How to mitigate smelling like your garden so you don't get fired?

It sounds like a gamble your willing to take, and its your career etc so why not just put on the hazmat suit and do what you gotta do

That's the plan. But I thought I would get any ideas from the community before committing time and resources to any one concept.
A bit of flip flop there chief. “ Concern “ is nobody’s business ? You put the scenario out front .. you.

I can guarantee nobody on this site walks around in a tyvek or pressure suit trying to stymie odor . Whats glaring in this strange “ what if “ is that if you get a drug test then what ? Hair follicle dont lie. 90 odd days of worry right there and no smell test required.
Thanks @Budzbuddha for kicking my ass to do my homework!

Now I know why you're so butthurt! You assumed the test and recommended synthetic urine for someone who was dipsticking clean :lol: and I called you on it!

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Entire thread:
A bit of flip flop there chief. “ Concern “ is nobody’s business ? You put the scenario out front .. you.

I can guarantee nobody on this site walks around in a tyvek or pressure suit trying to stymie odor . Whats glaring in this strange “ what if “ is that if you get a drug test then what ? Hair follicle dont lie. 90 odd days of worry right there and no smell test required.

One issue at a time buddy. I'm not going to freak out about everything. Though follicle test is definitely a concern. And if that comes to pass well then I guess my card will get pulled then won't it. I put that in the cross that bridge category, and yeah it would be life changing, but I'd be okay with it. But again, I will take every precaution known to me otherwise.

Maybe I thought I could grow loud strains so I picked them up, maybe I'm moving to 1,000 acre property next season and am stocking up, Maybe I am just a seed hoarding addict. Maybe who cares.

Point is that the "why" of it is my concern, and I didn't ask for any advice in that respect. So please don't try to dissect my strain purchasing habits and compare them with why I can't smell like a cannabis garden. Any strain will smell like weed as I understand it, some less some more.
Thanks @Budzbuddha for kicking my ass to do my homework!

Now I know why you're so butthurt! You assumed the test and recommended synthetic urine for someone who was dipsticking clean :lol: and I called you on it!

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Entire thread:

It's cute that you think you know what you're talking about.
I don't find that the smell sticks to me to be honest, but I have odor control to the max in my grow space anyway. After trimming, sure, but my daily waterings etc, nobody would know the difference.
Now now don't be modest :)
Ya I know I was really pumping my own trumpet there. I know alot of people dont have it good like I do. fact is I can do literally everything in the shop. I work mainly on the CNC machines but I am also a finisher and my hands are generally the last ones that touch anything before it's shipped. I put alot of time and hard work into my trade and now I can relax. If they wanted to fire me they'd have to pay me out basically a years pay and they'd be fucked without someone to do what I do. We've hired many people and nobody has ever worked out. (I've also known the owner since I was 18 and may have hooked him up with some killer buds back in the day)
I even had my Dr write my work a note that says I can smoke weed all day and I'm fine to perform the tasks at work just incase some of the other guys complained about it.
My boss said to me today 'we got alot of shit to do today you gotta jump between blah and blah' to which I replied 'you know it's friday and I've been fishing on the peir before work right? And I'm off on monday sooo ......'
Then I opened his case of bubly and took one while eating a popsicle. Lol 0 fucks given
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Yeah me too, he's got us!
I was over at the folks place and their cat was going nuts on my shoes my moms picks up my shoe and smells it (ya wtf) and she's says your shoes smell like marijuana! That's why the cats like them. I said ...your cat likes cannabis? She said ' the weed kinda smells like catnip so she prob thinks it's catnip'. I nearly died laughing.
I do consume alot. I mean I smoke 3-4 doobs a g each just making BBQ (and maybe a tallboy or 2). Plus a dab before. Generally take my 'canna caps' daily too.
I was over at the folks place and their cat was going nuts on my shoes my moms picks up my shoe and smells it (ya wtf) and she's says your shoes smell like marijuana! That's why the cats like them. I said ...your cat likes cannabis? She said ' the weed kinda smells like catnip so she prob thinks it's catnip'. I nearly died laughing.
Cat ratted you out to your mom LOL and she sniffed your shoe!!! SRSLY!! OMG that's funny
Ya I know I was really pumping my own trumpet there. I know alot of people dont have it good like I do. fact is I can do literally everything in the shop. I work mainly on the CNC machines but I am also a finisher and my hands are generally the last ones that touch anything before it's shipped. I put alot of time and hard work into my trade and now I can relax. If they wanted to fire me they'd have to pay me out basically a years pay and they'd be fucked without someone to do what I do. We've hired many people and nobody has ever worked out. (I've also known the owner since I was 18 and may have hooked him up with some killer buds back in the day)
I even had my Dr write my work a note that says I can smoke weed all day and I'm fine to perform the tasks at work just incase some of the other guys complained about it.
My boss said to me today 'we got alot of shit to do today you gotta jump between blah and blah' to which I replied 'you know it's friday and I've been fishing on the peir before work right? And I'm off on monday sooo ......'
Then I opened his case of bubly and took one while eating a popsicle. Lol 0 fucks given

Don't give them my number.......
Lol come on here to hate? All good. Thick skin.
Don't hate the player hate the game...son
Hey aren't you the guy who came into my thread about vac sealing saying to not vac seal and just put weed into a black bucket? Very useful info. I'm really worried you can out cad me

No, I told you what I did and wanted to see what you came up with and also asked for you to post your experience. How'd it go?
