If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

Money out of politics. DONE! Public funding. People can run then. Not spooiled rich losers with no idea what it is to live here.
Spending limits on campaign funds? Equal advertising air time? Only speaking about what you’re going to do? (These ads are so stupid you never hear about the person running it’s always negative shit)

How about a third party? Did I go too far?
Many of us have paid our mortgages off or are close to finishing the last ones. And guns are green when used properly and as a management tool for natural wildlife health and sustainability. Read up on why we hunt animals still and the devastation your beef does to our planet.
Oh I meant no disrespect whatsoever. I have 2 guns and would NEVER EVER part with or give them up. Not to sound like a Trumper but, they can pry it out of my cold dead hands. If I had more time I would love to hunt for my own food. I'm so tired of the over processed bullshit that we eat.
we aren't cunts and we can afford better firearms than those welfare bitches.

i thought about buying a few huge bags of salt to preserve meat if the shit got really bad. hard to find so far.
Almost every grocery store sells water softening salt. I'm sure you can scrounge a couple big rocks and a box to pulverize it in. Works in a pinch.

And my welfare friends have better guns than most well to do folks. They understand what one should do. Looks are pointless.
i doubt that. any of those broke dicks have consecutive serial number Colt 45s? doubt it.
1911 a-1's. But that's just THE sidearm to have. How about ported polished .300 Win Mags with fluted barrels,custom triggers and modified hand carved stocks. Several in homes with vehicles worth less. All loading own ammo with Nossler ballistics. But the most valuable are worn Rueger, Rossi and Remington .22's. Along with Ithaca and Remington pump 12's. You'll never get it until it feeds you and your family. Respect your good fortune in life.
so JJ, here's the question: you, you got your nice driving cap on, suns out, which do you take up PCH1? the cobra or the tesla? side pipes on the cobra seals it for me. and you'd make Carroll very happy!!!!
that car was fast sitting still. the cobra almost killed me more than once......if it weren't for my tremendous "drifting" skills i wouldn't be here today....hahaha :o

P.S. I'd put the tesla on autopilot and hit the dab pipe........i wouldn't dare do that with the Shelby.... o_O