The dream is dead.

Hell yeah, I remember him!. I always loved to watch wrestling

Side note - this thread turned out weird. Also, I am doing a relay this weekend out to Wyoming, possibly Laramie. I've been there once already and I could see the FRONT RANGE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS from the Petro truckstop, it was so awesome. I can't wait to go see again. The speed limit in Wyoming is 85 mph, soooo yeah I'm pumped up right now just thinking about it


Fucking Americans ruined the thread with their me, me, me, forced prostitution child and animal abuse!! :P
This post is a joke!!

@Roger A. Shrubber your a pathetic little sook but!!! That's not a joke!!
Cool story, bro! Does it help you get past the knowledge that you beat your dog, beat your woman, forced her to work as a prostitute and engage in dangerous and extremely unpleasant sex work with strangers in seedy Wyoming motels, while your fat, sweating ass waited in the parking lot to take her money for your own use? Does it make up for the fact that your own family had to take your kid and move her an ocean away because your "lifestyle choices" made you an unfit parent?

I don't hate you - you're not worth it. I'm not a perfect man by any means but my wife and family love me and live with me. I've never hurt one of my pets, my wife or my kid.

I realize that your opinion of yourself is such that you think you matter, but I do not care a bit about what you think of me.

Do your own research! :)
Yet somehow you can never just let go. It consumes you.
And the Battle of the Coral Sea wasn't very Australian. There are a shitload of battles that were, but that wasn't.

just sayin
The histories of the conflict that I have read don’t say much about Australian involvement beyond mentioning ANZAC contributions to the greater effort.

Come to think of it, not all even mention the opening stages on Chinese territory beyond cursory mention of Chennault’s American Volunteer Group.
The histories of the conflict that I have read don’t say much about Australian involvement beyond mentioning ANZAC contributions to the greater effort.

Come to think of it, not all even mention the opening stages on Chinese territory beyond cursory mention of Chennault’s American Volunteer Group.
The Australian navy made a major contribution to the doomed defense of Indonesia and were magnificent in New Guinea and other Southwest Pacific battles. The brave contribution of Australisn coastwatchers was critical, especially in the early war.
Fucking Americans ruined the thread with their me, me, me, forced prostitution child and animal abuse!! :P
This post is a joke!!

@Roger A. Shrubber your a pathetic little sook but!!! That's not a joke!!
Its funny isnt it? A post about Australian house prices and it becomes all about America and then they complain when we talk about
Yes, a war we were dragged into due to the Poms. Australians have shed life in nearly every corner of the globe.
You are aware that Japan never had plans to invade Australia don't you?
I think there were plans, but top leadership decided against them. They were already pretty extended in Asia and Manchuria. They did nibble on the northern edge of the continent, and repelling them from New Guinea was seen as of strategic importance iirc.

I think there were plans, but top leadership decided against them. They were already pretty extended in Asia and Manchuria. They did nibble on the northern edge of the continent, and repelling them from New Guinea was seen as of strategic importance iirc.

A proposal isnt a plan.
Was no plan for Japan to invade Australia. Which is what your wiki link agrees with.

Not sure what any of that has to do with Australia's housing prices....
A proposal isnt a plan.
Was no plan for Japan to invade Australia. Which is what your wiki link agrees with.
It is difficult to propose without even a rudimentary plan.

No plan entirely? No.

No serious plan? Yes.

That said, we didn’t have an ear to the ground in Tokyo, so we had to equate capability with threat.
Narcissist? Yeah, because that's exactly the kind of person who will reach out a helping hand.

You're a sad, broken person who hates so much he can't tell when he's describing himself.
Ya know, you really are something.

What help were you giving the girl that you beat and forced to fuck strangers? Was it that you let her keep a fraction of her money?

The best thing you ever did for anybody was let someone else raise your child. What did it take to get you to do that? My guess is that your brother threatened to cut off your trust fund.

Morality is easy for miserable narcissistic pieces of shit like you: anybody who doesn't recognize how special you are is evil.