How to mitigate smelling like your garden so you don't get fired?

Just hose yourself down with Axe body spray afterwards, that'll keep people a good distance away.

Only problem with that is AXE is some nasty stuff. I wouldn't put that toxic stuff on my skin. Years ago I had some minor skin issues that wouldn't go away. I went to a dermatologist and as soon as he walked in the room he asked if I was wearing cologne. I said no but I did use AXE body wash. He looked at my skin and then said to stop using the AXE and instead use a fragrance free hypoallergenic soap. I did that and my skin cleared up in a couple weeks. The damn AXE was causing my skin issues. That stuff is nasty.
Only problem with that is AXE is some nasty stuff. I wouldn't put that toxic stuff on my skin. Years ago I had some minor skin issues that wouldn't go away. I went to a dermatologist and as soon as he walked in the room he asked if I was wearing cologne. I said no but I did use AXE body wash. He looked at my skin and then said to stop using the AXE and instead use a fragrance free hypoallergenic soap. I did that and my skin cleared up in a couple weeks. The damn AXE was causing my skin issues. That stuff is nasty.
100% agree, I never used it but I worked with another guy who smoked a blunt every lunch break, then sprayed Axe all over himself and no one would go near enough to him to even catch a hint of the blunt smoke. He used to spray it at me just to get a reaction because I'd jump out of the way LOL
When Mr. Thompson at the office has said anything to me, I blame it Jackson, down in the mailroom. I say that it must be him since he always is talking about how he goes to that Jazz club on the other side of town. Then I invite Mr. Thompson to have a 3 martini lunch with me and he forgets all about it.
I've been wondering the same thing
You guys obviously don't have wives with sensitive noses. I actually ran dozens of smoke/vape/edible smell tests through her before going into work at my last job. She saved my ass more times then I can count. For instance, most people don't think about the fact that edibles, especially homemade, will make you stink like weed. And if you belch, you will belch a mean weed cloud that you yourself will be immune to; you will not smell or be aware of it, just like any other form of consuming cannabis the user is almost always unaware of the degree to which they reek. Thank her and god that she figured that out before a coworker ever did.

And more to the point of both of your curiosities', she could sense -smell- whether I touched the stem of a branch once or mangled the poor girl removing 10 baby moth caterpillars.

So forgive me, I misspoke, when I said "get near," I just meant touched a stem (in flower) and perhaps my forearm barely grazed a branch while doing so, and then I cleaned myself up and she could still smell it. And I'm grateful she informed me, she has never been wrong before. I have doublechecked her findings in the past with other close friends and they confirmed; they had to get close, but yes they could smell it.

If none of you have ever had to go to these lengths, be grateful that your life is setup in the way it is. I don't have the luxury to throw caution to the wind. Cannabis is medicine for me at the end of the day, and I'm not going to stop medicating, so I thought why keep buying from dispensaries and instead grow myself. I knew any contact with cannabis plants could linger, and even a 3 foot white widow, touching barely just once, can make you reek for hours. Don't believe it, that's fine. You do you, I'll take care of myself.

Anyone in the world can do what I do for a living, but they pay me better than about 99% of everyone else doing it.

Coveralls, armor sleeves with Tyvek suit over everything with rubber gloves it is. Then I'll do about 2 dozen wife-tests on the weekends till I know it's working and I don't smell. If not, hell with it, I'll give away my seed collection and just keep making dispenseries RAF.
You guys obviously don't have wives with sensitive noses. I actually ran dozens of smoke/vape/edible smell tests through her before going into work at my last job. She saved my ass more times then I can count. For instance, most people don't think about the fact that edibles, especially homemade, will make you stink like weed. And if you belch, you will belch a mean weed cloud that you yourself will be immune to; you will not smell or be aware of it, just like any other form of consuming cannabis the user is almost always unaware of the degree to which they reek. Thank her and god that she figured that out before a coworker ever did.

