Well-Known Member
She said that with such conviction too.Her “Let them eat cake” moment. Marie Ivanantoinette goes chav.

Ivanka's tone-deaf advice to America's unemployed: Find something new
Voters will have their chance to do just that this November.

The campaign’s website, which boasts ties with companies like Apple, reads like a choose-your-own-adventure where options like vague certificate and intensive programs are presented but with scant detail on how to pursue such paths, much less pay for some of them. Click on Apple, for example, and you’re simply rerouted to a page offering free beginner coding courses that surely won’t be enough to even land you an interview with the company. It’s the equivalent of directing someone to, wishing them good luck, and congratulating yourself for helping them in a meaningful way.
"Just, like, you know, go learn to code. Here is a link to an expensive online college. So glad I could help."