My First Grow

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
bag seed so i didnt know what it not sure about the indica sativa thing is...but if you say that's good news i'll take ur word for it, thanks for the reply!


Well-Known Member
No prob.
Indica usually means a smaller bushier type plant with dense THC loaded buds.
Sativa usually means a tall skinny plant that produces long thin, but still dense if done right buds. Usually not as thc potent (depending on strain)

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
haha ur dead on, i just looked up the just prayin for a lady right thinkin the close proximity of the lights will promote even closer branches and everything which is what im going for


Well-Known Member
haha ur dead on, i just looked up the just prayin for a lady right thinkin the close proximity of the lights will promote even closer branches and everything which is what im going for
Ya man the closer w/out burning the better.

Here is are some pics a of a past grow i did with 4 23watt 6500k cfls
day 20.jpg day 20
day 25 later in day.jpg day 25
day 30 later.jpg day 30 At this time i had 4 42w 2700k bulbs and 4 23w 6500k bulbs


Well-Known Member
Well at the time i didnt have enough "plug ins" lol but now i have 3 surge protectors.

You should check out my grow


Well-Known Member
Subscribed...I have 3 23watt 6500k on one plant but i'm using soda can reflectors...I wanna see how this does....What are u gonna use for flowering???

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
thats same lighting i got...soda can reflectors? explain...neway for flowering i will probably run those 2700k of the same 100w equivalent...i have two of those bulbs now neway just sitting cuz i replaced all the bulbs with 65s...i also have 2 53s that i might use as well...some people think giving two types of light during flowering is good...idunno imma look into it first...and hey, flowering? haha im still hopin she's a she lol


Well-Known Member
I'm knocking on wood for ya about the fem....The Soda can refelctors is in the FAQ basiclly u got off the top of a soda can with a can opener and cut a rectangle with it pointing to the plant...Dont know if that made sense but look at it in the FAQ theres pics that might help more...They have helped my grow alot!!!

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
some new growth sprouting up...some of the lower branches have what look to be very young sprouts, the two leave ones...i dont know if they are just not getting the light needed or what...i don tthink im going to worry about lower growth until the plant gets taller, when i will put some lights around the side of the plant too...i knwo they cant be buds or male pollen sacks because the light is on 24...but yeah here are some pics...the flash on the camera makes the leaves look much ligher than they are, they are all about the same, just a little bit lighter than the bottom two first leaves...i tried to get pics of the lil sprouts on the lower branches but i couldnt bad this normal tho? anyway tell me what you think...

*edit* also i put my nose up close to it and took a wiff...its starting to develope a lil stink to it :-D



Well-Known Member
Dude it looks lust like mine...What day is your plant??? The thing has fucking shot up since i added another 23watt 6500k cfl...I noticed that the growth on the inside wasent getting that much light but since i added it it has almost doubled...Your plant is looking good though...Take a look at my zombie plant in like 20 min ill have new pics of my setup and my plant...

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
will yeah i guess u know what im talkin bout with the lil sprouts close to the main stems...its day 11...i think all of my other seeds were duds, but they were really old...hopefully this one sprouting up was a miracle and it will stay with that and be a miracle lady! im lookin to get some ordered seeds n doin my research now on what to get...anybody with suggestions let me know...


Well-Known Member
looks like its a bit yellow did u just use normal dirt or good stuff? also a wise guy once told me that lumens (which is what u need to grow pot) they do not combine as in your could replace those 3 23watt globes with 1 23 watter and still have the same amount of lumens and save 46watts of power the only thing more lights is for is to space light out more evenly. looks like a nice plant tho.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
kinda good stuff...anyway yeah the flash makes it look WAY more yellow, but if i turn it off you cant see the plant lol...its pretty evenly green if you look at it in normal light so im not worried about that..i think that the spacing out of the lights is actually helping as the nodes are growing very tight and coming off to the sides in all different directions...thanks for the reply tho, and i will definitely consider that lumen thing later on but im not really worried about 100 or so watts right now...


Well-Known Member
ok no worries then each to there own suppose. yer its nice a short for a cfl grow. most of the ones i see are tall with hardly any leafs so maybe it is working.


Well-Known Member
Did u ever change your lights?? u may have but i don't feel like going through all the old posts...Also while lumens don't add up you always wanna give your plant as much light as u can why put just one 23 watt when u can have 3 as long as you keep the temps in order...

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
ya changed the lights a few im running 3 of the correct 6500k shouldnt be any changes til she gets taller and i will add one or two for side lighting or something...


Well-Known Member
How much water are you using on yours Ive had some issues with my cfl growth adding light made the temp spike to the low 90's.... Im thinking of grabbing a 105 watt daylight could of by now with all the money ive spent on 4 23 watt daylight lol..... I keep seeing that my plant will grow the same with one 23 watt as it will with 4 anyone know if this is bullshit or true... im getting pissed because i want to add light but if its just gonna make the temp go out the roof and not help my grow get bigger and stronger than why wast the money?