
I'm glad that at least you get rid of the cloak of hypocrisy and show yourself as you are. We already have one of the so-called champions of human rights, celebrating torture and war crimes. As the local saying goes:

كنا أكثر من ثلاثمائة وضربناهم حتى الموت. مما يدل على
أن الله سيختارنا دائمًا في الجانب "الصالح" ... طالما أننا
."أكثر بكثير من الجانب "السيئ
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Heh, heh, heh... If it is that precisely talking the other day about human rights with an American friend, he told me: "Ahhh... Guantanamo is so beautiful... and the Guantanamo women..." (...Especially if they are like my cousin and half countrywoman Lucrecia, heh, heh, I thought...) Well that, how beautiful is Guantanamo...

Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crecen las palmas
Y antes de morir yo quiero
Echar mis versos del alma

No me pongan en lo oscuro
A morir como un traídor
Yo soy bueno y como bueno
Moriré de cara al sol.

Con los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
El arroyo de la sierra
Me complace mas que el mar.

Tiene el leopardo un abrigo
En su monte seco y pardo
Yo tengo más que el leopardo
Porque tengo un buen amigo...
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Putin the runt is scary.
Putin is def. scary,but not insane,If I were the Ukranian Gov. knowing my country was about to be steamrolled by Russia now might be a good time to let them know that SURPRISE,Ukraine held on to a handful of tactical nukes during the post Cold War disarmament. Remember how during this time it was stated that the numbers didn't quite match up meaning everything was not exactly accounted for. I'm not talking about large yield ICBM warheads or large gravity bombs, but I think it was out there that some suitcase nukes had come up missing from the count. I'm well aware of the fact that Ukraine is infested w/Russian FSB and intelligence assets, but how could they really know for sure? Just a random thought that passed in my head, at this point Ukraine should try anything to deter a bloody slav vs. slav conflict.
Time ago, E.U.-Russia frontiers: Interception of Putin's Defense Minister's plane and his escort:

Interception of two Putin Su-30s:

no, we wouldn't have been trying to stop him, he would already have the Ukraine, because trump would have let him do whatever he wanted, don't want to shut off that russian cash that's so important now that deutschebank won't touch his slimy ass anymore...

no, we wouldn't have been trying to stop him, he would already have the Ukraine, because trump would have let him do whatever he wanted, don't want to shut off that russian cash that's so important now that deutschebank won't touch his slimy ass anymore...
Why didn't Vlad move on Ukraine while Trump was in power and in his pocket? I figure they might be a hostage, a negotiating chip, because Joe is somehow putting the heat on Vlad and causing him to act stupid. I think America is making moves to cut off Russian oil exports and kick them out of SWIFT and this might be part of something bigger. Joe ain't gonna forget all the attacks on America, from the election, to a major cyber breech and attacks on diplomats by mysterious means. I have a feeling Vlad is dancing and reacting, it looks like he's being subtilty attacked and hurt. His latest dumb moves have strengthened NATO and a US president always gets a war boost at the polls, especially with this kind of war and this kind of enemy. Even Sweden and Finland are considering joining NATO now, as is Ireland. Vlad must have taken a stupid pill, or the CIA has been working overtime quietly jerking his chain.
Why didn't Vlad move on Ukraine while Trump was in power and in his pocket? I figure they might be a hostage, a negotiating chip, because Joe is somehow putting the heat on Vlad and causing him to act stupid. I think America is making moves to cut off Russian oil exports and kick them out of SWIFT and this might be part of something bigger. Joe ain't gonna forget all the attacks on America, from the election, to a major cyber breech and attacks on diplomats by mysterious means. I have a feeling Vlad is dancing and reacting, it looks like he's being subtilty attacked and hurt. His latest dumb moves have strengthened NATO and a US president always gets a war boost at the polls, especially with this kind of war and this kind of enemy. Even Sweden and Finland are considering joining NATO now, as is Ireland. Vlad must have taken a stupid pill, or the CIA has been working overtime quietly jerking his chain.
because it didn't suit his purposes then, and he hadn't had time to set things in motion...
putin wanted to weaken the transatlantic alliance, and trump shits on European allies and NATO
putin wanted to disrupt America's dominance on the world trade scene, and trump pushes for an all out trade war with the EU
putin wants to spread anti-American sentiment, and trump shits on our European allies again..
putin wants to get out from under U.S, sanctions, and trump does everything in his power to drop them
putin wants to legitimize his dictatorship, and trump kisses his ass between every word
putin wants to legitimize his invasion of Crimea, and trump says Crimea is part of russia, and can't we all just get along
it was just a matter of timing...trump lost, or putin would have already been sitting in Kyiv assigning puppets to do his bidding...you know, puppets, like trump
i think fucker carlson is a closet communist, and getting dangerously close to being a traitor. are we at all sure that he isn't an emplaced asset for putin to employ? sure seems that way to me....
Well, we know he’s a shallow, vengeful little monkey…and we know he has an entitlement streak a mile wide. I also think he really hates his dad, Randall (worth looking up). Good or bad, he was content to be a reasonably respected upper-mid national functionary for several administrations - and clearly, respectability is of no interest to Choker
Blackmailed, hell - guaranteed citizenship in the new-order USA in payment for bringing the federal government to it knees and forcing/enabling the replacement of the constitution we have with the constitution required for the New USA. For details on that constitution, read about the constitution Pinochet forced on the Chilean people (it took Chile 40 years to get rid of it). It was written by Charles Koch’s (now-deceased) economic-Leninist adviser, James Buchanan, who’s the ‘mastermind’ behind what we could call tea-party economics (dating from the SCOTUS Brown v Board of Education decision desegregating the schools in Little Rock, AR).

Carlson, Eastman, Wood, Gaetz, Meadows, Hannity, McConnell, etc: bought and paid for - all-in on the new confederacy…this long march has been going on in secret since before I was born (and I’m *OLD*). I just happened to grow up where I could see it.
Tucker is already rich and heir to a vast frozen food fortune, he is not doing this for money, he's doing it because he's a narcist asshole who is a ratings and attention whore. He believes none of the horse shit he reads from a script written by others. The elitist preppy preaches antivaxx bullshit and Russian propaganda to his white trash audience, while vaxxed, boosted and working under vaccine mandates at Foxnews. Tucker is on the wrong side of history and might be on the wrong side of a war soon.
Blackmailed, hell - guaranteed citizenship in the new-order USA in payment for bringing the federal government to it knees and forcing/enabling the replacement of the constitution we have with the constitution required for the New USA. For details on that constitution, read about the constitution Pinochet forced on the Chilean people (it took Chile 40 years to get rid of it). It was written by Charles Koch’s (now-deceased) economic-Leninist adviser, James Buchanan, who’s the ‘mastermind’ behind what we could call tea-party economics (dating from the SCOTUS Brown v Board of Education decision desegregating the schools in Little Rock, AR).

Carlson, Eastman, Wood, Gaetz, Meadows, Hannity, McConnell, etc: bought and paid for - all-in on the new confederacy…this long march has been going on in secret since before I was born (and I’m *OLD*). I just happened to grow up where I could see it.

I suppose there is irony in "economic Lenisist adviser", isn't there?