And more to the point of both of your curiosities', she could sense -smell- whether I touched the stem of a branch once or mangled the poor girl removing 10 baby moth caterpillars.

So forgive me, I misspoke, when I said "get near," I just meant touched a stem (in flower) and perhaps my forearm barely grazed a branch while doing so, and then I cleaned myself up and she could still smell it. And I'm grateful she informed me, she has never been wrong before. I have doublechecked her findings in the past with other close friends and they confirmed; they had to get close, but yes they could smell it.

If none of you have ever had to go to these lengths, be grateful that your life is setup in the way it is. I don't have the luxury to throw caution to the wind. Cannabis is medicine for me at the end of the day, and I'm not going to stop medicating, so I thought why keep buying from dispensaries and instead grow myself. I knew any contact with cannabis plants could linger, and even a 3 foot white widow, touching barely just once, can make you reek for hours. Don't believe it, that's fine. You do you, I'll take care of myself.

Anyone in the world can do what I do for a living, but they pay me better than about 99% of everyone else doing it.

Coveralls, armor sleeves with Tyvek suit over everything with rubber gloves it is. Then I'll do about 2 dozen wife-tests on the weekends till I know it's working and I don't smell. If not, hell with it, I'll give away my seed collection and just keep making dispenseries RAF.

Edibles never made me “ smell “ like weed , my Atomica brownies i make are about as loaded as it can be tolerated. Palate heavy but that’s it. Eyes look raw but all good.

Belching weed ? WTH ? Ummm no.
Wife tests ? LOL.

What it really looks like is that you are overly paranoid . Im around plants daily NOBODY i mean NOBODY has ever said anything about a weed odor coming off of me….. Unless we are actually doing a sesh. Wash yo ass maybe , put garlic in your shoes or make tinctures and consume that way. Sounds more like a” hygiene “ issue under the guise of cannabis use. Does your teeth look like broken pottery ?
Deodorant ? Toofpaste ? Loofa on a stick ? Maybe instead of Tyvek try listerene.

Try to help … peace. :bigjoint:
Edibles never made me “ smell “ like weed , my Atomica brownies i make are about as loaded as it can be tolerated. Palate heavy but that’s it. Eyes look raw but all good.

Belching weed ? WTH ? Ummm no.
Wife tests ? LOL.

What it really looks like is that you are overly paranoid . Im around plants daily NOBODY i mean NOBODY has ever said anything about a weed odor coming off of me….. Unless we are actually doing a sesh. Wash yo ass maybe , put garlic in your shoes or make tinctures and consume that way. Sounds more like a” hygiene “ issue under the guise of cannabis use. Does your teeth look like broken pottery ?
Deodorant ? Toofpaste ? Loofa on a stick ? Maybe instead of Tyvek try listerene.

Try to help … peace. :bigjoint:

Never smelled, yeah keep tellin' yourself that. Obviously no one cares that's around you. Big difference. And yes, weed burp is a real thing. My edibles are also "loaded."

You say paranoid, I say gainfully employed. I could also say you're carefree. But then again this post wasn't meant for answers like yours that contribute absolutely nothing.
It was the ridiculousness of tyvek suit testing that screams paranoia. Being that now a days people try to stay away from others it only highlights your thinking . I deal with vendors , agents , staff etc. i just dont get close enough to smell them….. or their “ burps “.

Dont take the ribbing so personal ..
I used to run home on lunch for years to take a few bong hits. All I did was gargle with listerine before heading back. Nobody ever smelled anything. This was in an office environment with people sitting right next to me.

You're hand is going to smell like weed if you squeeze the flowers but that's easily washed off. And then an application of some scented hand lotion and you're good to go. Half the people on this site smoke all day long and interact with other people daily without smelling like weed.

There is just no way that you're going to be reeking of weed from the minimal contact you have with one 3 ft outdoor plant. It's not like you're out there naked hugging it.