
@schuylaar :
Your not believing envious lying puke mouth.
I never have more than 4 female dromedaries for being very poor Muslim man (but very clean and very honest), and better female camel with eyes like moons reflected at night in oasis, die to my Muslim man the other day.
Hey Johnny WAD, how could you possibly have 4 wives and really Love each and everyone of them, do you consider the feelings of the other 3 women, there are a multitude of examples of unfulfilled women stuck in polygamous relationships. If one of your 4 wives decided to get her satisfaction "on the side" wouldn't you believe it was your right to do a " Honor Killing" of her because her unfaithfulness damaged your pride. WHAT ABOUT HER PRIDE in seeing her "husband "1 week a month, any answers for that, ALLAH AKBAR
Hey Johnny WAD, how could you possibly have 4 wives and really Love each and everyone of them, do you consider the feelings of the other 3 women, there are a multitude of examples of unfulfilled women stuck in polygamous relationships. If one of your 4 wives decided to get her satisfaction "on the side" wouldn't you believe it was your right to do a " Honor Killing" of her because her unfaithfulness damaged your pride. WHAT ABOUT HER PRIDE in seeing her "husband "1 week a month, any answers for that, ALLAH AKBAR

You are one of those who when the Prophet points his finger at the moon, they stare at the shit under his fingernail..

I don't know what will happen to women... but female camels are not jealous.
You are one of those who when the Prophet points his finger at the moon, they stare at the shit under his fingernail..

I don't know what will happen to women... but female camels are not jealous.
I'm not sure which planet your rhetoric comes from, maybe if you followed the true Koran you would respect all(non Muslims included) as most Muslims do, discounting those brainwashed in radical Madrassas.
I'm not sure which planet your rhetoric comes from, maybe if you followed the true Koran you would respect all(non Muslims included) as most Muslims do, discounting those brainwashed in radical Madrassas.

You are more lost with me than poor Abd al-Rahman ibn Mu'awiya ibn Hisham ibn 'Abd al-Malik when he thought the Abbasids invited him to a candy party....
And now I am very serious: is the first thing you always ask a Christian is about the Inquisition and the Ku Kux Klan? Or about other Christian fanatics?
I may not share your Christianity, but I value someone like St. Teresa of Jesus enough to know that you don't all burn heretics or crosses with blacks in the middle.

And you guys can say (seriously or jokingly?) that Muslim men, in general, all of them, mistreat and hate women...and I can't even laugh at you ?!!!?
Then let's all swallow unpeeled prickly pears.

Said a local wise man:
من ليس لديه حس الفكاهة دعه يغادر هذه البلدة.
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How would you recommend they be suppressed?

Personally, I'm more interested in what my political leaders would recommend. But because you asked, I can think of three ways off the top of my head.

1) Counter every move made to suppress voting rights and expand ways that make it easier to legally cast a ballot.
2) Aggressively prosecute criminal action that threaten the trend toward multicultural democracy. This includes acts of domestic terrorism, hate crimes, every criminal act DFT's administration did to destabilize our government, the Big Lie and it's aftermath. Part of this effort would include legislation to prevent attacks upon election process itself.
3) Neuter and then weed out fascists from police departments by offloading calls that do not need trained gunmen to better trained staff, reduce the numbers of armed police force. Implement independent oversight of that reduced force with oversight boards who must report their progress to the public and submit to elections in order to hold office.
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ONLY WOMAN !!! (Or female goats...I am short for dromedaries) DO YOU HAVE GOATS ?
Are you deliberately dumbing down your English or are you just having difficulty with posting in a second language?

In your post, are you lusting after the fat tailed type of sheep that Imams are so concerned about and how they cause the thoughts of young men to go astray? The skinny tailed sheep are OK, though. According to some local traditions, that is. Goats, not so much.

Does this picture make your weenie wag or is it the second one?


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Are you deliberately dumbing down your English or are you just having difficulty with posting in a second language?

In your post, are lusting after the fat tailed type of sheep that Imams are so concerned about and how they cause the thoughts of young men to go astray. The skinny tailed sheep are OK, though. According to some local traditions, that is. Goats, not so much.

Does this picture make your weenie wag or is it the second one?

View attachment 5075493

View attachment 5075494

For the dog that bit the Prophet! How well you know of our most impious inclinations and deviations, and how they keep our poor Imam in a state of being unable to life costantly ...but only because he wants them all for himself.
But Russia is a different and more dangerous animal than the U.S.S.R.
The future always seems scarier than the past. Isn't that most often the product of fear of the unknown? I wasn't alive when Stalin was in control but from what I have read he was a scary man. Holodomor is one of the most brutal actions a government has ever perpetrated upon its own people.
The future always seems scarier than the past. Isn't that most often the product of fear of the unknown? I wasn't alive when Stalin was in control but from what I have read he was a scary man. Holodomor is one of the most brutal actions a government has ever perpetrated upon its own people.

Certain. But Stalin seized the power Trotsky was to inherit by force, and it was a government immediately repudiated. He was a murderous mad barbarian like Hitler. But I think that in the last USSR (with all its great failures) there were not just pure power intentions as with the rulers of post-USSR Russia.
Certain. But Stalin seized the power Trotsky was to inherit by force, and it was a government immediately repudiated. He was a murderous mad barbarian like Hitler. But I think that in the last USSR (with all its great failures) there were not just pure power intentions as with the rulers of post-USSR Russia.
So I should just laugh off the thing about "we will bury you"?

I don't think Putin has said anything like that. He's scary too, though. I was bitten by a small dog when I was delivering newspapers as a kid.
So I should just laugh off the thing about "we will bury you"?

I don't think Putin has said anything like that. He's scary too, though. I was bitten by a small dog when I was delivering newspapers as a kid.

Damn you, you heretic dog!!!! Are you comparing yourself to the Prophet? ...but come to think of it, between a tender child and a bony Prophet, I would have bitten you before too...