Nashville Tennessee RV terrorist attack.

Looks like the suspect list got narrowed and the recording source will be of interest. Seems they didn't want to kill cops on Christmas morning and this was a bit more sophisticated than usual. It has all the hallmarks of rightwing terrorism though, even to protecting their allies in the police force. Many of the local cops were on their side, that was evident from this summer's protests in cities across America and they didn't want to alienate them.

Has anyone owned up to it yet?
It's one of those things where they try to shift the blame to ANTIFA or some other fantasy group. The right wing loony probably won't claim anything, nothing to be proud of for them and it would turn the local cops against them. I think it was the work of one person though and not a group, but we shall see, groups are easier to catch than individuals.
Yep, it just shows how nuts people are when even satire gets eaten.
Speaking of which, the Tennessee governor should be looking at Whitmer and asking why she didn't do her duty.

Governors Call On Gretchen Whitmer To Shut Down Their States So Residents Won’t Get Mad At Them

LANSING, MI—In an effort to take decisive action against the rapid spread of the coronavirus, governors across the country called on Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer this week to shut down their states this week so their residents won’t get mad at them. “It is long overdue that we buckle down and urge Gretchen to really do us a solid and tell our constituents that she would be instituting an across-the-board shutdown because, frankly, we’re scared of what they might do to us,” said Arizona governor Doug Ducey, echoing the statements from dozens of public officials across the political spectrum who urged Whitmer to stop tiptoeing around the issue and simply face the wrath of residents of Alaska, Idaho, Minnesota, and many more states after she advised them to avoid large gatherings and shelter in place for the foreseeable future. “We need to see real leadership from Governor Whitmer: She must tell our constituents in no uncertain terms that she will be restricting their liberties in order to fight this deadly virus and that we, their governors, had no part in making these decisions, so they should direct any of their hatred or violence toward the Michigan governor’s mansion. It’s just common sense. Besides, most of these people already hate her, so what’s there to worry about?” The governors also stressed that it would also really help them out if she told their state’s protesters and police departments to chill out, too.

i'm confused what does this mean?
The troll was trying to convince people that Democrats are pro-rioting, but keeps mistaking lawful protesters for the hate mongering idiots like Kyle Rittenhouse that are rioting and murdering people in our cities.

Cities where the people that have been experiencing police brutality and are standing up for their rights and right wing dicks have been using for cover to spread their hate.