with them going? How did it go when you posted on toke n talk? Your own posts discredit the basis of your argument.

You are acting ignorant. Never have I once "compaigned for trump supporters" I have ACTUALLY said EXACTLY the opposite. Capitalized for emphasis..

I have simply stated over and over that not all "republicans" will vote for trump. Something we all know but for some reason that was interepreted as so freaking terrible by too many of you... because "ALL republicans" are bad. (In your discriminatory minds)

Be real, if you expect anyone to actually take you seriously. The sort of mindframe being portrayed here "us vs them" with no grey area is not "being real." The map is filled with grey area's.

Never have I once wrote a wall of "unsubstantiated beliefs" most of my beliefs are firmly planted in fact. Others based on my perspective from personal experiences. Show me where, I'll be happy to reference resources that back anything I say up!

Continuing?? You read 2 lines and said fuck it. After asking me atleast 10 questions.. let me go back and check to be exact on that.. You expected my reply to be short? To that many questions that you asked?

Common sense - it's free but not always common.
Making up shit? Where? I'm not telling "you" personally to "stop judging." I'm saying people in general.. none of this is personal towards you hanimmal. I don't know you well enough for it to be so. My memory is not good enough to know who said what yesterday or even a few hours ago, sometimes even seconds later I forget... I have to go back and re-read for context, and sometimes to even just finish a current thought..

That is the point I make with this video. Your brain is getting slammed with information and you should not rely on it to keep shit strait, because it is impossible (by design). Reread, take your time, don't try to keep up with the trolling, because it is impossible.
You are acting ignorant. Never have I once "compaigned for trump supporters" I have ACTUALLY said EXACTLY the opposite. Capitalized for emphasis..

I have simply stated over and over that not all "republicans" will vote for trump. Something we all know but for some reason that was interepreted as so freaking terrible by too many of you... because "ALL republicans" are bad.

Be real, if you expect anyone to actually take you seriously. The sort of mindframe being portrayed here "us vs them" with no grey area is not "being real." The map is filled with grey area's.

Never have I once wrote a wall of "unsubstantiated beliefs" most of by beliefs are firmly planted in fact. Show me where, I'll be happy to reference resources that back anything I say up!

Continuing?? You read 2 lines and said fuck it. After asking me atleast 10 questions.. let me go back and check to be exact on that.. You expected my reply to be short? To that many questions that you asked?

Common sense - it's free but not always common.
Before I can go any further in this, I ask you to at least provide some evidence that Trump's supporters are listening or trying to find common ground with us.

Just stop with the opining and put up something that objectively bolsters your argument.
Yea.. I finally said it.. I wanted to say this before but I let it go, other than random sarcasm about it a few times.. I'm real open minded like that... I don't sweat the small shit - but I will remind folks when they have acted in such ways. I believe in something much bigger than all that "unneccessary abuse" of people.. I believe in CHANGE.. which is typically most easily achieved by communicating. I prefer to see bad actions, engage in discourse, prior to jumping to a conclusion that someone is just a shit human..
Then please learn how to communicate online because right now you are hearing 'Bah' but your brain is overriding what you are actually hearing as "Fah". Humans are not ready for this level of inputs and this is when it is extremely easy to slip in propaganda and we need to be hyper aware of that.
Your asking for me to post this guys lies, is akin to asking me to spread their lies.
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I agree? Therefore .. I am confused by this comment.
Screen Shot 2020-08-02 at 2.54.42 PM.png
If you agree I am not sure why you are confused, it was in context to the full post I made there I thought.

Our personal profiles and information have been being used since the birth of the internet and mobile devices to monitor our lives. This is nothing new, and to be completely expected. Technology is and has been advanced for quite a long time now.. Folks need to be more vigilant about the informational sources they allow into their lives. Accountability.
You know a lot about how big data is now being analyzed? Or are you talking out of your ass?

