It's too late now

FFS! I'm near these fires and I can assure you that they were not started by lightning or Trump. Your brothers and sisters in Antifa are starting fires. You can spin Trump into the picture if you like but that turd won't polish.
According to the greatest mind of all time, exploding trees caused the fires. That and poor forest management.

“We all know”? Please elaborate with factual proof because all I’m hearing is it’s all bullshit! Most of what I’m hearing is the rumors of wide spread arson by the far left is just that, rumours started by paranoid Trumpers. Please prove me wrong.

Does this look like lightning strikes? The bitches lighting these fires are the ones that should be paranoid unless they identify as bulletproof.
Antifa doesn't even know what fire is how could they do something like this?

there hasn't been one confirmed case involving the antifas and fire ever reported so this is probably all russian deep fake trolling. Everyone actually supports the government as it is.
Those were started with tiki torches. Saw the story on Fox last night.
I'm told on here that the protesters are actually from the otherside. so Trumps crowd is responsible for 2020 protests but Charlottesville was all democrats false flagging us pretending to be right wing. it's just how it is now with the powerful russians and their propaganda that can't be beat.
Don't fuck with rural Oregonians! This is not Portland.

you can tell by the purple yoga pants he's definitely a white supremacist in disguise as an antifire. all white supremacists wear purple yoga pants. and the audacity of that white woman with her semi automatic machine gun to look like she's hispanic? these russians are out of control.
I'm not just another pretty face! :lol:

Nor are you chopped liver.

I seldom have ever asked for the banhammer to be wielded, but this is ridiculous. This isn't free speech, this is a shameful attack on the very system that provides us that liberty. I realize that banning them here will just make them go elsewhere but I have to hope that the International Brotherhood of Moderators will rise to the occasion and send these fucking cockroaches back to Leningrad or their mothers' basements.