When is Covid19 Like Abortion?


Well-Known Member
The vast majority of people who oppose the gun lobby don't want guns taken away from people, we just want the same low levels of gun deaths that Canada and UK have.

I think the anger comes from the unstable times. Like it was in the sixties.
instability breeds fear and anger.


Well-Known Member
instability breeds fear and anger.
There are both good and bad reasons for the anxiety-driven fear and anger we are seeing today. I think the comp between the 60's and now is appropriate. In a lot of ways, the right wing white nationalist movement we have today is an outcome of LBJ's great society actions that included extending voting rights to minorities, desegregation of schools and the "war on poverty". So it's all one story. The comp is an echo and not a repeat of that past.

fun fact: the vote in the 60's was 90% white. Today it's more like 70%. In another ten years it will be about 55%.

A lot of white men are reeling over being told they are part of a privileged class. Despite all their advantages, they are failures. Imagine being told that to your face. That makes for a lot of anger too.

I wonder if, 50 years from now, millenials will look back fondly on these days like boomers do about the 60's.
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Well-Known Member
There are both good and bad reasons for the anxiety-driven fear and anger we are seeing today. I think the comp between the 60's and now is appropriate. In a lot of ways, the right wing white nationalist movement we have today is an outcome of LBJ's great society actions that included extending voting rights to minorities, desegregation of schools and the "war on poverty". So it's all one story. The comp is an echo and not a repeat of that past.

fun fact: the vote in the 60's was 90% white. Today it's more like 70%. In another ten years it will be about 55%.

A lot of white men are reeling over being told they are part of a privileged class but they are failures. That makes for a lot of anger too.

I wonder if, 50 years from now, millenials will look back fondly on these days like boomers do about the 60's.
don't kids always have fond memories of their childhoods?


Well-Known Member
he's schizophrenic..jesus why didn't his family do something?..they knew how sick he was.

he stripped naked before police took him into custody- wonder what the meaning was?..found it! under Disorganized Behavior the schizophrenic will remove their clothing in an inappropriate place and not know why.

it's actually a pretty sad illness because say for example you're depressed; you know you're not feeling right, symptoms and most go to the doctor for treatment. the schizophrenic mind doesn't know there is anything wrong with it because the tools we rely upon to tell us something is wrong ie depression are also broken.
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Well-Known Member
but to your point @schuylaar why drive to boulder? arvada probably has 4 or more king soopers, safeways, etc.

sometimes i wish the killer took his own life just for closure but sometimes i'd love to know the "why" behind it too.


Well-Known Member
The vast majority of people who oppose the gun lobby don't want guns taken away from people, we just want the same low levels of gun deaths that Canada and UK have.

I think the anger comes from the unstable times. Like it was in the sixties.


Well-Known Member
I did not read the three pages of comments, so no way of knowing how far OT I am. But I had an interesting conversation about covid and abortion at my local diner. It was way back when we thought a thousand dead a day was a lot. As usual I was the only one in the place wearing a mask. They had just gone from take out only to 25% capacity indoors. Passing the time until my pork chops were ready so I could get the hell out of there, I asked the waitress how they were doing with the new rules. She said it was crazy that they were having to do anything. I pointed out the daily average on a running weekly basis was hovering around 1000 dead per day. She said, well, there are over two thousand abortions a day and none of those liberals seem to give a damn about that. I really wanted to tell her you couldn't catch an abortion from someone breathing on you, but I didn't want spit in my mashed potatoes, so I just nodded and waited in silence.

I still get my porch chops to go. But the wife has had both shots and I've had my first. So we did stop in and eat breakfast the other day. It was after the rush, so not too crowded.