To be fair, what is so wrong with the first sentence? That sounds weak, and not "thick-skinned" at all. Toughen up.. reality is a bitch. I was literally uclear on where I confused him at .. and stated so. I did not go back and edit, because he did not bother to read or explain where I confused him. AFTER quoting my post and asking me numerous questions, which I responded. So yeah.. the only person who should be saying "fuck it and give up" is me. Clearly I am not worth conversating with.

Conflating? Where am I combining all republicans "with the vast majority of republican politions and trumps cult?" Almost everyone here has been doing so, and I have been the one saying that concept is NOT right. That there are many good republicans that are aligned with democratic values but vote republican on certain things due to their livelihoods and potential policy implementation. I really think you are confused... and going way out of the realm of context I have personally been speaking in.

I will make this really easy on you... most of my "political" and "social" views are clearly stated for viewing throughout this forum now. You dont' have to conversate with me anymore. I am perfectly fine with that, no hard feelings, and best wishes to you.
You are redirecting some aggression my way and it is misplaced. Maybe you should re-read what I have been posting throughout this thread and not get into trolling me.

Where did I do such a thing? Show me... until then that is not true, I do not think I would say that, because I do not believe that. I will go back and try to find any indication of what you claim.Screen Shot 2020-08-02 at 3.05.06 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-08-02 at 3.04.47 PM.png
I said that the same people who encourage others to post responsibly, will within moments post links from "biased" sources. This is true. I also said that most of what is posted is induendo or "half facts." Also true...

I don't think I've actually seen anyone "firmly planted in reality." Every person who has posted that I have had discourse with has at some point relied upon propaganda or bias to prove a point. Many relevant and accurate links have been discussed and shared as well. It's just to bad we ourselves can't take more accountablity for the information we spread. Especially when it is from a biased point of view. That is along the line of being the same thing the russians are doing... mind control through content..

I seriously don't even know anymore and I'm tired of being drawn into unproductive conversations which is why somewhere along the way I said I would see my way out... Don't feel like you have to respond. I don't have any questions for anyone here anymore. I was just answering yours.

Everything I just responded to was with a "smile" and openminded attitude. I'm not upset one bit. We are just communicating. I hope you are too..
Bias sources huh, but factually accurate and in full context and fact checked verifiable sources are not good enough but the dude posting illuminati nonsense is just peachy. Hearings where witnesses are sworn in, all propaganda I guess.

Feel free to put me on ignore if you think I am trolling you, many of the foreign trolls end up doing that too because they can't keep their bullshit up or regular people who can't distinguish between the people actually trolling them and me. When I am just actually having a conversation with you about something highly important going on in the world of politics in American leading up to at least the 2020 election and beyond if Trump doesn't screw up again and actually have the Republicans get tired of his crap.

It doesn't stop me from responding to your posts, but at least you won't have to be worried about seeing them.

Best of luck in your life, foreign internet trolls trying to break down our democracy by cat fishing our citizens is very real and extremely shitty.

ali velshi of msnbc just stated how we can all agree (on something) the beauty of the landing etc.

i disagree with this.

we don't all agree, ali..we're in a pandemic because science wasn't unusual question on a 2020 job application 'are you willing to be vaccinated if hired'?

we don't all agree.
(:How do folks expect others to respond to things this long without long threads going back and forth right?? We can all agree on that.. others I see get lengthy too.
I prefer to not pretend to be that naive and think that there is not innocuous trolling.
I am not naive LOL... I know all about trolls. I promise that I am "woke"
I do try to give people benefit of a doubt, but eventually it ends up being a waste of time the vast majority of the time,
Same - I still try. I feel it's worth the effort.
If you are for real what you say (and yes I do chose to believe you in this) then you do have a important voice here and I hope you continue to use it. While still watching and learning about the attack on our country.
Thanks for the "benefit of doubt." Not sure I can do that, but here I am back - after I said I was done.. still trying. You were polite and direct in your responses(:thank you..
If you have been lurking since February and are surprised that you would get trolled on this forum, and never bother to use your ignore button on the people attacking with the things you disagree with and warning others to do the same while helping them see which they are taking offense rightly and which they are just misreading the intent, idk what to say.
Are you saying that based on my profile join date? I've "lurked" on this site for 10+ (idk how long) years. I joined in Feb, I can't remember why.. I think so I could actually "click" to open a pic I was trying to view on my mobile atm LOL.

