
Can’t comment on the other thread because idiots ban you when you make points above their pay grade.

USA don’t want to fight because you would be battered by Russia.

Sending your wet ass, woke troops against Russians would be like pissing into the wind.

Mind your own business. The world is still laughing/crying at the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The idea of senile, kid sniffing Biden give ultimatums to putin is hilarious.

Ukraine has no business joining NATO or EU.
I reread this and it got funnier.

1) Nobody wants war.
2) The US has the technology & budget that dwarfs other nations. Not proud of that.
3) The US should have learned from the Soviet fiasco in Afghanistan.
4) NATO was created to thwart aggression & the Ukrainians can decide what they want to join.
5) Rhetoric about TV shows, movies, & Biden are just that.
6) You're a troll & I'm getting perspectives from citizens of Ukraine, not trolls.

Congratulations, you are only the 3rd person to make it to my ignore list.
Whelp, here it is, Putin is saying there is a diplomatic way out.

Expect him to shift back to saber rattling when his demands are not met.
Whelp, here it is, Putin is saying there is a diplomatic way out.

Expect him to shift back to saber rattling when his demands are not met.
He plays chess well, this is a deflection, a pawn lost
Putin having security grievances is laughable. The same shit the GOP is doing today, playing victim. When has NATO aggressively attacked? He'll pull back, continue an economic and propaganda warfare behind the scenes and wait.

Kasparov articulates my thoughts very well here:

Putin having security grievances is laughable. The same shit the GOP is doing today, playing victim. When has NATO aggressively attacked? He'll pull back, continue an economic and propaganda warfare behind the scenes and wait.

Kasparov articulates my thoughts very well here:

I'm there with you on this, dude.

Dirty money from kleptocrats, especially Putin and his crime family is a big, big problem, not just in Ukraine or the US but everywhere. US banks are up to their navels in this shit. Not just there but Swiss and UK financial centers. The list of former leaders of G7 states that are corrupted by it and use their special access to influence for Putin are Germany's Gerhard Schroeder, UK's Tony Blair and of course, Trump.

In his book, Kleptopia, author Tom Burgis, a reporter for the Financial Times based in London, claims that half of all dirty money worldwide goes to the US to be laundered, invested mostly in real estate and used to corrupt democratic states or stashed for the day they oligarch needs to flee. It's my guess that Trump owns the Republican Party, not just because of the violent idiots who support him but because Putin provided Trump with information he can use against party leadership. They are terrified of him for the dirty secrets he holds on them. Very much like Nixon's hold on Republicans in his day, except then the secrets came from Hoover's FBI. One wonders if Manchin is towing Trump's line for the same reason. As in, "that's a nice boat you have there Joe, it would be a shame if anything happened to it" like get it taken away because it was paid for after you were bought.
Just wondering if America has thought of an excuse to invade Russia yet or occupy the Ukraine? 39 pages of bomb Russia and were are we at?
Just wondering if America has thought of an excuse to invade Russia yet or occupy the Ukraine? 39 pages of bomb Russia and were are we at?
Putin doesn't want war with the US, NATO, or anyone else. He'll be destroyed by soldiers or their trainees with years of recent experience in asymmetrical warfare. Biden doesn't want war because Americans are war weary. But we do have the troops, experience, equipment, satellites, air and naval power to wreck whatever force comes along. Maybe we'll even take back Crimea for Ukraine.
Putin doesn't want war with the US, NATO, or anyone else. He'll be destroyed by soldiers or their trainees with years of recent experience in asymmetrical warfare. Biden doesn't want war because Americans are war weary. But we do have the troops, experience, equipment, satellites, air and naval power to wreck whatever force comes along. Maybe we'll even take back Crimea for Ukraine.
INVADE RUSSIA? Historically this is not a good idea, and while Russia would lose a conventional war W/NATO(Putin admits this himself) he has more than enough nukes to make sure everyone loses.
Just wondering if America has thought of an excuse to invade Russia yet or occupy the Ukraine? 39 pages of bomb Russia and were are we at?
you pathetic little wombat...America doesn't need an excuse. if we wanted to invade, we would have already done it, and you would be crying about that instead of this. and why would we occupy Ukraine? we want them to have free and fair elections, and to run their own country...pootin is the one that wants to invade and is are threatening war...of course, you've already predicided the outcome of anything America is involved in...What does it feel like to be wrong 95+% of the time?