I didn't actually look at the "political" forum until around the same time I started chatting. I was implying that maybe after I lurk awhile around here - I will understand viewpoints better.

That is me giving benefit of doubt.. standing back.. observing behavior without being actively involved.. Entertaining the idea that people I don't understand are not just all selfish assholes, and that there is an actual method to the madness I have been witnessing. (I really am trying)
Ha.. I hear ya. Same.. I'll be around till then.. and on..
Nah I am not going to chase my tail, I posted my own novels about what I disagreed with him on. If you think I was out of line with something, or mistook something he said that I should reconsider, feel free to post a reply to it so I can see what you are saying.
I hear ya. I hate posting novels. I prefer one liners - perhaps a couple. The course of convo has not been suited for one liners tho. Too much gets lost in assumption. Apparently - as demonstrated - you can 100% explain yourself with novels and still be misunderstood.. piss numerous people off. (case study - self via rollitup politics) - sarcasm
And I am not 'policing' you, I was noticing what you were 'liking' and what you were not because you are new here and it is all context to getting to know you. Now if I told you to not like him, or if I was a admin and took those likes away I would agree I would then be 'policing', but not pointing out you were liking propaganda.
Thank the heavens.. I hear ya on context. I was honestly just so crabby at the blatent disrespect and I didn't understand it, so I couldn't like other replies, even if their points were valid..

We just got off track I think (our convo.) Probably mispoke something(s) I said. Idk. It happens.. I'm often misunderstood (due to my own disability.) I get confused at times.. I'm not chasing my tail either because it is exhausting. I just started having convos with public (outside of work/family) again and I already want to quit LOL. It's too much.
????I disagree.
Police Violence? We just are seeing the reality of shit we have always done to each other that was horrible. Doesn't make it worse.
????Pollution? We had lakes on fire and were dumping toxic waste in our cities that we are not today.
????Spousal abuse, racism, gay rights, sexism in the workplace/education, on and on, all far better today.
Without going back to remember... I'm going to say that this convo somehow got taken out of context. At no time have I discussed any of the -????- spots above, (that I remember) and I'm not sure what we are disagreeing on? That racial tensions are higher than they have been in my lifetime? Because those are my thoughts, so I imagine I spoke them.

I have protested for and experienced tons of new freedoms over my lifetime so far. So I agree, things in that aspect have changed for the better. I was not talking about that though. The (worse) tension I'm referring to is between races, and is worse than ever imho. More tolerant overall sure? More hidden racism - which is extremely more dangerous - is running wild and being ignited in the current social climate.

Yes we are coming togather in some ways, but as a whole overall, we are more divided, people more angry than ever (think civil war) That is the context I was speaking in..

The only thing I've said concerning all of the above is the police violence aspect, so whatever I specifically said must have been in reference to that or our current social state of affairs, because yes.. I do feel things are worse (only in that aspect)

Have people gained more freedoms? Hell yea.. pretty sure I agreed with you on that, or said so that myself. Only a fool would think otherwise.. times are changing for the better in that way! My thoughts are we are "currently" going backwards as far as racism. Things are getting worse not better.. Karens everywhere.. in every race..

Edit: Kens too... don't wanna just pick on Karen's. Lol
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Are you saying that based on my profile join date? I've "lurked" on this site for 10+ (idk how long) years. I joined in Feb, I can't remember why.. I think so I could actually "click" to open a pic I was trying to view on my mobile atm LOL.

I didn't actually look at the "political" forum until around the same time I started chatting. I was implying that maybe after I lurk awhile around here - I will understand viewpoints better.

That is me giving benefit of doubt.. standing back.. observing behavior without being actively involved.. Entertaining the idea that people I don't understand are not just all selfish assholes, and that there is an actual method to the madness I have been witnessing. (I really am trying)
I only have what you say to go on, I don't recall seeing you say before that you ahem been here for 10 years. I am not sure if you tok that as a negative, I actually think people should 'lurk' more so they can digest what is going on.

Thank the heavens.. I hear ya on context. I was honestly just so crabby at the blatent disrespect and I didn't understand it, so I couldn't like other replies, even if their points were valid..

We just got off track I think (our convo.) Probably mispoke something(s) I said. Idk. It happens.. I'm often misunderstood (due to my own disability.) I get confused at times.. I'm not chasing my tail either because it is exhausting. I just started having convos with public (outside of work/family) again and I already want to quit LOL. It's too much.
It is a grind for sure.

Without going back to remember... I'm going to say that this convo somehow got taken out of context. At no time have I discussed any of the -????- spots above, (that I remember) and I'm not sure what we are disagreeing on? That racial tensions are higher than they have been in my lifetime? Because those are my thoughts, so I imagine I spoke them.
But growing up in rural USA in the 90s a lot gets missed that was occurring.

Are racial 'tensions' higher now, yes. No question that they are being amplified, I have shown that page in the reports showing how it is being manipulated a lot.

Is actual racist violence worse now in our country (or really anywhere else) than any other time in the past, no. What is being shown has always been the situation being a minority in our nation, it is just now getting to the point that people in rural and suburban America can't escape seeing it.

I have protested for and experienced tons of new freedoms over my lifetime so far. So I agree, things in that aspect have changed for the better. I was not talking about that though. The (worse) tension I'm referring to is between races, and is worse than ever imho. More tolerant overall sure? More hidden racism - which is extremely more dangerous - is running wild and being ignited in the current social climate.
Im not sure the racism is being hidden so well tbh, but it seems we are hitting some of the same points finally.

Yes we are coming togather in some ways, but as a whole overall, we are more divided, people more angry than ever (think civil war) That is the context I was speaking in..
I think of this current atmosphere as a sugar high, because it is artificial (mostly) but time will tell.

The only thing I've said concerning all of the above is the police violence aspect, so whatever I specifically said must have been in reference to that or our current social state of affairs, because yes.. I do feel things are worse (only in that aspect)
It is tough to know what you mean, because 'police violence' is a inkblot test. It can mean totally different things to different people who are getting totally different propaganda pushed at them.

Have people gained more freedoms? Hell yea.. pretty sure I agreed with you on that, or said so that myself. Only a fool would think otherwise.. times are changing for the better in that way! My thoughts are we are "currently" going backwards as far as racism. Things are getting worse not better.. Karens everywhere.. in every race..
Short term yes, but that is the nature of the attack Russia has been conducting on our citizens, but I disagree in the longterm. I think that the racism is just being highlighted in a way that tricks people into thinking it is getting worse (because they see it far more often than they remember seeing it in the past).

Although having a racist as POTUS does blunt my point a tremendous amount, he was still around 60 years ago, and there are a lot more people willing to stand up to this kind of person today than there were in 1980. And that gives me hope, and why I say things are getting better.
Rep. Raúl Grijalva tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday, becoming at least the 12th member of Congress to contract the virus.

The Arizona Democrat chairs the House Natural Resources Committee, which held a hearing on Tuesday that was attended by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who has repeatedly refused to wear a mask in public. The next day, Gohmert tested positive for the coronavirus during a routine screening at the White House.

Soon after the news of Gohmert's test result, Grijalva was one of a handful of members who went into quarantine, but it is not known how Grijalva contracted the infection.

"While I cannot blame anyone directly for this, this week has shown that there are some Members of Congress who fail to take this crisis seriously," Grijalva said in a statement, adding that he has yet to show any symptoms. "Numerous Republican members routinely strut around the Capitol without a mask to selfishly make a political statement at the expense of their colleagues, staff, and their families."

So, who is it that's not communicating?

I asked for evidence that your assertion is true. Show me where there is evidence that the radical right are willing to find common ground. How does one even find common ground when the other party rejects facts and accepts proven false theories, such as "what we have here is failure to communicate".

First: You show me the evidence where I ever said "the radical right are willing to find common ground." Nothing past you saying that matters -because I NEVER SAID THAT.

Your ignorance is showing. You really should start over and re-read. Question everything you "think" about me because you are SO far off base that it is not even amusing anymore.

You are contantly gaslighting me and I'm fucking sick of it. Both your statements in bold are fake news - your interpretation of me and "twisted" half truths of what I have said.

My entire point has been centered on the idea that there is "republican registered voters" out there that are more aligned with democratic ways, and vote republican based on their livelihoods. Therefore - they are approachable, and their views can sometimes be "swayed" per se. I said many of these folks are misinformed about Covid and we should be talking about it with "them" more. The good people. Ya know.. they exist. In all parties..

The immediate backlash to this thought of mine... was "fuck all republicans" "they're all bad" "all republicans are maggots" "republicans must die" "its us vs them" "there is no middle ground" "there is no grey area's" "stay on the fence you'll get shot." Well consider me DEAD..

I mean.... fucking seriously? Seriously????

That is the closed minded, innaccurate, and quite honestly ABUSIVE mentality that I am referring too...running wild and rampant in rollitup politics forum and I am NOT scared to say it.

I said "All registered republicans are not bad people" not that "radical right terrorists" can find common ground. Now that is just stupid, and I've actually pointed out OVER AND OVER that there is a difference between politicians, registered republicans, and far right radical republicans.

Not to mention I have said fuck those terrorists numerous times. Jesus. Really. Read. PLEASE. Or stop quoting me with BS half truths, cuz Ima keep correcting your ass with novels... stop confusing me..

That is why I said "I can't anymore." You and too many others are using the same tactics/techniques that trolls (and russians!) (and far right republicans!) use - to willfully gaslight and try to brainwash folks..

Honestly I already spend so much time debating ACTUAL republicans that I don't have the time or energy to defend your baseless attacks on my character any further, unless I see a specific need to point some random incorrect assumption or another out along the way.

You are one person, I will just agree to disagree. No need to waste either of our time..I am done with you wasting mine and twisting my thoughts. It makes me not even want to talk at all.. Situations like this is a huge reason why "Republicans" that are not 'extreme right wing' don't even bother to talk. Who would?

Fuck... from what I can tell most our views are aligned and look at this dumpster fire?!!! Ain't no one who is actually doing shit with their lives have time for all this nonsense aka hot mess..

(:FOR REAL :wall::wall::wall:
And yet you could have just ignored the people trolling you and not fallen into getting upset that I pointed out you 'liked' his posts. Seems like a overreaction or a little re-directed aggression my way.

Which is my point in trying to get you to understand the attack that is being conducted on our nation.

No clue what you're referring to here. how so? I'm actually not upset with anyone in anyway. Except maybe F at this point, and that's only a momentary frustration. i don't hold on to that shit - it is poison to your life. I am just very passionate about what I believe in and I'm not scared to talk about it. Idk what else to say on that.

Not being aggresive to you in any way. My apologies if it feels that way. It is not. Like seriously man.. I've been getting fucking attacked since day 1. with irrelevant bullshit. Anyone who took/takes the time to read will clearly see.. I've read it so many times in order to defend myself I basically have the shit memorized at this point..

We all think mostly the same and yet folks are seriuosly trolliing me for nothing. Their misinterpretations.. fuck it.. It ain't worth it. Time better spent where I was having these convos prior.. with people who know my character and won't treat me like shit for absolutely nothing.. Seems much more productive..

Imagine my suprise after 40 years finding out stoners are NOT all cool as fuck. Damn. Got my heart broke 2x up in this here forum.. bahahha

That is the point I make with this video. Your brain is getting slammed with information and you should not rely on it to keep shit strait, because it is impossible (by design). Reread, take your time, don't try to keep up with the trolling, because it is impossible.

I'm confused again what you are talking about. When I said "trolling" I am talking sarcastically about the folks in this forum. LOL.

I'm not worried bout trolls. I don't start conversations with strangers on social media since I have had cognitive issues. This was the first time I tried that. I don't need the "extra" to comprehend per se.

I only interact with folks I personally know... and now you guys here on this forum. The folks I was referring to as "trolling" me here, are not actual trolls. LOL... It is known members. LOL. I pay attention.. and take notes so I don't forget who's malicious.

I really don't give the "trolls" access to my life per se. That is what you all don't understand. I do not sign up for sub emails, nothing unsolicited, I use my work for protection there too. My social media's I only interact with folks I personally know (in real life) and I don't watch or read most of the bullshit everyone else is. I concentrate my brain in expert research, studies, science, and reputable non-biased media sources. (AP.. Reuters.. Bloomberg) and even then... I do the research.. the "fact" checking. I like to read (:

It's really not so hard to protect ourselves, and that is why I preach accountability. That is the most important thing we can each do for protection from the brainwashing you speak of. You see, that is another thing I specialize in... security.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice content (that is known to be propaganda) for security. I.E.. Karen and Ken don't need to be on FB just cuz you "think" they are cousin katrina's daughter's best friend's parents, and they sent you a friend request.. You think.. ! CNN, FOX, NBC are not a reputable news channel (caught in lies, definite bias) still sounds like many are watching them... use a media bias chart..

WE need to be accountable for the content we allow in our lives, especially when we are aware that it is being used to manipulate us. Which is why I stopped watching TV seven years ago. See - you don't have to convince or "school" me. You are preaching to the choir. I'm here with ya trying to educate the masses cuz they sure ain't listening.. the data shows it.

Common ground.
Except I feel like I got strapped to the pile.. and the fire's lit..
Before I can go any further in this, I ask you to at least provide some evidence that Trump's supporters are listening or trying to find common ground with us.

Just stop with the opining and put up something that objectively bolsters your argument.

BAHAHA pot vs kettle... Ok kind sir. I'm gonna need you to go back and read before I go into any further discourse with you specifically. It's redundant and boring at this point.

Before I can do that I need you to at least provide some evidence that I have ever said "trump supporters are listening" I've actually specifically said there is many "republicans" that DO NOT support "trumps current agenda" or how he has "portrayed himself" while acting as the president of the uninted states.

I personally know TONS of republicans who voted for trump, that will vote for Joe Biden this election... maybe even a few from their talks with me, who knows? Who really cares? I have even went so far as to explain that my home state is a "flip-flopper" state and in the last 4 elections cycles has voted republican 2x and democrat 2x. However, it is most definitly a republican state, with a majority of republican registered voters. (Edit: look <--- I provided proof and just realized. LOL)

My premise is real. Yours is bullshit. Prove it - Prove where I have said any of these things you keep fucking saying.

Gaslighter xox
I'm seriously tired of this man. It's foolish.. sorry.. just true.

P.S. Ok... just for you... just google "republicans against trump." I'm sure you can find whatever the fuck it is you are actually looking for..

There's a "republican's against trump" FB page with 13,200 likes. That's 13,200 votes for biden that many apparently think should just be dead.. Ok. Think. That isn't a referenced source it's just common fkn sense. I like to use mine.
Your asking for me to post this guys lies, is akin to asking me to spread their lies.

I'm not sure why you keep attaching videos because I am not watching them.. As stated I do not digest random info from unknown sources. There is plenty of reputable sites to do so on my own, to form my own hypothesis, without being influenced by others. Thanks though.

Second.... the part in bold now... What in the fk are you talking about?